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Author TOPIC: What about the JV?

February 17, 2005
7:00:53 PM

Entry #: 711111
What do you guys think about the jv? I think they could be a good team if they play hard every night and not just on some nights. Some games they play D really well then the next game their D sucks. They have guys that can shoot the ball. Sometimes they force shots and not pass. Lets look at the team.

AJ: Good shooter but forces shots when people are open. He was on the B team during 5th and 6th and started playing on the A team during jr high. He is now in 11th and sits the bench when he does one thing wrong.

TJ: Also good shooter likes to hog the ball a little. Tells people what to do but when they tell him he gets mad. He gets warn out real fast. He is in 11th and sits the bench sometimes.

Bush: Could be a good player. Needs to bang around more down low and not let the guards run in there and get the rebounds. I think they should look for him more down low instead of shooting the ball.

Ryan K: In 11th grade and sits the bench more then anybody on the team. Ryan has been a starter since 5th grade. He was one of the top players in his grade. He was on the AAU teams every year and made the Orange County All-Star team in 8th grade. The only other ones that made the team was Chris W., Garrett H., and TJ. I think they are screwing Ryan just because he didn't play last year because he didn't like the JV coach.

Matt T: Great shooter. He can shoot a 3 pointer or bang down low. Got nothing really to say about him.

Cory C: Good player just needs to pass it more and not try to do it himself. Don't get me wrong he is a good shooter but he shoots more then anybody else.

Cory A: He screws up all the time but they keep him in. All I have to say is that is mom is a teacher.

Justin P: He thinks he can shoot from anywhere but he can't. He likes to put his teammates down all the time.

Josh D: Can't catch passes and can't really handle the ball but gets lots of playing time.

Devon L: Good shooter but doesn't get that much playing time. Him and Ryan sit the most on the team.

What do you have to say?


February 17, 2005
8:14:03 PM

Entry #: 711195
with the way they have screwed up the varsity why wouldn't i think they would screw up the jv also.


February 17, 2005
8:15:26 PM

Entry #: 711199
i miss the old days of brown and bradley both in purple and gold.


February 18, 2005
10:44:22 AM

Entry #: 711930
In my opinion the J.V. has been the most exciting of any PHS basketball team to watch this year. Those kids always play with emotion. they have a lot of experience in close games and that is definately going to help them in their varsity careers. The sophomore class has really come on this year considering the past basketball seasons. That could be the senior class in Brown's first year back.


February 18, 2005
12:27:00 PM

Entry #: 712125
Dear Rams (whoever you may be)
I was very displeased after I read your post. I was astounded that you had such negative comments about most of the team, yet you praised several players. I think that though they all might not be the best players they all give 110% and their record shows it. Sometimes they don't play very well, but nobody always plays perfect. I would also like to say how good the sophomores have been playing this year. They've never had a winning season, but they have been able to step up and do what the coach asks. I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't tear down the J.V. basketball team, but instead encourage them to do better.


February 18, 2005
1:02:10 PM

Entry #: 712203
Everyone has a right to their opinion. People need a place to express their ideas. Go get those PC Commodes tonight!! Flush em good.


February 18, 2005
1:16:49 PM

Entry #: 712230
How could you say that about the jv? We are a really good team. The crowd gets into our games more then the varsity. The games are always close and exciting to watch. What right do you have to say that stuff about each player? How good are you at basketball? Do you even play a sport? Yeah teams have problems but we don't have that much of problems. We are a team. We don't hog the ball. Well they don't. I don't play. Thats because I'm not as good as I once was. Yeah I might have been on those teams but that was then. People get better and some people lose what they had. I know I'm not good like I was but thats fine with me. As long as the team does good I am happy. And I don't know why you say that about the sophomore class. This is the best year they have had. And I agree with lightitup(Cory C. probably)we do give 110% or even more. What do you want us to be perfect? I would like you to name any team that is perfect.


February 18, 2005
10:29:56 PM

Entry #: 713121
The JV I admit has some good players and some bad, but what about the Varsity....Half of that team sucks! There are the few that are desent...but not many so why isn't there anything on here about them or have I missed it??


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