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Author TOPIC: Newspaper story
Mike Richmond

June 10, 2022
4:15:54 PM

Entry #: 4347742
The June editions of eight neighborhood newspapers have a story and photos about Gerry Elias' selection as the JSSA 2022 Hall of Fame inductee. The papers are Seabreeze Publications that are are mailed directly to residents. The story can be accessed online by going to and clicking on "Our Papers" at the top of the page. Then select the newspaper desired and scroll through to the page of the article which is in the following papers:

Jupiter Ocean Mile, Page 6
Jupiter Spotlight, Page 15
Jupiter West, Page 10
Lifestyles in PBG, Page 9
PGA Community News, Page 18
Southern Exposure, Page 12
Talk of Tequesta, Page 13
The Shores of Jupiter, Page 3

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