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  • Parent Athlete Agreement
    All players and parents must fill out prior to first practice and after the following handouts have been read. Turn in the first day of practice.

  • Concussion Fact Sheet for Athletes
    All players are to read this fact sheet prior to filling out the Parent Athlete Concussion form. The form then needs to be brought to the first day of practice in order for player to participate.

  • Concussion Fact Sheet for Parents
    All parents are to read this fact sheet prior to filling out the Parent Athlete Concussion form. The form then needs to be brought to the first day of practice in order for player to participate.

  • 2021 Barron Youth Softball Handout
    Barron Youth
    Softball Association

    Handbook 2021

    Board of Directors - 2020
    President: Missy Shatley (715-418-0610)
    Vice-President: Kate Vruwink
    Treasurer: Brooke Halverson
    Concessions Coordinator: Jessica Mullikin
    Rec Director: Molly Boe (715-418-5445)
    Varsity Softball Coach: Derek Lundequam
    Board Members: Lori Lien, Nichole Thompson, Jon Thompson

    Barron Softball Youth Association belongs to the Barron County Girls Youth Fastpitch League. Schedules are posted closer to the season and all coaches will contact players with schedule once practice begins.

    Timely registration allow time to find coaches, establish team assignments, order uniforms and equipment, league deadlines and schedule field practice times adequately. Late registrations will be put on a waitlist and will be approved pending roster availability on a team. Since additional costs can incur from late registrations, a late charge may be applied per the board’s request.

    Prior to first practice, a full refund will be given, less any cost already incurred (for example, uniform already purchased…). You must contact our club President to obtain a refund.
    *After first practice, refunds will not be given.*

    Schedules and Tournaments:
    The head coach of each team prepares the practice schedule by May. If you do not receive a copy of a practice schedule, please contact your child’s coach.

    If your player is going to be absent from any practice, game or tournament game, please contact the coach in advance so the coach can plan accordingly. Absences from practice time may effect playing time.

    The Barron County Girls Youth Softball league consists of three groups of age, 3rd & 4th grades, 5th & 6th grades, 7th & 8th grades that will travel to visiting towns for games. Parents are responsible for the player’s transportation.

    Each level will participate in the league tournament provided by the Barron County Girls Youth league. Please save the dates provided by the league to have your child participate in the league tournament. The association covers additional tournament fees to participate so it is important that players attend the tournament out of respect for the rest of the team, coaches, and league. Time Schedules of the league tournament will be sent the week prior to the tournament. The tournament is scheduled for Friday, Saturday and possibly Sunday games, in June.

    Participation at any additional tournament(s) during or after the season will be decided and agreed upon between the board and the coaches. Minimal additional registration fee may incur in order for your player to play and to have enough players for a team. Travel/Competitive teams may also be decided by the board and coaches for these additional tournaments at this age levels.

    Complete uniform (official uniform top, black softball pants, maroon softball socks, shoes, helmet, and softball glove, and infield mask) must be worn at all games. A softball glove and shoes are required at all practices, but it is suggested that all players wear comfortable athletic-type clothing. Sliding drills can happen during practice. A coach may require pants during practice. This is the player’s responsibility. We suggest old sweats as rips can happen.

    Uniform tops are required to be ordered through the association/vendor and the responsibility of the player to pay for the uniform at time of registration. The board has a right to order new uniforms for all players at the beginning of any season. It will be announced during registration if new uniforms are being ordered for the upcoming season.

    Equipment that is necessary for a game to be conducted will be provided by the association, with the exception of the above. (Uniforms, gloves, helmet, softball cleats) If a player chooses to bring their own equipment, it is their responsibility to take care of their own equipment and take it home with them each practice or game. The League and Booster club will not assume any responsibility for items lost, stolen, broken, used, or any other occurrence with equipment that is not owned by the association, etc.

    It is the responsibility of the player and parent to inform the coach of an injury, medical concerns, or behavior concerns. Softball is a physical sport and can cause unexpected injury. Safety comes first to the player. All parents and players must read and sign concession form before first practice. This is a State requirement. Due to the nature of the sport, the Barron Youth Softball Association is not responsible for injuries that occur during the sport. The Concussion form is part of the registration. Parent and Player acknowledge the WIAA Concussion form has been read and signed with the registration form.

    All games and practices will carry on as scheduled unless inclement (Thunder and Lightning) weather occurs and field conditions are unsafe. Games will be played in a light rain if the field is safe and playable. Coaches will contact all players to inform when a game or practice is cancelled. Assume that all games and practices are on schedule until you hear from the head coach.

    Volunteer and Fundraising:
    For the Softball program to be successful, there are times when you will be asked to volunteer and fundraise. Funds go back to the program to support necessary equipment, umpires, and field maintenance. Fundraising will be announced at registration. Board has the right to include this fundraising as a requirement. This includes but not limited to:

    Concessions: The concession stand at the high school varsity field will need volunteer parents at all home games and league tournament. It will be required for one adult family member to work the concession stand at game(s) during the season. Schedule will be set up when league announces home games. We appreciate your volunteer time.

    League Tournaments: When the Board agrees to host a league championship at any age level, it is required that at least 1 family member work concessions, field prep or other necessary needs. This means even if your player is not playing in the tournament, it is still a requirement for all 3rd through 8th graders. Concessions are part of our main fundraising efforts for the year when we host.

    Fundraisers: Additional fundraisers may be chosen by the board each year to help also raise funds for necessary costs to run the softball program. (For example, T-shirts, candy sales, Kwik Trip Cards).

    Grievance Policy:
    The Barron Youth Softball Association has established the following policy with the guidance of the City of Barron Recreational bylaws and other local associations. It is in place to aid parents, players and coaches in case of any problems that may occur during the season.

    If problems should arise through the season, please take them directly to your child’s coach with intent of peaceful resolution. If a peaceful agreement/understanding cannot be reached, then contact the Board President and follow the grievance “Chain of Command” below:

    1. Player first talks directly to the coach.
    2. Parent/Player contact coach via email.
    3. Child and parent meet with coach & the Board of Directors.
    4. Parent meets with City Recreation Director & Board President.
    5. Parent meets with Barron Recreation Council.

    No grievances should be brought to a coach during practice, during a game or pre- or post-game. If a matter is not handled following these steps, your daughter will be immediately suspended from play until the matter is reconciled. This will involve you as a parent and your athlete meeting with the coach and the Softball Board at the time that is convenient for the coach. Our coaches are volunteers, and they are valuable to us - let’s appreciate them and not critique them in the stands. Anyone can be a critic. Please be a positive, supportive parent.

    Playing time: Playing time and positions is at the coach’s discretion and not up for discussion. The game of Softball does not have equal positions and playing time due to the nature of the game. In the 3rd-6th grades, your child should see ample amount of playing time throughout the season. Attending practices, attending games, and attitude are factored in and can affect playing time; coaches can make those decisions at any level. Playing time at the 7th and 8th grade level is competitive; there is no guarantee of positions or innings played will be of equal time. If the # of players allows for two teams, the board and coaches will host mandatory tryouts at the beginning the season for 7th and 8th grade.

    Attending tournaments and games with the intent of supporting our girls and coaches in a positive manner; represent our community with class and good sportsmanship. This includes good sportsmanship towards umpires and visiting communities. Board of Directors has a right to suspend any spectator from the ball field area during a game. This suspension can be extended for the rest of the softball season, if necessary, per the Board of Directors. Remember, our girls are always watching us….

    SOCIAL MEDIA: Supporting the Barron Youth Softball Program, the teams and coaches in a positive manner is important for our player’s confidence and building their character. Outbursts, inappropriate language and negative comments are not appropriate for any social media outlet (examples: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) by players or family members and will be held accountable and at the discretion of the coaches and Softball Association Board by the above grievance policy. This includes whether player will be allowed to return next year to the softball association, if it happens outside of the season timeframe. Let’s be positive role models.

    THANKS for allowing us to work with your daughter; we’re excited to continue to build a strong Softball program in Barron. Your support means getting your player to and from practice and games on a timely manner. That also means supporting the coaches and the decisions they make, even if you do not totally agree. It is the coach’s decision to have open or closed practices. If you are willing to coach, get involved and help out under the direction of the head coach. If not, be a supporter! If you have further questions, please contact the Board President for further questions.

    Thank you for your support! Go BARRON GOLDEN GIRLS!

    ****Below are the same questions answered during online Registration
    Please read the Barron Youth Softball Association Handbook, read below and sign at the bottom.

    I have read and understand the softball association expectations. This includes:

    • All registration, fees and other necessary information for my daughter to play softball for the season have been turned in.

    • Participation in fundraising and volunteering for the concession stand (when it’s ready) will be mandatory.

    • If problems should arise throughout the season, it should be taken directly to my child’s coach with intent of peaceful resolution/understanding. If a peaceful resolution/understanding cannot be reached, then contact I will contact the Board President. The “Chain of Command” in the softball handbook will be followed.

    • The game of softball does not have equal position and playing time due to the nature of the game. Positions and playing time is at the coach’s discretion. In 3rd - 6th grade, players should see some significant playing time. Playing time and positions at 7th and 8th grade level is competitive. Attending practices and attitude are factored in and can affect playing time; coaches can make those decisions at any level.

    My daughter’s name (please print) _________________________________ Grade ___________

    Parent’s Name (Please sign) ______________________________________ Date ____________