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Author TOPIC: Upset alert!!!! Seuffert/Rigby
The Oracle

May 9, 2022
4:57:00 PM

Entry #: 4347277
Seuffert uncharacteristically quiet last game against the upstart Rigby and only won by two. Can't afford another snoozer tomorrow. But alas, the ringer that Rigby somehow hooked early this season (Mr. Phelan) will be outstanding tomorrow, while the Spider (Shawn Hoagland) will continue to defy his age and be big in the upset. It won't be easy, but somehow Rigby gets it done in a nailbiter.......... By two!!

The Doctor

May 9, 2022
5:38:20 PM

Entry #: 4347279
Hate to rain on the Greek's one man parade, but the reason Seuffert almost ran the table this year, is because they were the best team. Nichols/Barr/Maloney and Seuffert RAINED threes this year and this game no different. Seuffert gets 10 plus threes and goes on to get the well deserved win against Rigby, who cannot keep up. By 7.

The Oracle

May 10, 2022
10:07:29 AM

Entry #: 4347284
Another malpractice claim in the offing for the Doctor with his misbegotten belief in the infallibility of Seuffert. Rigby's tribe of Scots are ready to rumble and won't be taking any prisoners................ A repeat of Agincourt where a supposedly inferior squad tramples it's opponent.......... Only 605 years later.

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