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Author TOPIC: A Question about Sibbitt's other teams?

February 16, 2005
9:00:42 PM

Entry #: 709689

I was just thinking on how bad these past two seasons were compared to Joe's first season in which he went 14-10 in the 2002-2003 season was it all Ed Uyesugi or was it the fact that he had 3 seniors on that team left over from the Brown era? If anyone can help me with the answer then post a message

Until next time



February 17, 2005
11:04:32 AM

Entry #: 710211
Will Sibbitt be the coach at Paoli next year? What about the Brown rumors?


February 17, 2005
11:09:15 AM

Entry #: 710217
Brown rumors like he tried to get Sibbitt fired this year to take the job and may try another power move to get it this year. From what I have heard at the local diner is that the parents who wanted Brown in the first place, don't want him now...too hard on kids. :)


February 17, 2005
2:20:34 PM

Entry #: 710658
shizzz, I think it was a mixture of both ed and the brown seniors.brown is such a good head coach, he can make the average player think he is great, and part of the team. joe has done a good job of showing the players they are playing on hentrup's team.(no fault of hentrups)and they should be happy about it. this team has no confidence, in my experiance the way to build confidence is to let players play through there mistakes,they should fill that the coach has total confidence in them, and also it's hard to be confident sitting on the bench. in the orleans game garrett got benched for trying to do something this team will not do,PASS. yes it might have been a bad pass, but at least he was trying. i hate to see a player wide open, get looked at, and not get the ball. this happens all the time on the paoli team. i remember the first time i saw this years seniors and juniors, the one thing they did have was confidence, no matter who the opponent was,and this was in elementery school.looking back to joes first team they would play team ball, ed could get 25 pts. within the scope of the game. and everyone felt a part of it, but not as much as when brown coached. browns players didn't have to like him but i think they all respected him, to good reason. paoli has never had a coach like brown before, and thank goodness he is still coaching at paoli even if it is with the girls program. i think it would be great if brown came back next year, just to see how far they could go.


February 18, 2005
12:08:04 PM

Entry #: 712092
Mike Davis went to the National Championship with players left over from the Bob Knight adminsitration.


February 22, 2005
11:13:13 PM

Entry #: 718365
It was left over Brown players who still remembered having a coach.


February 22, 2005
11:22:08 PM

Entry #: 718373
Hey Will, Hutslar gets sat for every little mistake he makes or haven't you noticed? The seniors can screw up over and over and cost the game and never get sat anybody else tho and they are outta there. Joe seems to think his team has to be perfect... he needs to take a look at his record.

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