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Author TOPIC: Game of the Night! Moore v Phil!
The Greek

March 21, 2022
9:55:49 PM

Entry #: 4346634
Hate to say it, but my pick to go all the way, takes it on the chin tomorrow!! Phil has too many weapons and while Big Boy will get his 30, not enough of a supporting cast. And NO, Brian J will not drop 5 3’s in this one. He’ll get plenty of attention and won’t get many open looks! Conover by 6!!

Butt Head

March 21, 2022
10:43:21 PM

Entry #: 4346636

The Greek shows his true colors by bailing on his Chosen Ones, after two games. Wow, what conviction! The Greek is what they call in Texas, "All Hat and No Cattle". More like guts to stick to his convictions. GUTLESS.

The Greek

March 22, 2022
9:52:32 AM

Entry #: 4346645
Butt Head, pull your head out!! As a semi thinking adult, the Greek is allowed to follow his brains and this one doesn't look good for Big Boy............. I am not changing my little mind.

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