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Author TOPIC: Nice Job Guys

March 6, 2005
6:46:22 PM

Entry #: 735281
To this years seniors, nice job you played against a stacked deck this year, in 4 of the last 5 games everyone got to see what you could have done this year. you played hard, and i enjoyed watching all of you from your elementery days to now. to this years juniors good job. you showed great team support over this year, you can tell that next year with a little change could be a great one for the rams, keep your heads up and work hard ALL summer, only 20+ more games, and they go quick, (just ask this years seniors).


March 6, 2005
7:46:41 PM

Entry #: 735367
Yes it was nice to see what could have been. This is a good group of kids and I wish things would have worked out differently for them. They all have played well together since elementary school. The Seniors did all they could and with a different coach who knows what could have happened. Good luck in the future Seniors!

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