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Stephanie Joseph
Welly World
April 5, 2009
5:43:03 PM

Entry ID: 1599489
Hey Fast Lane FAMZ!!!!! I enjoyed spending this past week practicing wit yall. Specially the beach workout. That was different but fun and I definitely can't wait till summa! FAST LANE!! It's Hard But Its fair!
wislandem maxy
April 4, 2009
12:55:48 PM

Entry ID: 1598942
Hey fams wats good lol ! well lets see where to start when we first got out of school for spring break i was like yeah im going to sit home eat and watch tv all day SLEEP , but WRONG! LOL ! coach walker txt me early in da morin 8:00 AM ,''deedee get up and go run 2 miles and im a sprinter lol, but i got up and did wat he said might i add we have practice everyday at 5:00 everybody was like u crazy you need to chill but I knew it was gona pay off in the END cause its my last year you know gotta leave a last impression ! and coach walker WOW he is the most ELITE coach i've had since......... well IM GRATEFUL HE TOOK TIME AWAY FROM HIS FAMILY TO COACH US AND MAKE US BETTER ! we had hard workouts where i was like if i run one more hill IM GONA DIE ''but I remembered what MR.M.ALI said ''Im going work hard today and I can be a champion for the rest of my life ''. THANKS COACH WALKER , WE LOVE YOU, THE FORDS ALWAYS THERE! ,THE STALLWORTH'S ,SO NICE, MR. FUERGUSON, MR WALTER , AND ALL OF FAST LANE I LOVE YALL !!!!!!!! dat beach workout was killa omg i'll nevA forget dat one LOL! WELLINGTON 4BY 1 COMING LOL! WATCH OUT 1
Le'Chaundra Portee
West Palm Beach FL
April 3, 2009
8:49:55 PM

Entry ID: 1598483
Hey Fastlane Family, I just want to say that practice over the spring break was very tough,but we also had a great time. I enjoyed the Beach Workout.
Shanelia Buckle
royal palm beach
April 3, 2009
6:58:04 PM

Entry ID: 1598414
hey fast lane fam just wanted to say hi and tell everyone what a good job we all did at practice over the spring break. we had alot of fun and it was nice to meet everyone. love u guys.
Makaela Pratt(FRESHMAN)
April 3, 2009
3:48:18 PM

Entry ID: 1598309
Hey Fast Lane Family!! Im so glad that i got to met everyone over spring break. The spring break practices were pretty hard, because im just use to walk-runs. But the worst practice was the beach work-out that was sooooo hard, but after that we had so much funn!! Coach Walker was right Fast Lane brings the business and also have so much fun doing it.Im looking forward to being on the team.
Yushondria Jackson (Yuyu)
April 3, 2009
1:55:03 PM

Entry ID: 1598233
Even though I couldn't come to all the practices. I did enjoy coming, I haven't had a practice like that in a long time and I can't wait for the summer is going to be as fun as it was last summer. YAY
erin ford
Royal Palm Beach
April 3, 2009
1:51:21 PM

Entry ID: 1598231
hey fastlane family, practice was fun but kind of hard at the same time. i can say that i had a good time over spring break training with my uncle coach walker.
Thelmarcia Williams (Tee)
Royal Palm Beach
March 29, 2009
1:01:27 AM

Entry ID: 1594250
Tamirah Bonaby
West Palm Beach
March 28, 2009
2:13:42 PM

Entry ID: 1593995
HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAM!! Just shown fastlane sum love! Hope everyone is havin a great spring break, and all high schoolers be ready for count championships coming up after spring break! Hey Coach Walker HEy MRs. Walker
March 11, 2009
2:06:23 PM

Entry ID: 1581504
Coach Ford (the wife)
March 11, 2009
1:37:45 PM

Entry ID: 1581472
What's going on Fastlane family? I am so anxious to be in your company again this summer, because I really enjoy watching you very talented athletes work so hard to reach your goals, while having such a great time. I like the positive attitudes, the smiles and laughter. Also, the determination, hard work, dedication and support of one another. No matter what, you all will and can always say you found an extended family with fastlane. Always support one another while competing together or against... it can only make you better, personally and competively. Always take time to focus on YOUR future for yourself... it may not be the only way to a great life, but it is "A" way there. Imagine getting college paid for TO RUN. As a parent, it would delight me. Like I said, I look forward to summer track, and I will cross some paths during the school season.
February 7, 2009
4:53:54 PM

Entry ID: 1558842
muck city
February 7, 2009
4:52:30 PM

Entry ID: 1558840
hey yall this wislande maxy, I would like to thank coach walker for all he has done for me he has treated me like I was his child he has the, best and by far the biggest caring heart anyone could possess I LOVE MY COACH AND COACHS ! well i came on here so say i hope my teammates are doing great right now and representing , im praying that all goes well and they are performing well , I AM FAST LANE TRSCK CLUB!
Kiera Murray
January 29, 2009
10:14:39 PM

Entry ID: 1552882
When i fist started Fast Lane track club i didnt plan for it to be sutch a massive part of my life.Without me even trying to become attatched i quickly did.Coach Walker is like a father to me.We as runners have grown so much.I cn remember a time when i couldnt run a mile without stopping and now i can run that just for the warm up!When i run a race all i hear in my ears is "Its hard but its fair" and "Finish thew the line strong!" I love Fast Lane track team and i hope its around when im married with kids so that i can put my kids in it and watch them grow the way i have!
Renoal Murat (Ray)
West Palm Beach
January 27, 2009
9:29:48 AM

Entry ID: 1550633
Fast Lane Track Club has helped me to feel like a real athlete. Throughout my childhood everyone has always doubted my skills and what I can do. However, with coach Walker's training and my desire of becoming the best athlete I can finally be, its now is possible with the Fast Lane Track Club.
Yushondria Jackson (Yuyu)
January 26, 2009
7:10:31 PM

Entry ID: 1550376
There so many ways i can describe how much this club/team means to me...i remember the first time i came out which was last year...i thought i would never come back by the end of the day..but i really am happy i did. This track team is more then a team to me its my family...and we are one big family..i learned so much from this club let alone from coach walker...he is such a great person and he has taught me to work hard and don't give up and it will pay off..."It's hard but it's fair" hahahaha he always says that...but yea this is my second year with fast lane and i'm very happy to be apart of this team/family.. COLLEGE WISHLIST: 1.)Howard University (favorite) 2.)NYU 3.)Clark University
Alex Kellman
January 25, 2009
10:20:09 PM

Entry ID: 1549706
I am extremely happy that I joined the Fat Lane Track Club. It has given me so much help in my running I don't know where I would be if I had never joined. I would like to either attend WVU, GMU, or USF
Alexandrew Hintzen
West Palm Beach
January 25, 2009
9:55:51 PM

Entry ID: 1549692
I am extremely gratefull for fastlane track club. It gives athletes who started competing in track and field late such as myself an oppurtunity to develop the technique to move on to the next level. My college choices are The University of Miami and Florida State University.
Tamirah Boanby
January 25, 2009
9:49:50 PM

Entry ID: 1549687
Tamirah Bonaby
West Palm Beach
January 25, 2009
9:46:50 PM

Entry ID: 1549686
OOps! I forgot to put my name on my comment. The one Underneath this comment is mine.
January 25, 2009
9:45:18 PM

Entry ID: 1549685
Fast Lane!! Fast Lane was the best thing that ever happened to me. After an upsetting ordeal at my old school, that resulted in me mot running track spring of 2007, I didn't know if I wanted to even go to school, let alone run track anytime soon. But Fast Lane welcomed me in like I was family. They gave my my rhythm back as a hurdler, and most of all they never once ever let me think that I wasn't part of the team.( I espacially thank Coach Walker and Mrs. Walker for that) Now that I am a senior in high school, I plan on continuing my education and track at either the University of Central Florida or Florida State University. Fast Lane has prepared me to be the best hudler the world has yet to see, and I thank God for bringing me to them. THANKYOU SO MUCH FAST LANE!!!!! P.S Coach Walker I know Iam sometimes a pain lol but I want you to know I appreciate everything you have done for me espacially when you worked over time for me when you didn't have to.
Chyanne Fletcher
January 25, 2009
8:52:22 PM

Entry ID: 1549641
hey fast lane I would just like to thank all the coaches for allowing me the opportunity to be on this gracious team. I would also like to thank my team mates for accepting me as apart of the fast lane track club family. I have learned so much from this team from setting up in the blocks all the way to proper form running. This team gives me the confidence to run in college and I hope that I do. Coach Walker thank you for everything you have ever done for me I thank god for the day when I meet you at one of my high school track meets because I sucked badly, and now I feel like I have improved tremendously. I hope to attend San Diego State University, Morgan State University, Howard University, University of South Florida, or Clarke Atlanta University.
Ashleigh McCray
West Palm Beach.
January 25, 2009
4:13:13 PM

Entry ID: 1549487
Hey everybody, sorry i haven't been to practice or the car washes lately. A lot has been going on. I no longer live with my mom and i am not runnin track this high school season =/ Anyways, Marshae told me that we are suppose to tell us what Fast Lane means to us and the colleges we are hoping to attend. So, heregoes, without Fast Lane, my summer would have been extremely boring. Without Coach Walker constantly stressing to us that it's not just about our runninng its about our personality etc., and always telling us his struggles growing up and teaching us values, i think i would be doing A LOT worse in my own situations. In other words, he helped me grow up. I LOVE YOU COACH. As for the colleges, Right now, FSU, FAMU, and UF are looking really good. I am hoping to major in political science or english.
Le'Chaundra Portee
West Palm Beach
January 25, 2009
3:22:28 PM

Entry ID: 1549461
Colleges: FAU, UCF. Fast lane has help me build my confidence in my running. Fast lane has help me realized that I still have a chance and I can now make my dream an reality.
Marqueshia Stallworth
west palm beach
January 25, 2009
12:53:55 PM

Entry ID: 1549403

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