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Author TOPIC: Seuffert/Raff..........
The Greek

April 7, 2024
11:10:08 AM

Entry #: 4355669
Seuffert with 3 "W"s takes on Raff with a like number of losses.......... Seuffert/Levine and Klein lead the pack and Team Ryan scoring 64PPG. If they have an Achilles Heel, just foul them. Shooting an absymal .444 FT's. Raff on the other hand, just generally abysmal. Could the draft party and the shenanigans that took place afterwards, sunk this squad? If it wasn't for old man Feddeler (13.7PPG) this team might be winless. They ARE scoring 59PPG, but with the Leader, Raff scoring EIGHT?!?, this team struggles mightily. The Greek is calling for an upset here! Raff gets up off the floor (literally) and scores twenty and they take down mighty Seuffert by 3!

The Oracle

April 8, 2024
4:57:13 PM

Entry #: 4355683
The Greek has drank the Upset Kool Aid on his call for the Rafflesburgers. They suck. Seuffert will spend the night, kicking their sorry asses. By 18.

The Greek

April 10, 2024
1:41:50 PM

Entry #: 4355707
Well the Greek called this shocker, but for the wrong reason........ Raffler didn't even show up. But Saddam Hussein/Solomon Rushdie and The Jinx did!!! 53 points. It's really shows how out of it, the Greek is. I don't know any of these ballers. Old man Feddler kicked in an important nine also........ On the other side, Levine and Seuffert combined for 48, but not enough to get past the Raffler triumverate!

On a side note, is Raffler dead/sick or MIA?


April 10, 2024
6:48:15 PM

Entry #: 4355710
Raff has been sidelined since his knee injury suffered in Week 1. While there was once optimism of his return, his latest diagnostic shows a bunch of torn ligaments so Raff is pretty much out for the season. In his absence, a guard of the name Mike Jenks has replaced the captain on the court.

However, give the captain credit though. Raff has still been to every game supporting his team from the bench.

The day he stops showing up though, the team gets rebranded. The frontrunning name right now is TEAM CAVISE overtaking TEAM NEWMAN with that offensive charge Adam took last night!

The Greek

April 11, 2024
9:48:21 AM

Entry #: 4355717
That’s a shame about Marc. Jenks must be pretty good.

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