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Author TOPIC: Quick Pix!!
The Greek

March 6, 2023
10:43:21 AM

Entry #: 4351496
Here we go again with another great year of League Hoops!

Game one: Navid's hapless squad stumbles into the Spider's Web. Hoagland by seven.

Game two: Game of the night. Carr/Commish. In a nail biter, Phelan too much in the stretch. Jaenicke by three!!

Game trey: Kaptain Kyle's squad Kar motors by Boyle, by eight.........


March 6, 2023
1:01:23 PM

Entry #: 4351497
Figure I chime in as I see the Greek talking to himself all day...

Greek love your post afar from good old oil city Houston.

We wouldn't really have a post log if it wasn't for you. Some good talent mixed in between these 48 gentleman.

What I have noticed now that I man is out is that you really have taken notice of Kyle Phelan. Is he your new 2023 mens league crush this year??

The Greek

March 6, 2023
3:02:15 PM

Entry #: 4351499
The I Man said he's a young stud, with some size and real talent. That's what the League needs more of. Speaking of missing guys, it just hit me........ Where is KEEN?? Why isn't he playing? He's been in the top 2 or 3 guys for the past number of years, but he was getting a bit old.........

The Greek

March 7, 2023
10:15:32 AM

Entry #: 4351511
Talking time is over. Let's get this League started up again. Great job by Navid/Brian Wong and whomever else I missed in making this happen. Is Richie Mitola still doing/cooking the book? Who are the blind refs this year?

Here we go!!


March 7, 2023
12:04:58 PM

Entry #: 4351513
Alvin, you should probably start showing some respect and not getting your Wongs wrong again as it is KEVIN WONG as the one who makes this happen!

I run this league. Navid helps. So does Rich Mitola, Pat Thorogood, and Dan Oberle with the books and so does John Gibney and his guys Mike and Pat who does the reffing and T-ing up Navid. And also yourself as the now seemingly out-of-touch online blogger. By the way, a big thank you to all those guys.

Might be time to make a trip back and watch a few games to update your mental scouting report from 2019.

The Greek

March 7, 2023
4:29:48 PM

Entry #: 4351516
Kevin, you are KILLING me. Jesus, it's hard enough keeping up with two bro's but THREE? I feel for your mother and father. Am sure they were happy when you guys left the house.

Forgive me for me faux pax. It won't be my last. Now go out and win a game with your car salesman brother.........


March 7, 2023
10:25:28 PM

Entry #: 4351520
Jesus Christ

The Greek

March 8, 2023
12:03:10 PM

Entry #: 4351528
Well, the Greek ended up on the wrong end of the Commish pick, but without Phelan, I will give myself a pass. An incredibly balanced effort by Carr led to the "W", but they will need quite a bit more once Phelan shows up. BTW, Klein CARRIED this squad! Almost to victory!. Great game.

The Greek

March 8, 2023
1:01:31 PM

Entry #: 4351529
Finally, the Greek got one right........ Good to see not many points scored, but Navid did pick up four fouls, only to be outdone by one Mark Thompson with FIVE? Is that possible in this League? He is likely a sadist who likes to paw and hack in the paint....... "Make 'em Pay Mark" is his moniker.
Phil C, you had seven points? Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Come on, you are always a double figures man. If you did that, you would have brought home the "W" to Navid's Nomads. It can't all be on Seuffert, as good as he is. All in all, another good game and a great start to the year. Three one point games. Congrats to all.


March 9, 2023
1:28:22 PM

Entry #: 4351540
Suck brick Greek

Players Union

March 10, 2023
10:14:26 AM

Entry #: 4351548
Kev youre doing a great job with the league. Its a thankless job but thank you for all your hard work and keeping the league going!!

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