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Author TOPIC: Gone but not forgotten (yet) Part 3
The Greek

May 3, 2023
1:36:29 PM

Entry #: 4352191
Mike Heard: Solid player that was on the hardwoods of Knollwood for more than a few years. Nice guy too. Assume that he just aged out??

Chris Grier: For a brief year or two, was arguably one of the best two or three guys in the League, then believe an injury sidelined him and he just never came back.

John "The Fireman" Cariero: John REALLY loved to ball and was pretty darn good as he kept himself in TOP shape. Hell, he only worked 20 hours a week fooling around the firehouse in Jersey City. Spent the rest of his time working out and chasing his wife around the kitchen table. Must have caught her more than a few times, as he had around ten kids! Was huge in the League hierarchy and was a big help in making the League as successful as it has been. John retired at age 55? and now resides in Florida, where he works out 40 hours a week.

Tim "The Builder" Cross: Tim an excellent guy who everybody was jealous of, as he was a home building mogul who drove fancy cars and best of all was SINGLE. Tim was a decent baller for a few years and supported the League thru his business, then believe an injury sidelined him and he just kind of faded out. When Tim not nailing 2X4's into gold in Rumson, he can be found in Vegas nailing young vixens.
The Greek is NOT JEALOUS!


May 4, 2023
11:52:17 AM

Entry #: 4352201
Mike Heard moved to Virginia/DC area for a year or so. He just moved back recently but didn't get this year's registration. He did come to this year's draft party though. He's likely looking to get back in next season.

Have not heard from the others.

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