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Author TOPIC: Bush Benched????

February 23, 2005
12:55:05 AM

Entry #: 718428

Ok i have heard alot of things in basketball but to bench a kid for a whole game for just missing one practice is kinda bullshit I coulda understood not starting him or setting him out a quarter or a half but a whole game? I think Woolems went a little NBA on him.....but on the flipside if this wan't the first time then that opens up a whole new can of worms.

Until next time



February 23, 2005
9:31:14 AM

Entry #: 718694
I think he missed practice on Saturday, so it was two days of practice. Which in my opinion results into two halfs. That would be a full game with my math skills.

no all the facts, shizz.

Plus what doeas really give anyway. He to soft to for a post player and Trinkle brings more to the table plus we have a couple of younger kids that are better and will give us better minutes next year than Bush. Height doesn't automatically give you playing time. Sorry!


February 23, 2005
3:14:36 PM

Entry #: 719297
You have superb math skills 1/2+1/2=1 Nice! But you didn't know how to spell "know"! If you're gonna disrespect somebody then spell the words correctly at least. Bush will contribute next and see! He has been sick for about the last week aswell. That may have had something to do with why he didn't play. By the way you played a pretty good game last night:) But don't talk bad about the other players on your team.


February 23, 2005
8:33:46 PM

Entry #: 719947
johnny, i have no idea who you are, but i hope youre not to tall to play for sibbitt, and you better not have a growing spurt over the summer or you may just be on the bench next year. bush is a great kid, and i have never heard him say one bad thing about another player. he plays hard,when he plays. and he is 6'6 with long arms. i think he will contribute alot next year. if you are on the team, you are one of the problems with the rams program now, everyone is in it for themselves. not the glory of the team.i hope for one you are not one of the players i am supporting. start talking about the good things players do, and not the bad. and from the nice game last night comment, i have an idea who you are. stop it now, you are to good of a kid for this crap.


February 24, 2005
11:33:14 AM

Entry #: 720755
Ok I know what im talking about! Brian didn't get benched because of one practice he got benched because he missed more than ONE practice! between fridays game and tuesday nights game he hadn't made it to any practices. So maybe some of you should get your story straight.
untill the next stupid comment gets posted


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