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Katie Gorman
Farmington, CT
February 27, 2013
8:14:01 PM

Entry ID: 2021181
Our company is looking to start a team and join a recreational co-ed slow pitch softball league. We are currently in Farmington, CT. Kindly provide any information about how we can go about entering our team into this league. Kind regards

Bruce Westman
Windsor, CT
February 27, 2013
8:12:18 PM

Entry ID: 2021180
I saw this league info on the CT USSSA Slow-Pitch softball website. I had a team for a few years in a separate Greater Hartford co-ed league that was disbanded last season (we played in Windsor at the LP Community Center). We are looking to get back in a slow-pitch fun co-ed league and was wondering if you accept new teams and also how many days a week does a team play and how many games?

Bruce Westman
Ric Waldman
Hartford, CT
February 27, 2013
8:10:37 PM

Entry ID: 2021179
I work at The Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts. We hoped we might be able to join the league with an all-Bushnell team. If you’ve got room, we’d love to join. I understand the competition is fierce. Thanks,

Ric Waldman
166 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106
p: 860.987.6085 | e:
February 27, 2013
8:08:28 PM

Entry ID: 2021178
I played on Red Rock's team in the past. I was interested in getting info about signing up for the upcoming 2013 softball season. Do you know if Red Rock has a team this year? When do you begin to put together team roster's.

Phone: 860-463-2565
Chris Wante
February 27, 2013
8:06:51 PM

Entry ID: 2021177
I'm new to the area and was looking to possibly sign up my own softball team. Can you clue me in to the competitiveness of the league? I'd say the players I have in mind for my team are probably C players (maybe even some Ds). How many games usually? How much usually? I don't need definite answers on these questions. Just need to get a rough idea of what the league is like. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks,
Chris Wante
Jenny Lutz
February 27, 2013
8:05:29 PM

Entry ID: 2021176
Hi, our company is thinking of putting together a coed softball team. I am doing some research and wondered if you would be able to send me some more information about how to join, fees, schedules etc? Many thanks,

Jenny Lutz
Andrew Garcia
West Hartford, CT
February 27, 2013
8:04:10 PM

Entry ID: 2021175
I am interested in entering a team. I'm pretty sure the sign up for this year is to late, but maybe I can get some info for next year's sign-up so I don't miss it. And if possible you can add me to the free agent list. Thank you,
Andrew Garcia
Kim Beebe
East Hartford, CT
February 27, 2013
8:01:39 PM

Entry ID: 2021174
I am the Student Activities Coordinator at Goodwin College. We have been receiving some interest in softball from our students. I wanted to touch base with you about the process of getting a team into your league and any information you have on the league itself. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

Kim Beebe
Goodwin College
One Riverside Drive, East Hartford, CT
Steve Bartha
Avon, CT
February 27, 2013
7:59:30 PM

Entry ID: 2021173
I also have a team (Town of Avon Toads) and a field on Mondays from 5:00 to 6:30 in Avon. We have a field reserved the first and third Mondays of each month at Fisher Meadows in Avon. Do you think teams might be interested in playing on this side of the mountain? Thanks,

Steve Bartha
Michele Defina
May 22, 2012
11:32:14 PM

Entry ID: 1971467
Hi there,how do I go about being a sub on one of the teams? I can play any position except pitcher/catcher. Usually a left fielder. Thanks,

Michele Defina
Charlie Napolitano
Southington, CT
May 22, 2012
11:29:33 PM

Entry ID: 1971465
Hi I'm 43, live in Southington, and have played competitively on and off B/C level for last 20 yrs. Looking for a team in need of reliable player, even for fill-in as needed. Outfield or 1B.

Charlie Napolitano
Pam Majidy
May 22, 2012
11:26:51 PM

Entry ID: 1971462
Hello, my friend and I are interested in joining a team or creating one. I couldn't find much information the Great Hartford Independent Softball League website. We currently play on a co-ed volleyball team but would like to return to our roots of playing softball. Can you get me more information? Thank you,

Pam Majidy
J.R. Sastre
Hartford, CT
May 22, 2012
11:23:41 PM

Entry ID: 1971459
Hi, I am curious how and if I can get involved with a softball team for this season. I never played regularly but enjoy it and am in pretty good shape. I'm 32 this summer, male, and live in Hartford. I thought maybe I could get on some standby list or something for this season since I'm sure the season is well underway. Thanks and have a great season,

J.R. Sastre
Bianca Slota
West Hartford, CT
May 22, 2012
11:16:19 PM

Entry ID: 1971456
I just moved to West Hartford about two weeks ago. If it's not too late, I would love to have my name added to the free agents list for the GHISL. I've played in rec leagues for a few years, make a pretty decent infielder, and can generally get myself on base. If any teams are looking, I'm ready to play! Thanks,

Bianca Slota
Kristen Danis
West Hartford, CT
May 22, 2012
11:12:19 PM

Entry ID: 1971453
I'm 29 female new to the West Hartford area and would love to join a team. Thanks,

Kristen Danis
Christopher Waszkiewicz
New Britain, CT
May 22, 2012
11:09:06 PM

Entry ID: 1971452
I was wondering if I could get some info on joining a softball team. My name is Christopher, I'm 26 yrs old. I'd prefer to play the infield or catcher, but will play anywhere to get on the field. I'm from New Britain, but obviously I'll travel for a team. I would love to play this year (2012). Whatever info you can get to me is much appreciated. Thanks,

Christopher Waszkiewicz
Johnny Kluever
Avon, CT
May 22, 2012
11:05:10 PM

Entry ID: 1971449
I am looking for a men's softball team to play on. I just moved to Avon at the end of last summer and so I am not familiar with the local softball leagues. I see you deal with the Hartford area leagues and I was wondering if you knew of a team near Avon that was looking for players? Thank you so much I look forward to hearing back from you!

Johnny Kluever
Steve Wood
Rocky Hill, CT
March 28, 2012
10:15:01 PM

Entry ID: 1962483
Hey there, I was looking at the website for the GHISL and wanted to find out how to go about joining a team for this coming season? I live in Rocky Hill and work in Windsor. Let me know if there is anything I need to do to find a team. Thanks!

Steve Wood
Meagan Williams
March 26, 2012
10:20:37 AM

Entry ID: 1961778
Hello, my sister (23) and myself (28) are looking to join a softball league for this spring/summer. Do you take “free agents” to join teams in the area? We have both played in high school and most recently I played on 3 recreational teams out in San Diego. Would love additional information if you are able. Thank you!

Meagan Williams
Daniel Johnson
East Hartford
March 26, 2012
10:17:43 AM

Entry ID: 1961775
I recently moved to East Hartford and would be interested in joining a team if at all possible. Let me know if there is any need for additional players as I would love to find a league to play in. Thanks,

Daniel Johnson
Greg Smith
West Hartford
March 26, 2012
10:14:53 AM

Entry ID: 1961772
I saw the GH Independent Softball League website and my wife and I are interested in being put on the free agent listings. We are in West Hartford in our late 20s and our schedules are flexible. Thanks,

Greg Smith
Sarai Ledoux
March 26, 2012
10:11:05 AM

Entry ID: 1961768
I am very interested in a joining a league however, I am unsure how to go about it. It’s been a number of years since I’ve played ball. I spent several years as a catcher during my school years and really enjoyed it. I spend time playing ball with my nephews and really miss the sport. I live in Lebanon and would love to find a team fairly close by. Regards,

Sarai Ledoux
Kia Chapman
West Hartford
March 26, 2012
10:08:09 AM

Entry ID: 1961764
I'm a 26 year old female living in West Hartford and I am interested in joining a team. I've played softball since junior high. Last time I played was last summer while on active duty. Please feel free to contact me

Kia Chapman
Scott Pomerico
March 26, 2012
10:05:38 AM

Entry ID: 1961762
I was just wondering if there was a way to see if teams needed a player for this season. I'm new to the Hartford area but would love to find a team if possible. Thanks!

Scott Pomerico
(646) 763-1351
Kari Weber
March 1, 2012
11:48:41 PM

Entry ID: 1956920
Is it too late to sign up to have a team for the 2012 co-ed softball season? The company I work for, GEI Consultants, has been trying to get a team together for the past couple of years, but we always end up missing the deadline to sign up for the season.. did we happen to make it this year? If we can still sign up, please let me know and I can get you whatever team information you may need. Also, what are the costs, and when is it due? Thanks,

Kari Weber

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