Team Registration Forms
Subscribe to our NewsletterJR. LEGION PLAYER CONTRACT
To be filled out and signed by all players and their parent/guardians.2023 Player Photo Release/Authorization
Required waiver for use of player photosLEGION PREP PLAYER CONTRACT
To be filled out by all players and their parent/guardians.COACHES - TEAM PA-ALB-BACKGROUND CHECK FORM
To be filled out by head coach and signed by the organization's president or post commander.COACHES - PA CHILD ABUSE (CY113)
To be filled out by all coaches.COACHES - PA CRIMINAL CHECK (SP4-164)
To be filled out by all coachesCOACHES - AFFIRMATION OF VOLUNTEER STATUS
To be filled out by all coachesCOACHES - CHILD ABUSE TRAINING (SENATE 534)
To be taken by all coaches. A copy of the certificate must be presented with Form PA-ALB at team registration.