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Author TOPIC: The nightcap// Conover and Finns
The Greek

April 7, 2024
11:18:38 AM

Entry #: 4355670
Finnegan would have zero wins without Barr (who's had a problem making games, 2) with 22PPG. Next up is the Finn himself with 14. Navid has 10PPG, but if you throw out his PED performance two games back (25 points!!!), he is averaging THREE. Bottom line, if Barr doesn't show, this team doesn't show. Conover on the other hand, has been a two headed scoring monster, with Phil AND Kevin W each scoring about 20PPG. Throw in Lukoff with 9ish and this is a team that wins games. Like this one. By a dozen!!

The Oracle

April 8, 2024
5:03:13 PM

Entry #: 4355685
The Oracle agrees with the Greek again (Crazy, I know) but it's going to be AWFULLY UGLY tomorrow night. Conover and the Wong Dynasty will drop a dozen threes on these guys. By 20. Navid WILL score 6.

Big Swingin’ Dick

April 9, 2024
10:28:14 AM

Entry #: 4355692
Kevin Wong is NOT averaging 20ppg. Go back to sleep, Greek.

The Greek

April 9, 2024
1:41:51 PM

Entry #: 4355694
Big Swingin' Dick, so I am wong with my Wong. Brian at 19PPG. Kevin kicking in 6. An excellent contribution from these brothers!

Mr No Show

April 9, 2024
1:45:28 PM

Entry #: 4355695
I'll be there tonight, Greek

The Greek

April 9, 2024
4:34:12 PM

Entry #: 4355697
Brian Barr is SHOWING UP tonight and intends to make his presence known!! He'd better show up BIG TIME, to beat Conover, but he can do it. We shall see....... Let the games begin! Good luck guys.

The Greek

April 10, 2024
1:35:55 PM

Entry #: 4355706
10 3's by Conover?!? WOW! Total of 13. I guess Barr tried his best, but likely rusty and not nearly enough. Navid reverted to form with 6. Nice win for Conover.......

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