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Date Status Score Headline
3/28/2015 F Give n Go 85  RP Bengals 76
3/28/2015 F Team Face 92  Money 86
3/28/2015 F Virus 90  Cobra 68
3/14/2015 F RP Bengals 64  Cobra 54
3/14/2015 F Give n Go 112  Team Face 110
3/14/2015 F Money 80  Virus 72
3/7/2015 F RP Bengals 84  Virus 70
3/7/2015 F Give n Go 91  Money 90
3/7/2015 FFH Team Face 20  Cobra 0
2/21/2015 F Team Face 78  Money 69
2/21/2015 FFH RP Bengals 20  Give n Go 0
2/21/2015 F Virus 54  Cobra 52
2/14/2015 F Give n Go 70  Cobra 69
2/14/2015 F Virus 93  Team Face 88
2/14/2015 F Money 77  RP Bengals 64
1/31/2015 F Give n Go 85  Virus 84
1/31/2015 F Money 101  Cobra 71
1/31/2015 F Team Face 84  RP Bengals 81
1/24/2015 F RP Bengals 102  Cobra 73
1/24/2015 F Team Face 117  Give n Go 91
1/24/2015 F Money 92  Virus 85
1/17/2015 F Virus 85  RP Bengals 70
1/17/2015 F Give n Go 93  Money 92
1/17/2015 F Team Face 112  Cobra 87
12/20/2014 F Cobra 89  Give n Go 77
12/20/2014 F Team Face 99  Virus 84
12/20/2014 F Money 97  RP Bengals 79
12/13/2014 F Cobra 97  Money 94
12/13/2014 F Team Face 77  RP Bengals 58
12/13/2014 F Virus 87  Give n Go 73
12/6/2014 F Give n Go 82  RP Bengals 81
12/6/2014 F Virus 100  Money 93
12/6/2014 F Team Face 92  Cobra 61
11/29/2014 F Virus 108  Give n Go 66
11/29/2014 F Cobra 87  RP Bengals 73
11/29/2014 F Team Face 94  Money 92
11/22/2014 F Money 90  Give n Go 75
11/22/2014 F Virus 104  Cobra 73
11/22/2014 F Team Face 99  RP Bengals 87
11/15/2014 F Give n Go 85  Cobra 81
11/15/2014 F Virus 84  Toronto Serbia 55
11/15/2014 F RP Bengals 97  Tuttay 76
11/15/2014 F Team Face 91  Money 75
11/8/2014 F Money 89  Toronto Serbia 68
11/8/2014 F Virus 63  RP Bengals 48
11/8/2014 F Cobra 95  Tuttay 85
11/8/2014 F Team Face 87  Give n Go 77
11/1/2014 F Give n Go 85  Toronto Serbia 57
11/1/2014 F RP Bengals 69  Cobra 61
11/1/2014 F Virus 77  Team Face 75
11/1/2014 F Money 20  Tuttay 0
10/25/2014 F Money 85  Give n Go 82
10/25/2014 F Cobra 66  Toronto Serbia 57
10/25/2014 F Virus 88  Tuttay 45
10/25/2014 FFH Team Face 20  bml 0
Status:F - Final Score   Note: Select a team above to show W/L/T status
TBP - To Be Played
CAN - Canceled
FFH - Forfeit by Home Team
FFV - Forfeit by Visiting Team
PPD - Postponed
SPD - Suspended