| IsabellaSush
March 15, 2022 6:47:59 AM
Entry #: 4346563
| ??ll? ?ll, guys! I kn?w, my me???g? may b? t?? s??c?f??, ?ut m? ?ist?r found ni?? man here and th?? m?rr?ed, ?? how ?bout me?! :) I ?m 25 ???rs old, ???bella, fr?m Ukr??ne, ? know Engli?h and G?rm?n l?ngu?ges ?ls? And... I h?ve ???c?f?c d?s?as?, n?m?d n?mph?man?a. ?ho kn?w wh?t ?s th?s, ?an under?t?nd me (b?tter to s?? ?t ?mmed?atel?) Ah ye?, ? ??ok v?r? tast?! and ? lov? not only co?k )) ?m real girl, n?t prostitut?, ?nd look?ng for s?r?ous ?nd hot relat??nsh?p... Anywa?, y?u ??n f?nd my ?rofil? h?r?: #l?nk