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Author TOPIC: Rams vs. Hawks

January 22, 2005
2:13:26 AM

Entry #: 677938
The thing that geys under my skin about this game is the fact that we had an eleven point lead and we get loose and turn the ball over listen we are up eleven they put on the press you know that they are going do it so just keep calm and break it don't get mind boggled and lose focus besides that another point is Matt Smith fouling on a 3-Pointer hey I know shit happens buyt if you are in a tight game put a hand up and turn around don't box the shooter out cause 9 out of 10 times you will get called for a foul another problem we gave up an assload off offensive rebounds why?.....we stood there not boxing out with our fingers up our assses..rebound it's not that hard...and the big problem of the night and the thing that got me a hot under the collar was the fact we are down by 2 knowing the fact that we haven't shot 3's good all night what do we do?....we shoot a forced 3?'s stupid you need 2 GET 2....ok i'm going to help out our team on offense and defense since they don't know jack squat and want to stand around....ok on offense if you run a triangle or motion or anything you have to be active...i know that in a triangle it's about seams and gaps and can be executed perfectly against the 2-3 or 3-2 zone because it spreads the defense out in my opinion why we struggle in the triangle is because our big guys (cenerts i.e. Zeb/Weikert) don't do shit you have to be active or on the 2-3 or 3-2 you overload one side with 3 guys on one side or you wanna find the gaps...and your big guy has to step up high post (if theres a gap there) and make a decision and pass instead of the guards....that was about the we play man to man but we don't get that beat of course man to man with a chaser or how about a box-n-one and a chaser I know that of course different coaching styles but I know Brown would use the box n one and box n one chaser against other teams' best players?...maybe Joe should look at that? one final thing is taht our centers have to A. Flash in the post wich means hey let's say you're goin east n west with the ball ok let's say you're in the triangle if the big guy flashes in the lange (i.e. in the gap) it disguies of what you are gonna do...and they also have to steo to the ball when the ball is getting passed to themone final thing about the 3-2 or 2-3 zone they could do what Duke did circa 2000-2001, 2001-2002 and have the point guard dribble into the high post to feel out the zone then pass it off or put the shot up if he is man-man....well anyway watch the taoe you will understand.

Anyways until next time.


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