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Author TOPIC: Team Navid.............
The Greek

March 5, 2023
11:18:06 AM

Entry #: 4351485
Navid must have an Oedipal complex, as he picked his old JV coach (Casey Meyers) to finish the coaching job, that Casey obviously didn't finish 20 years ago! Conover likely was under the tutelage of Coach Casey, but he seemed to have learned some lessons.............. The word is here in Texas, that the Persian is a svelte 215 pounds, which means he's only 30 pounds over where he should be, but details/shmetails. Conover and Seuffert can score, but who's the big?? On the offensive side of the team, can Team Navid have two balls, since a number of these guys like to SHOOT. Sounds like Coach Casey and old timer Palmberg will have a lot on their hands this year. They can win some games. Just not too many, but they will be fun to watch as dysfunction should reign in the Persian camp.............

The Greek

March 5, 2023
11:24:23 AM

Entry #: 4351487
Frickin' Greek left his copious notes on the squads back at work, so will have to go in early to finish the Herculean job of jabbering on about the teams and their prospects this year, tomorrow AM. Sorry. I know that for some of you, that you actually read this drivel, and I appreciate it. I just don't understand WHY you do. But I am appreciative of any responses, as I am sure that my understanding of the League and it's many outstanding ballers is diminished 1500 miles away. Have a nice weekend.

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