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Author TOPIC: In My Words

February 24, 2005
3:10:34 PM

Entry #: 721196

You know I really don't care about people callin me a dumbass, or anything tlike that but what bothers em is you have all of these (at least to my knowledge) who come on here and bitch and complain because they don't play alot or other people in here say damn neear the truth people hate me because I speak what's on my mind that's cool but i don't understand why you bitch at me for?...i'm not ghandi yelling at me aint gonna bring peace throughout the Basketba;l Program or the world?....I can see people still in school who think in their mind they are Michael Jordan or LeBron James....when was playing time earned not gained?....oh wait that's another dumbass question...i'll just say one thing about football I mean people bitch at me about Scalf but hell someone on here is gonna bitch about Football during the summer being too hard but fro,m talking about former players and what I have senn for myself it's never been easy....that's why there 's something called 2 a days hell if they wanted to make it easy they woukd call it a half day then set on your ass day but ine final thing if people that post can't be like ,me and a few others and speak what they see or feel then why post?

Until next time



February 25, 2005
10:57:08 AM

Entry #: 722476
hey shizz check out the football forum about the message

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