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Luke Dillon
New Britain
May 15, 2010
7:59:45 AM

Entry ID: 1790633
Hello! I was hoping you could post my name on your website. I am VERY interested in joining a team for this year's softball season. I am a 29 year old male who is just looking to have some fun this season and meet new people. I live in New Britain and work for ESPN so I do travel a lot, but hopefully that will not discourage people from having me play. I am a decent player but have not played softball in a few years. Please let me know if there is a team I can contact near where I live. Thank you so much!

Luke Dillon
David Mendez
May 15, 2010
7:57:46 AM

Entry ID: 1790631
Good morning, I just came across your web site. I'm new to CT and looking to join a team in need of players. I've played in co-ed and men's leagues. I am looking forward to hearing from you and playing.

David Mendez
Erin Mulhern
May 9, 2010
10:17:08 PM

Entry ID: 1788802
Good Morning, is it too late to sign up as a "free agent" for this summer's softball league? I was looking over the website, but I couldn't find any free agent deadlines or a link to add my name to the list. I've played softball a few times when I lived in AZ, but it was in non-competitive, pre-/post-happy hour games. Thanks,

Erin Mulhern
cell: 520-548-8436
New Britain/ Newington Line
May 4, 2010
12:38:38 PM

Entry ID: 1787142
Just moved out here. I am male/ good softball player/ athlete. Lookng for a team to play on. I also have a friend who is looking to play. If you want to better your team contact me at 203-339-1815. Thanks, Tim
Todd Brandenberger
April 22, 2010
2:59:38 PM

Entry ID: 1783456
I recently moved to Hartford and am looking for a softball team/league. I pitch, play corner IF, some OF, catch, basically anywhere you need me. Please contact me via email. Thanks,

Todd Brandenburger
Eric Schoenberg
West Hartford
April 21, 2010
10:36:00 PM

Entry ID: 1783263
I'd like to sign up for the free agent list. I live in West Hartford and can play any position.

Eric W. Schoenberg, Esq.
35 Huntington Drive
West Hartford, CT 06117
April 21, 2010
10:32:47 PM

Entry ID: 1783258
Any chance that you have any teams in need of a 26 year old female player? I was MVP on my high school team, playing mostly center field. Thanks,

David Wright
April 17, 2010
9:44:33 PM

Entry ID: 1781707
David Wright: I'm new to town and looking for a softball team to join. I played D1 college baseball in Tennessee. 29 years old. Throw left, bat right. I can play any position and can hit bombs. Contact me if interested.
Felicia Garcia
April 14, 2010
5:19:18 PM

Entry ID: 1780651
Interested in playing in a league if you need a female player email me. I play on occassion and enjoy the sport. Thx.

Felicia Garcia
Bill K
East Hartford
April 14, 2010
10:35:39 AM

Entry ID: 1780477
Hi, I am interested on joining a Coed team if there are any teams looking for a player. I've played on men's and coed teams in the past but it's been about 10 years. I would love to get back into it. I played outfield most of the time.

Bill K
Eric Luce
April 7, 2010
11:27:14 PM

Entry ID: 1778002
I was looking to join an adult softball team co-ed or otherwise in the Manchester area. 31 years old 6'4" lefty to play the outfield. Not the strongest arm but can get to a ball and catch it effectively. Have some power at the plate. Looking for some good competition and have some fun at the same time.

Eric Luce
Adam Taddonio
April 7, 2010
11:24:24 PM

Entry ID: 1777997
I got your email from a friend already in the league. I have enough people to enter an entire team. Is it too late to join the league this year?

Adam Taddonio
(860) 257-6955 ext. 235
Shealyn Davis
April 5, 2010
8:00:59 PM

Entry ID: 1777193
Hi, I was looking for a summer softball league to join and I came across your website. I was wondering if it is too late to join up or if there is still space available on any of the teams. I am a 24 year old female and I might have a friend or two interested as well. Also, just how competitive is the league? I don't have experience on an actual team (only backyard/pickup playing) but I would love get involved anyway if it's not too late. Thanks a lot,

Shealyn Davis
Vin Patel
April 5, 2010
7:59:04 PM

Entry ID: 1777191
Good Evening, I am a young professional and have a group of my fellow colleagues looking to join a co-ed adult softball league. I have approximately 10-12 who are interested in forming a team for 2010. We are typically 24-25 in age and have both men and women looking to play. I saw there was a captain's meeting a few weeks ago. I was wondering if it were still possible to join the league. My friends/colleagues and I are looking for a fun, recreational softball league to join. We are not looking to play extremely competitive but more so to have a good time. Please send me any additional information you may have which will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely,

Vin Patel
(860) 209-9700
Patrick Oakes
West Hartford
April 4, 2010
11:57:17 PM

Entry ID: 1776950
I haven't played in a few years but would like to start again. The independent league seems like it would be a good beginning. I am 48 years old and keep myself in very good shape. I am six feet tall, 225 lbs., throw right and bat left. I am not intense about it but I do like to play the game the right way. I have two daughters, ages 19 and 23 who might also be interested in playing. Thanks for your help,

Patrick Oakes
Phone number: 860-232-6892
Greg Smith
West Hartford
March 30, 2010
6:36:55 AM

Entry ID: 1774954
Hi, I was looking for a softball league in the Hartford area and came across your page just the other day. I see that you have a meeting in Hartford, but I won't be able to make that. I might be too late even to join, but I had a couple questions I hoped you could answer.

I noticed on your website a bunch of different fields you play at, do you end up playing at all of them or stick to certain ones the majority of time? I just ask because I am in West Hartford and work in Avon so it would take a little while to get over to East Hartford or somewhere.

And what times do your games normally start? Both me and my fiance are interested in posting as free agents, but don't want to waste people's time if it looks like we couldn't make most of the games. Thanks,

Greg Smith
Danielle Adams
New Britain
March 22, 2010
10:21:25 PM

Entry ID: 1771902
Hello! I'd really like to be added to the free agents section of your website so I can hopefully join a team. I am 29 and live in New Britain. I can play 2nd base, catcher, outfield, short fielder, and can be a back up pitcher. I have a few questions. There are a lot of teams in several towns... Do all teams play each other? How far do teams travel? Thank you,

Danielle Adams
Brian Nangle
March 22, 2010
11:49:31 AM

Entry ID: 1771527
Would love to get to play some softball this summer. I played on a very good team when I lived in Washington, but would be up for anything, as long as I can play. Brian Nangle (860) 685-3167
Pete O'Connell
West Hartford
March 20, 2010
9:34:07 PM

Entry ID: 1771003
My friend and I were talking today about playing competitive softball and I see your website, ....are you taking new teams? If so, we can have someone at your meeting this Thursday (25th). Please let me know. We'd love to play and be part of the league. Thank you,

Pete O'Connell
William Raymond
March 20, 2010
1:06:02 PM

Entry ID: 1770888
Hello, looking to play if anyone needs a player. Can play outfield and pitch. Thanks,

William Raymond
Manchester, CT
March 15, 2010
3:13:55 PM

Entry ID: 1769002
My boyfriend and I are looking to join a co-ed league for the spring/summer 2010. ages: 24 positions: 2nd and outfield I played softball growing up, and played co-ed softball for the past 5 years. My college team won intramural softball two years in a row, and my summer league went to the semi-finals last year. I just moved down to CT to move in with my boyfriend. Super excited to play again this year, and hope to hear from someone!
Karl Brady
March 12, 2010
8:59:24 PM

Entry ID: 1768160
Hi, I wasn’t sure if it was too early, but I’d like to add a team to the GHISL. We heard great things about the league and wanted to give it a try. Please let me know when the managers meeting is and anything I need to do in the interim. Thanks,

Karl L. Brady, Jr.
Business Technology Consulting
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
One Hartford Plaza, NP5-4, Hartford, CT 06155
Tel: (860) 547-9749
Fax: (860) 547-5923
Bill Pascucci
West Hartford
March 12, 2010
8:57:11 PM

Entry ID: 1768158
Hi, I work for a company named AMTEC in West Hartford. Several of our employees played for Fleming's last year in your league. This year I am thinking of entering our own team. Please let me know if AMTEC will be allowed to play in the league this year and when there may be additional information available. Thank you.

Bill Pascucci
124 LaSalle Road, West Hartford, CT 06107
TEL: (860) 523-5112
FAX: (860) 236-7135
Dave Wasserman
March 12, 2010
8:54:48 PM

Entry ID: 1768156
Hello! My friend and I (from Newington and East Hampton) have been looking around for a baseball or softball league to play in during the summer and happened across the GHIBL and GHISL. I just wanted to get some more information about the softball league - if there were any openings, how competitive it is, where the games are played, etc. Thanks in advance,

Dave Wasserman and Brad Sabean
Patricia Bott
March 12, 2010
8:50:52 PM

Entry ID: 1768152
Hi - I'm looking for information on how to join a co-ed league. Can anyone offer me some information/advise? Thank you.

Tricia Bott
Cell: 860.919.3395

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