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Author TOPIC: It's funny about the things you think about....
The Greek

April 1, 2024
1:25:58 PM

Entry #: 4355608
For some reason, was thinking about McGarvey's last League game. Believe it was the 2019 Championship game. He would have been 57/58 years old, if my math is right. He had been the DOMINANT player for at least 12/15 years previous, but needless to say, the end was nearing. He had been a solid performer in 2019, but at the end of regular season games, the Free Throws that he always made, weren't always made and you just knew that he was not nearly the same as the McGarvey of 5 years previous. Then the championship game was played. Forget who they played, but there was a moment in the second half I believe, that Joe was REALLY hurt. You could see it. You could hear it. And you could almost feel it. It wasn't what a guy his age, could easily recover from. And though he did make it thru the rest of the game (which they lost), that was it for him. I don't think he ever played again. He didn't even sign up for the COVID year, but it wasn't Covid that stopped him. He had just had enough I believe. Anyways, all to say, Joe McGarvey REALLY was a super tough competitor and a highly skilled player. But Father Time gets even the best, in the end. I hope he is well. Heard he moved to Oceanport??


April 2, 2024
11:13:02 AM

Entry #: 4355614
McGarvey was a gladiator. One tough hombre.

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