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May 8, 2012 11:45:56 AM Entry ID: 1969156 | For affordable cheer choreography Check out |
Sandra Tilghman/ Michael Tilghman
Eustis, FL August 24, 2009 11:06:09 PM Entry ID: 1684278 | Our granddaughter Leisha Nicole Stinson is a student at Panther Valley High School. |
Coach Hallie January 27, 2009 12:57:19 AM Entry ID: 1550558 | Hi Megan and Katrina! We LOVED having you girls at cheerleading camp you really did an awesome job. To Kat, Kasey, Steph, Theressa, Cara, Andrea, Emily, Katie, Sarah-Mary, Erin, Sarah, and Angela, we are SO PROUD of you girls for your performance last week. Now you know that HARD WORK PAYS OFF!!! Hopefully this trophy will inspire you to continue to work hard to earn even more. And remember, if you keep being the same nice, sweet girls to each other, you will go farther than you could imagine as team. I hope you are all working hard on fixing those little mistakes so that we can show them at Districts what a small school can really do!!! "When you win, nothing hurts." Love you girls, Coach Hallie |
megan digiglio
summit hill October 16, 2008 3:13:47 PM Entry ID: 1482823 | I loved going to cheer camp and cheering with the older PV cheerleaders!! It was so much fun!! I hope to do it again next year!! Cheering at the panther valley/ marion game was so cool!! when i get a little bit older i plan to sighn up and cheer for panther valley!! good luck with the rest of the season,, I can't wait till The "homecomming" game in a few weeks,, i will be there YELLING AND CHEERING in the stands along with the high school cheerleaders!!! GO PANTHERS!!! OH,, AND THE SITE IS GREAT!!! MEGAN (PV AM,, KINDERGARTEN) |
katrina horvath
summit hill October 16, 2008 8:11:14 AM Entry ID: 1482458 | Thank you so much for teaching me cheers, dances, jumps....I had such a great time at the clinic. It was great to cheer with the girls at the high school game. The girls were super nice! |
Mrs. Sharpe
Lake Hauto October 15, 2008 1:19:28 PM Entry ID: 1481872 | Great job elementary cheerleaders!!!! I am so proud of you!!!! |
Irene February 1, 2008 7:25:49 PM Entry ID: 1318067 | Hey girls! I just wanted to wish all of you GOODLUCK tomorrow at Districts! I'll be there cheering for you! I can't wait to see your routineee =) |
April January 20, 2008 1:48:22 AM Entry ID: 1308345 | Hey girls! You girls are looking amazing i love the new stuff you have learned! Hopefully i can make it to one of the basketball games to see all of you! |
Pinkerton Derry New Hampshire December 27, 2007 10:15:56 AM Entry ID: 1293875 | Hey Everyone!! Happy Holidays! GREAT SITE! Come check out our site: WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU AND MAKE SOME NEW CHEER FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!! :) |
Kansas November 24, 2007 11:50:50 AM Entry ID: 1267117 | Hey! Lovee the website and I hope you guys have a great year !!! Good luck to all of you and please come and visit me and my team at !!! THX ~Stacey~ |
Matt&Ann Kropp
Fort Huachuca AZ November 10, 2007 1:37:50 AM Entry ID: 1254126 | Hey Becky K Its me and matt wishing you the best of luck this year you's all look great! |
Nesquehoning November 5, 2007 9:34:58 PM Entry ID: 1250457 | just went to say it was a great year for the girl's can't wait to see them witht he new stuff they are learning keep up the great work all Thanks Heidi & Hallie for all the work you have done with our girls you both are great thanks again |
Rebecca K.
Coaldale September 4, 2007 9:15:00 PM Entry ID: 1200000 | Thank god Sarah Bonner is back in school and looking better than ever...I hope Sarah Bonner and the rest of Varisty, J.V., and Freshmen Cheerleaders do great for this year to come... "Good Luck To All" |
nesqy September 4, 2007 1:55:40 PM Entry ID: 1199630 | girls--having a great season so far--glad to hear sarah is well n def. glad she is an honary captain--miss her tons and tons!!! cant wait til comp. and we kick butt |
Rebecca K.
Coaldale May 29, 2007 7:06:51 PM Entry ID: 1132193 | Sarah hope you'll come back to PV.... We are praying for you!!!We all miss you!!! |
None March 3, 2007 8:31:59 AM Entry ID: 1064138 | Just wanted to let you know that your 2nd segment of music has been deleted. Wasn't sure if you were aware. |
warren pa February 22, 2007 1:16:36 PM Entry ID: 1057131 | i seen your web site and i must say nice site well keep up the good work and hope to hear any thing back from you all and maybe some new pics of ya all ok thanks again from .t. |
Tamara February 2, 2007 10:07:57 AM Entry ID: 1042710 | Hey girls, goodluck at competition tomorrow...You will all do great! I wish I can go but I cant :( Do your best and bring back a trophy! :) Love ya's |
Jillian January 28, 2007 3:26:44 PM Entry ID: 1039703 | Hey girlies! I don't know how many of you will read the guestbook, but I figured I'd sign it anyway. Only 6 more days til DISTRICTS! And I must say the game on Friday, everyone looked amazing! Just need to get more excited while you are performing! AND HAVE FUN while doing it! I am so happy I get to help out, because cheerleading at PV was my life for 4 years, and it means alot to me to be there with you girls! Keep practicing, and I will see you girls Wednesday for practice! <33 you all! |
Geneva Cheer November 26, 2006 9:12:05 AM Entry ID: 1002377 | Hey PANTHERS...we are Panthers too! Come visit our site! We are # 5 right now! Good Luck this season! |
your coach November 20, 2006 10:54:14 PM Entry ID: 998921 | You learn you can do your best even when its hard, even when you're tired and maybe hurting a little bit. It feels good to show some courage. -Joe Namath |
toni October 21, 2006 4:20:19 PM Entry ID: 966242 | hiya everyone u all look great come and visit are site it is and sign r guessbook it would be great to here from u all good luck for the rest ov the yr luv toni xxlpcxx(liberty pride cheerleader) |
Nesquehoning September 29, 2006 11:12:26 AM Entry ID: 945071 | Hey girls...this year is going mom says the squads look great...keep up the good work <33 Kayla |
Liberty pride southampton England September 13, 2006 4:54:40 AM Entry ID: 932279 | hello from all at liberty pride we wish you all the best in your comps. cheer loud be proud from l.p.c |
Rebecca K.
Coaldale August 23, 2006 11:16:03 AM Entry ID: 915987 | can't wait 'til Meet the Panthers... first years' are doing great. I'm already missing the older girls. I missed you all!!! Hope you all come back soon!! |