Players Looking for team

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Author TOPIC: Looking for a team!
Savannah P

August 20, 2024
12:41:59 PM

Entry #: 4356825
Hello :) I am a looking to join a team to play with this fall! I played competitive soccer growing up, now I enjoy some good fun soccer.

stan m

August 29, 2024
11:03:53 AM

Entry #: 4356889
Hello Savannah, I am looking for one more girl, we'll likely be playing in a higher division. if that fits your criteria of fun and skill please reach out to me at

Tyler F

September 28, 2024
1:37:57 PM

Entry #: 4357314
Hey Savannah, I am looking for more players to join our team. If you are still interested and are not already on a team contact me at

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