I am ...I can !!!
If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don’t!
If you like to win, but think you can’t,
It’s almost a cinch you won’t.
If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost;
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow’s will;
It’s all in the state of mind.
If you think you are outclassed, you are,
You’ve got to think high to rise,
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who THINKS HE CAN!!
"Young sportspersons who want to make a mark in their game should always remember that excellence in sport is a state of mind. You have got to set your goals and work hard to achieve them, always believing that your goals are achievable."
Young Setter
Young Setter's Questions & Answers
Setters: Nine MUST DOS!!
1.) THE SETTER MUST BE IN THE HABIT OF ASKING FOR THE BALL. Why? most of the time, the setter will be standing at the net; but, sometimes the setter will be out of position, coming from the back row, etc. So if she's not in the habit of asking for the ball, then there will be instances where the hitters will pass a ball to the net...........and there will be no one there.
2.) DURING A SCRAMBLE PLAY the setter calling for the ball will be like a mother's voice to a lost child. So, setters, if play is deteriorating, then you must say, "Doris, DORIS, here, right HERE!!!!" The MB's (middle blockers) on the team are the players who most often freak on first contacts because they get balls off the block so often. They give opponents free balls constantly because there's only a moment to make a decision………and they spasm. Setters: Be the mom!!
3.) SETTERS MUST MAKE A DECISION on the second contact, even if it's the wrong one. If there is confusion, then the rally is over. Setters MUST say either, "I got it," or "Doris, Doris, take it!!" I can tolerate setters making a wrong decision, but my setters are not allowed to make no decision.
4.) SETTERS MUST FACE THEIR OUTSIDE HITTER if at all possible. There's no deception if you face right when setting right, face back row when setting back row, etc. And if the other team KNOWS where the sets are going, even the bad teams will dig/block twenty percent more balls!! And if that’s the case, guess what the good teams will do to your offense?
5.) WHEN BUMP SETTING, "Don't, Don't, DON'T drop your arms down to your knees, then set the ball while your arms are swinging" . Keep your arms at rib-height and let your body set the ball. Why? Because we want the ball to go up rather than forward. Setters who drop their arms will set a few "grandma" sets. (I call them grandma sets because that's where about fifteen percent of them will end up: in grandma's lap!
6.) A SETTER'S BODY LOOKS THE SAME on a good pass regardless of where she's setting. So as the ball is entering the setter's hands, the opponents should have no clue where she’s going to set the ball.
7.) HANDS MUST BE UP EARLY AND STILL to avoid lifts and double contacts.
8.) DUMP ONCE EVERY 15 MINUTES. And if the other team isn't picking them up, dump more often. If the other team is picking them all up, then you need to work on dumping at practice!
9.) Finally, THE SETTER SHOULD BE THE BIGGEST CHEERLEADER, be the hardest worker and have the best attitude on the team. Why? It's just natural for teammates to gravitate towards the person who has the most control over the outcome. If that person then has no leadership characteristics, the team is like a ship without a rudder. Hey, so you think it's coincidence that quarterbacks are the leaders? No, it's more likely that the coach saw a leader on the team and then decided to make him a quarterback!! So, if a setter wants her team to play their best, then she will encourage, cheer, smile, and dedicate herself to the team's success.