• Flag Football 2016 waiver

  • Peferated Register Form for High school Basketball league
    Bottom of the flyer needs to be cut, and or turned in asap. Email or contact me. jerricstovall@yahoo.com 309-255-8818.

  • Flag League Roster Form
    Copy, print and return to me asap. Can be sent via email as well. jerricstovall@yahoo.com.


    I understand that participation in the above Activity or Event may be hazardous for the name above participant.

    In signing below, I assume the risk of harm or injury which may occur to the participation as a result of participating in the above-named event or activity. I hereby release (business or organization name) ____________________________________and its officers, employees, or agents, from any liability, costa and damages resulting this individual’s participation.

    If the participant is a minor: 17 & under

    I agree that the minor has my consent to participate in the event activity.

    I also give my consent for the business or organization to seek emergency treatment for the minor if necessary, and I agree financial responsibility for the cost related to this emergency treatment.


    Participants Name

    ______________________________ ____ /____ /____

    Participants Signature Date


    Name of Parent of Guardian -17

    ______________________________ ____/____/____

    Signature of Parent of Guardian -17 Date


    Name of Parent of Guardian -17

    ______________________________ ____/____/____

    Signature of Parent of Guardian -17 Date

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