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Author TOPIC: Rigby/Seuffert
The Greek

March 21, 2022
9:50:23 PM

Entry #: 4346633
Are you kidding me? Seuffert averages 77 points per game. Rigby 57. This will be a blowout. Seuffert by 12! Until he proves me wrong I’m staying on the Seuffert band wagon.

Butt Head

March 21, 2022
10:40:04 PM

Entry #: 4346635
Wasn't Colin one of the top players in the League a few years back?? What the hell happened? Is he running after errant 12 year olds all day long, so he's gassed for the games?? I expect Rigby to wake up and get his team a "W", but it won't happen if he scores a whopping ten points. Come on RIGBY! Show some freakin' pride.

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