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Author TOPIC: Raff/Finns
The Greek

April 29, 2024
1:24:30 PM

Entry #: 4355942
While I would like to make an outrageous upset call and proclaim the Finns with Barr leading the way can get by Raff, but Raff is a better team today than in the early weeks. A lot of balance with Rishty/Feddeler/Hosseini and Jenks all at 10PPG or better. Roberto with his patented foot dribble and Navid with his non stop mouth, will be unable to change the result. Raff by ten.


April 30, 2024
11:58:36 AM

Entry #: 4355950
Greek, explain to me how a guy like Navid with a nonstop mouth, stays mute in this forum?? All he does is take shit and eat shit, while standing like a totem. Maybe he's a closet masochist?

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