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Author TOPIC: Finns/Maloney............
The Greek

April 23, 2024
8:16:22 AM

Entry #: 4355855
Doran erupted last week after taking verbal body shots from the Greek and others. I don't think he'll change his spots this week. Finns simply don't have the big bodies to deal with him. This gets ugly. by 15.

The Oracle

April 23, 2024
12:15:16 PM

Entry #: 4355858
The Oracle is sick and tired of the Greek giving props to overrated big men. How many years are we going to hear about "The Big E"? He's freaking useless. He hasn't been good for at least ten years. How about the Greek's ass-kissing of Jimmy Keane? OK, he is 6'10"....... Shouldn't he have been pretty good in a League who's average height is 6'0"? Now we have Doran. Another oversized Lurch Like Creature. Finnegan will stun Maloney tonight and Doran's big outburst last week will pass like a summer storm. Back to an OVERSIZED MEDIOCRITY.......


April 23, 2024
3:48:08 PM

Entry #: 4355862
The stars are aligning for one of Navid's random 30 point outbursts. It's every 5th game after a lunar eclipse


April 23, 2024
10:38:48 PM

Entry #: 4355870
Tampon / Oracle let us know how this one turned out…..? Chirp Chirp. Restaurant mans the BIG man on campus boys. Get ‘Em while he’s hot bad idea ohhhhhhh boy chirp chirp. Yeeeeeeew!!!

Restaraunt Man

April 23, 2024
11:30:55 PM

Entry #: 4355873
You guys are absolute idiots . Comparing me to Big E… Greek is allowed to make idiotic remarks because he lives in like Oregon… But Tampon and Oracle …Bunch of morons. Back to back 20+ point wins…. Keep it going and talk that shit

The Greek

April 24, 2024
12:02:26 PM

Entry #: 4355879
Restaurant Man, I am in your camp (for now), but let's check you out in 15 years, when you are 53 years old..... You'll be fairly useless also if you are in fact still able to lace them up.
Big Men tend to break down faster than little boys, but this is our lot in life.
Re your acerbic comments about Tampon and The Doctor, be careful. They have been students of the League for many years. And lastly, congrats on your 22 point game and 2 for 2 from the line!


April 24, 2024
12:15:57 PM

Entry #: 4355880
Coffee boy, I love your rebuttal. But let's not rip on big E who was very serviceable big man in his hay day AND a league champion. At least I'm 90% sure of it

I did notice your free throw percentage went up last night after going 1-2 from the line. Congrats. Free coffee and crumpets for the league perhaps to celebrate?


April 24, 2024
12:59:12 PM

Entry #: 4355882
Doran was a worthy #1 pick, this is true…but he did not beat us last night. Many can point out our lack of success this season is due to me not being able to dribble a basketball, Navid being a despicable human being, Barr and Finnegan getting bitched by everyone from Kevin Wong to Kyle Phelan, the refs deciding we will lose before tip, etc….(and these are all unfortunately true) but the real reason our team is terrible is because of Mark Thompson. Don’t let that wit, charm and smooth demeanor fool you, he lost us that game last night (by 30) - a reflection of our entire season.

All in all, I just feel bad for Gabe. Nice guy, doesn’t deserve this.


April 24, 2024
4:19:11 PM

Entry #: 4355885
Roberto taking the 'this is a safe place' message board mantra to heart. I love it, keep cooking brotha!! We need more cathartic Barrs....

Restaraunt Man

April 24, 2024
11:25:36 PM

Entry #: 4355891
Woah woah woah . Don’t flip the script . I am not downplaying Big E or any player . And don’t talk about me trying to hold a dominant crown till Im 53 years old and needing to prove myself as some veteran . But if you’re going to sit here and talk to talk hopefully one of the older guys can walk to walk . Because . I don’t care about how I play next year or in 20 years . Restaraunt man is a 20/20 guaranteed lock for the rest of the season . And I am willing to make a high wager we finish the year strong . Looks like little tampon and oracle are trying to embellish the league for what it was and Im looking forward to raising the young level of competition to what it’s going to be …. Don’t get it twisted

The Doctor

April 25, 2024
5:58:18 PM

Entry #: 4355898
Restaurant Man, I appreciate your feelings, but they might have a little more import/gravitas, if you were able to spell "Restaurant" correctly. I mean, WTF! This is your business! I hope your menus spell "chicken" instead of chickan.

Sincerely Steal Man.

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