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The Greek

May 2, 2023
5:28:04 PM

Entry #: 4352175
So whatever happened to...........

Matt Dobish? From memory, he could play and for a few years was a League luminary. Not great, but very solid. What happened to him? He wasn't that old. Did he move?

Eric Munt....... One year, was somehow like a number one or high number two pick. Have zero idea how that happened. A middling player and nice guy. Is he still roaming around the streets of Fair Haven?

Dave "the Swirling, Whirling Dervish" Carr. My God, he had more jukes and jives in him than you could shake a stick at. He may not have scored all that much, but there was lots of activity when he headed into the lane with the ball. Believe that Dave has graduated to a Rumson/Fair Haven celebrity. See him in the Two River Times Ass Kiss section of the paper.

Danny "Pest" Oberle....... Once Dan FINALLY hung up his Chuck Taylor's the League's medical insurance premiums fell dramatically. Danny had an incredible knack of really hurting other guys, while not feeling a thing himself. A good guy, but did not have basketball skills, other than getting loose balls. Hey, everybody has a role!

Randy Kalman: Only played a couple of years. On the short side, but athletic and he hustled it up. Wonder where he went?

Wally "the Rapper" Rapp: Wally kind of played for a long time. My most vivid memory of Wally was the night when Iovino destroyed his wrist/Menzer broke his ankle and Wally took a shot in the lane that required stitches. I think that did happen all on the same night. That was a bad night and reminded everyone that you can really get hurt in this League........

Steve Rumph: Steve was a very happy player, who had a comic "bunny hop" before all of his errant jumpers. Part of the Navid/Iovino group of miscreants. Steve went off to Vegas to fool around for a few years, then came back to the Peninsula because he got homesick (I think). A good guy.


May 2, 2023
6:07:41 PM

Entry #: 4352177
Good stuff Greek salad. I laughed at the Dave Carr bit.


May 3, 2023
10:41:42 AM

Entry #: 4352188
Dobish is well and still playing. He struggled with joining the league this year knowing early that he would be missing playoffs for a work trip and he didn't want to be the guy to let his team down so he ultimately and respectably opted out this year. He'll be back.

Most of the other guys I think are still around, just either too busy or too old for league play.

The Greek

May 3, 2023
2:52:43 PM

Entry #: 4352194
Kevin, what is with this nonsense of work interfering with League activities?? Where has everyone's priorities gone? Dobish needs to feed his family?!? He's got to take care of his ballers-in-arms........... not.

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