Author |
TOPIC: Forming Mens Softball Team |
| clubber
June 28, 2005 3:43:42 PM
Entry #: 920860
| A am currently forming a mens softball team for the summer/fall league. I am looking for competitve players who are willing to show up for practices. We have a several oppenings on our team. Please contact me if you are inerested ASAP. My name is Jim and you can call me at 760-240-6481 or email me at jameslange1@verizon.net or at rockyrhodes1981@verizon.net
| CWB22
September 19, 2005 4:35:32 PM
Entry #: 1053053
| I would like to join a team to play men softball.. I can't play different position's. The team i played last in, i was the pitcher,short and third.. I can also play out field,but preferred in field, but anything would be fine.. Just want to play.. Here is my cell number and email address.. 760-553-5095. CWBRacing22@verzion.net... Thanks Again Brandon.
| CWB22
September 19, 2005 4:38:42 PM
Entry #: 1053065
| Sorry about that i can play all positions.. Sorry for the miss type.. Brandon
| leo
February 18, 2006 10:12:52 PM
Entry #: 1279308
| Clubber, I may be interested in playing on your team if I cant get enough players for my own.Give me a call @ 760-486-3595 or e-mail me @ lestrat26@yahoo.com.