Welcome to the home of the

Edgewater Park Athletic Association

Mr. Tattoo




at Memorial Field



Flag Football, Spring Rec Soccer, Baseball, Softball and T-ball


Click Here to Register For Flag Football


Click Here to Register For Baseball, Softball or Tball



Click Here to Register For Spring Rec Soccer









EPAA General Meetings will be in the Concession Building at MEMORIAL FIELD

EPAA's monthly General Meetings are held every 2nd Wednesday at 7:30pm in the Concession Building at MEMORIAL FIELD
Come on out to  hear about the EPAA news and upcoming activities, contribute your ideas, and see how you can help sports in Edgwater Park alive and growing! 
We can't do it without your help! 

Fingerprint Form


It is an Edgewater Park Ordinance that all Board Members, Commissioners and Coaches have their fingerprints taken and submitted to the Edgewater Park Police Department for a background check. The form with all information is attached.  Please print this form and use the reference numbers at the top to schedule your appointment.  Please click this link, http://uenroll.identogo.com/. to schedule an appointment, enter 2F1J3Y as the Service Code when promted.  The company is MorphoTrak and is the only company that we accept.  The cost of the fingerprints will be re-imbursed by the EPAA once we receive the completed receipt.  This will need to be completed on a 3 year basis. Be advised that you will not be allowed to coach without having taken and passed the background investigation!  No exceptions!


For more information on the background check go to the state site here - http://www.state.nj.us/njsp/about/serv_chrc.html#vcp

New Link to Schedule Appointments: http://uenroll.identogo.com/.

Enter 2F1J3Y as the Service Code when promted

Click this link to download form: Background Form


You will need to put C08003 in box #7, and you will need this number to schedule your appointment. You must also bring the form to your appointment.






EPAA Goals for 2025

The 2025 EPAA Board has established these goals for the year. It will take lots of hard work and volunteers. We hope to continue growing the player participation levels this year to put us on a great long term path of youth athletics being a large benefit to Edgewater Park residents.

Goals for 2025:

• Continue making our programs the best they can be

• Increase registrations and community involvement

• Review possibility of adding additional sports team

• Review possible grants to enhance our fields and programs

• Increase fundraising 

• Repeat the Bonfire Tradition

• Continued collaboration with the Township and other EP Organizations




EPAA Website

The Edgewater Park Athletic Association (EPAA) uses this website to support our various sports leagues. The primary focus of the website is to provide one place where team rosters, schedules, and EPAA information can be found. This is being done in an effort to better communicate the mission of our organization and the progress all our teams are making.

As you look around the website you will find many useful links to information that is useful all year long and even a link to weather information that is relevant today. Please don't hesitate to make suggestions for further improvements.

On behalf of the entire EPAA, we thank you for your child's participation in our leagues, and ask that you participate as much as possible to help us provide the best environment for the development of our children.

Note: For security reasons, childrens personal information will not be made available on the website.

Sign up to Receive EPAA News via Email

To stay informed about EPAA information, events, and notices, you can join our email list. Simply click on the link to the left "Join our Mailing list" and add your name and email address.

We try to send out emails only for pertinent news and are very mindful of the glut in mailboxes today. If at anytime you wish to be removed from the mailing list, you can simply reply to the message with "unsubscribe" in the subject and your email address will be deleted from the list.
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