Alliston Ladies Slo-Pitch League

2019 Season




President: Samantha VanDorp

Vice President: Vanessa Aird

Treasurer: Janice Bigham

Secretary: Connie Murphy

Statistician: Dawn Metcalf 







Welcome to our 2019 Season! Our tentative start date will be May 10th.  


Here is a breakdown of what your fees include :( $1700.00 – with a $50.00 refundable deposit. Deposit will be handed out at the year-end banquet; permitting your team had no fines and has handed in prizes)

• Town Fees $7000.00
• Umpire Fees $7100.00
• SPN Registration and Insurance $1600.00  (Only members who are registered will be insured. It's the responsibility of the team captain to ensure all team members are registered.)
• Equipment $1000.00
• Year End Tournament $4000.00
• Year End Banquet @ The Legion $3100.00


Banquet – September 7th @ The Legion

• Tickets will be sold for $6.00, $1.00 from each ticket will go to a local charity (in name of ALSPL). Tickets will need to be purchased by JUNE 22nd.
• Each team is responsible for 2 raffle prizes ($25.00) for the banquet. All prizes need to be handed in to Samantha or Vanessa no later than – August 23rd.
• Coaches can attend dinner.
• We will be hosting a 50/50 Draw over the Tournament and Banquet. The winner will be announced at the Banquet.


Season and Division Play:

• Based on last year’s results teams will be divided into 2 Pools. Being a mixture of A/B/C division teams. Teams will then be split into 2 divisions for the second half (A/B). The year-end tournament will be divided in to 3 divisions - A/B/C.



Forfeiting a game will result in a win/loss. Except for rainouts, if rainout games can not be made up, these games will result in a tie. 


Reporting Scores:

• WINNING teams are responsible for entering final scores into the website. The winning team is also responsible to have the umpire sign their team score sheet. That will be the deciding score if there are any discrepancies.
• **New**

If scores are not entered by the following Friday, your previous game will become a FORFIET (win becomes a loss) and a $5.00 fine will be issued. If there are any issues with reporting scores, please 

contact one of the executives and we can assist you.


1. Go to    m 

2. Click on schedules in the side menu bar

3. Find your team ie Sweets

4. On the top of the screen click on Report Scores.

5. Input the date for the game you are reporting

6. Input the password which is “score”

7. Click Report Score for the game that you are reporting the score for. 

8. Type in the scores for both teams 

9. Click on Submit.

If you need help, please do not hesitate to ask … we can help walk you through it.


Rules & Regulations

The following rules will be in effect for the Alliston Ladies Slo-Pitch 2019 season.  These rules are non-negotiable, and are expected to be followed by all teams and players. These rules are put in place to make the game as fair as possible for all teams, and to ensure that all players are safe.  All SPN rules will be followed with exceptions to our own league rules listed below:

1. Rosters and SPN Registration:
1. All players must be registered with SPN – failure to do so, will result in the player not having any insurance coverage and not eligible to play.
2. Eligible players MUST BE in their 16th Year (Turning 16 within the year 2019), and have signed permission for parents/guardians (if you need a consent form please ask the executive committee).
3. All coaches must be registered with SPN
4. All rosters will be locked in on June 7th with SPN and our league.  Each team is also responsible for submitting a signed Roster to the committee on or before June 7th.
5. A player must play a minimum of five games to be eligible to play in the year-end tournament. Any disputes about a player, will require your score book to be handed in for verification. If score books can not be provided the player in question will no longer be able to play. (Exception of an injured player returning or a pregnancy. However, this needs to be indicated at the start of the season with an estimated date of when they are expected to be eligible to play)


2. Fineable Actions:
1. Forfeiture of a game after 5:00 pm will result in a $50.00 fine (please note this fee could go up if there is a second offence as it does not cover the cost of the field and umpire).
2. Scores not reported by the following week by the WINNING team will be fined $5.00 and the game will result in a forfeit. (win becomes a loss)
3. If a team does not hand in door prizes for the banquet, the $50.00 deposit will go towards purchasing door prizes on behalf of that team.
4. If a team has any outstanding fines, the fines must be paid in full by AUGUST 30th. Or the team will NOT be eligible to play in the year-end tournament. NO EXCEPTIONS!


3. Late arrivals:

A player can enter a game no later than 30 mins from start time. If a player is in the batting order and has not arrived in time for their bat, the player must be scratched from the lineup, until they arrive and placed at the bottom of the batting order.


4. +5 Runs Rule: No Longer In Effect.


5. Runs Per Team Per Inning:
• 5 Runs Per Team Per Inning (Unless it is last inning/open inning). 
• Mercy will be +15 runs after the 5th inning.



We are a Friday night fun league. Which means we are not out to get Verbally, Mentally, Physicallyattacked. If a player/spectator is showing signs of aggression towards another player/spectator/ump, the umpire will give one warning to the aggressor. If the umpire has to speak to the same person again, this person will be thrown out of the game and their next game.


7. Medical Runners:

One (1) medical runner will be permitted per game.  The use of this runner must be expressed before the first pitch of the players at bat has begun. If a medical runner is going to be used, the batter must stop at first base, and wait for play to stop before the runner can enter. The replacement runner MUST be the last out.


8. Courtesy Runners:

A team may use a maximum of three (3) courtesy runners per game, and they may enter at any time and at any base. This runner can be any player in the line-up. IF the courtesy runner is still on base when her turn at bat occurs, she must be replaced with another courtesy runner. If all 3 courtesy runners have been used, she will remain on base and her at bat becomes an out.


9. Bats: 

Must have the USSSA Thumbprint. If the batter enters the batter box with an illegal bat, the bat will be tossed and so will the batter.

10. Bases
• Home team of the 7:00pm game is responsible for pick up and set up of the bases. Home team of the 9:30 game is responsible for returning the bases to the pavillion. (PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL OF YOUR EXEC)
• Bases should be placed at 65 feet.


11. Balls

All games will be played using an 11 inch Worth HOT dot ball.


12. Picking up players

A team can play with a minimum of 8 players, and can pick up no more than 2 players from another team to field a team of maximum 10 players. If you have only 8 players, it is up to the opposing team if they want to provide a catcher and, whether or not they are a live player. Player can only be picked up from their own pool for the season.

If a team picks up players that exceeds more than 10 players, the game will be forfeited.


13. Alcohol

The use of alcohol and illegal drugs is prohibited from this league, and will not be permitted on the benches or bleachers.

If a player is deemed intoxicated by the umpire, they will be asked to leave the game and will result in an automatic out the remainder of the game. If the team gives the umpire any problems, the team will forfeit their game. A team will be given 2 warnings, if alcohol is found on the bench, the third strike your team will forfeit the rest of the season. 

If there is an issue with the spectators please contact the executives. We will take the necessary steps to have them removed. If the issue at hand needs to be dealt with ASAP, please contact the police.


14. Smoking:

As a league, we have never really enforced the “Smoke-Free Ontario Act”. However, there have been a few complaints from spectators and players. If you smoke, please be respectful to those around you and distance yourself from the playing/spectator area. We have attached the “Smoke-Free Ontario Act” as an FYI. If we continue to receive complaints, we will have to enforce this act.