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Christina Aquila
March 3, 2009
8:46:05 PM

Entry ID: 1576332
Hi, I had some questions about joining a coed softball team. A co-worker and I are both interested. It has been a few years since either of us have played, but we are looking to play again. Where do these games get played? And how would we go about finding a team?

Christina Aquila
Katharine Gillespie
March 3, 2009
8:44:25 PM

Entry ID: 1576329
Hello there ... I am interested in joining up for the 2009 season. Do you know of any team looking to pick up a 29-year-old female? I’ve played softball since I was six but I haven’t played regularly since college. Thank you,

Katharine Gillespie
Andrew Cascudo
March 3, 2009
8:42:22 PM

Entry ID: 1576324
Our team is hoping to join your league if there is room available. We’re with the State Elections Enforcement Commission. Thank you and best regards,

Andrew Cascudo
Ronel Namde
New Haven, CT
March 2, 2009
9:58:24 PM

Entry ID: 1575512
Hi, I am interested in playing on a team but don't know where to look to find one. I actually live in New Haven. If you know of a league closer, that would be great. Or, if you can, put me in touch with a team that might need another girl to play with them. I have some experience with softball, but it has been awhile since I played. Thanks,

Ronel Namde
Jill MacFarlane
West Hartford, CT
March 1, 2009
3:30:24 PM

Entry ID: 1574454
Hi, I'm looking for more info on the Greater Hartford Independent Softball League. The Whole Foods Market in West Hartford Center is looking to form a team, and I had a few questions for you. Great info on the website, by the way. What is the exact date/time/location of the captain's meeting in March? I realize that each team's structure & practice schedule is probably really different, but in general, are games scheduled once a week per team? And if fewer than 9 or 10 players show per team for a game, is it an automatic forfeit? Thanks in advance for your time! Happy almost spring...

Jill MacFarlane
Whole Foods Market
(860) 523-8500
Julie Elkins
February 23, 2009
9:29:07 PM

Entry ID: 1570250
I love softball, I have been playing for years. I play on a co-ed team on Sundays, and would like to play in another league in addition. I am best at second or first base....

Julie Elkins
Angela Smith
February 23, 2009
9:26:51 PM

Entry ID: 1570247
I am a 30 year-old female looking to play first base on Tuesday nights. Could you please add me to the free agent section? Thank You!

Angela Smith
Daniel Ruede
February 23, 2009
9:23:17 PM

Entry ID: 1570242
I am interested in information about the Greater Hartford Independent Softball League and the availability of opening a team for this year. For the past two years we have played in the Vernon Coed Softball league with a bunch of our staff from the University of Hartford and in each of the past two years have been disappointed with the league, thus we are looking for something new.

If there are openings for new teams, would you be able to provide some of the basic information that I may not have been able to find on the website. Also, what is the league fee for each team and/or person? Thanks,

Daniel Ruede
University of Hartford
phone: (860)768-4501
Jami Silver
Middletown, CT
January 14, 2009
8:10:29 PM

Entry ID: 1543047
Just looking for more information regarding how to start a team, timeline for having a roster and where most games are played. Thanks,

Jami Silver
Assistant Dean of Admission
Wesleyan University
(860) 685-3930
Daniel Flynn
New Britain, CT
November 29, 2008
10:48:44 PM

Entry ID: 1517750
I have been searching for a team to play with in the area for the 2009 season. I was wondering if any team is willing to sign a 28 year old. I have played baseball in the past in Springfield, MA for the Springfield Wolverines and the Springfield Central High School team.

Daniel Flynn
Chris Taylor
Rocky Hill, CT
October 5, 2008
7:55:54 PM

Entry ID: 1473856
Hey guys, my name is Chris and I just moved into the area. I live in Rocky Hill and I have been looking for a softball league to join. It seems like this would be the league for me. I am 23 years old and am very much interested on how to get on a team. If anyone could help me out I'd appreciate that. Thanks,

Chris Taylor
Cheryl Benton
Windsor, CT
October 5, 2008
3:02:54 PM

Entry ID: 1473654
Good afternoon. Let me first say, your softball website is great, and the league sounds like a lot of fun. However, my husband and I are looking for a coed league that plays in the fall. We live in Windsor, so anywhere in the Hartford or Enfield area would be good, and I was hoping maybe you could offer us some suggestions. Thanks for you help,

Cheryl Benton
Neal Spencer
West Hartford, CT
September 14, 2008
12:32:25 PM

Entry ID: 1458512
Hi, I am a teacher in Avon and live in West Hartford. I have played baseball my whole life and am highly interested in joining a team in the Greater Hartford Softball League. If there are any teams that need an extra player I would be more than happy to join and play. If this is not feasible then more information on future seasons and dates to sign would be great. Please let me know if there's any hope of me getting on a team. I hope to hear back from you soon. Thanks so much,

Neal Spencer
w. (860) 675-5480
c. (860) 518-0310
Shane McGee
September 1, 2008
4:10:00 PM

Entry ID: 1450607
I am not sure who to contact regarding this, but I am the operations manager with Midas and we would like to start a softball team. I am wondering what the league fee is and if it is slow or fast pitch, etc. Can you give me more info and/or the person that can help me. Thanks,

Shane McGee
Bristol, CT
September 1, 2008
4:07:56 PM

Entry ID: 1450606
My husband and I are looking to get on a team for Spring/Summer 2009. We have both played previously and have recently returned back to CT. We are both great hitters and players. Anyone looking for players for a team next year please keep us in mind.

Kathleen W
West Hartford
August 4, 2008
9:08:06 PM

Entry ID: 1432892
Hi, it's probably too late to got involved for this season, but I was interested in joining any team that was looking for players. I'm 29 and live in West Hartford. I played softball as a kid, but it's been awhile. Please let me know if it would be possible for me to play this year. Thanks,

Russalee Brown
August 4, 2008
9:05:49 PM

Entry ID: 1432889
Hi, I am intrested in joining a softball team. Please contact me with any information you have. I just graduated from high school and used to play for the varsity team in the Bronx as a center fielder. I have played softball for over seven years and love playing. I think team work is the best in a team and am willing to work hard and play my best at all times.

Russalee Brown
(860) 904 9347
July 17, 2008
10:49:56 AM

Entry ID: 1421253
Looking to join a Men's (fast or slow pitch) and/or Co-Ed team for the Fall. Been playing 20+ years (I am 6/2, 200). Play good outfield, 1B, C, pitcher (slow). I may actually have a bunch of guys to create a men's team for the fall also but I am not aware of the local leagues. Any help there appreciated. Thx, Marc
Luke Dillon
New Britain
July 16, 2008
9:20:32 PM

Entry ID: 1420999
hello all! I don't know if it's too late but I just came across this website and am very interested in playing softball. I'm a little out of softball shape but would love to join a team if anyone is in need of another player. I can play all positions, but mainly like 1st and 2nd. I work for ESPN so I do travel a lot but I am usually around during the week. Please let me know! cell: (908)489-7902 email:
Bobby Richardson
June 28, 2008
2:55:30 PM

Entry ID: 1411223
hey hope you're having a good summer. my name is bobby richardson. i used to play high school ball, also i played for seymour in the twi-met leauge. i bat right and throw right. i have a ton of power to all fields, but i love to go the other way. i have rocket arm, when i was pitching i was clocked at 91. i am interested in joining any team in any league. just want to get out there and play. and it's so hard in ct to get into some form of organized ball. so if you know anyone that may need an extra guy, please get in touch with me. thank you,

bobby richardson
(203) 695-3380 - anytime
Jason Millman
West Hartford, CT
June 19, 2008
10:33:35 PM

Entry ID: 1406437
Hey there, my name's Jason Millman, and I'm looking to join a softball league. I'm 21 and I just moved to West Hartford this past weekend to take a job after graduating from college in Boston. This is my first time in Hartford, and I don't really know much about the city. But I do know one thing -- I gotta play softball.

I found the website to your softball league, and I'm sure the season's already started, but I'd like to join a team if possible. If I can't, would you at least be able to suggest other leagues around here? Thanks for your help. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Ashley Fournier
June 10, 2008
12:39:09 PM

Entry ID: 1400857
I was looking to join a team for the summer. I'm 22 and pretty athletic. I've been playing softball since I was five and have played all positions, mostly third and short. I would love to have the chance to play!!

Ashley Fournier
South Windsor
June 8, 2008
9:03:04 PM

Entry ID: 1399693
I was interested in getting on the free agent list. I'm 37 and pretty athletic. I played for years, as a youth, in high school and as an adult in coed leagues in South Windsor. Thank you,

Adrian Miranda
May 31, 2008
8:10:14 PM

Entry ID: 1395211
Hi I'm a 23 year old new to the area looking for a team. I played baseball since I was a kid through high school. Love sports and am looking to be part of a team and have fun.

Adrian Miranda
Jose Alicea
Farmington, CT
May 27, 2008
4:59:44 PM

Entry ID: 1392915
New to the area and am looking to join a spring/summer league. 24 years old, athletic, can play any position.

Jose Alicea

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