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GuestBook Pages: 1 

Total Entries: 4

Posted By Comments
Dale Nash
Jefferson/Redfield, Arkansas
September 24, 2013
7:46:35 AM

Entry ID: 2041826
I am currently coaching a team in the White Hall Youth Football League, however we have several parents and players unhappy with the lack of leadership in the league and the age divisions being based on 3 years instead of 2 years. I would love to get some contact information for someone to talk to about adding a 7/8 year old tackle team to your leave for next year from our area. If someone could be call me at 870-489-9082 or email me at it would be greatly apperciated.
Jay Amberg
North Little Rock,AR.
January 18, 2013
4:27:33 PM

Entry ID: 2016451
I am proud to a coach in this league!!! To see the young kids learning and having fun is what the CAYFL is all about. Can't wait until next year!!
Bend Or
December 9, 2010
10:36:53 AM

Entry ID: 1851447
Have a Great Season! Start a Fundraiser! Sticker Fundraising Idea! You set the priceā€¦. You control your profit!
c kusturin
little rock
October 3, 2010
3:27:18 PM

Entry ID: 1832212
first game i attended and i was very impressed with the organization. grandson plays for cah and he has learned quite a lot thank you

GuestBook Pages: 1 

Total Entries: 4