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Here are your questions and responses to them. Please keep the questions coming!:


Just bought and used this softball bat at dicks for my daughter. Is it ok for tournament play?.  Coach said USA ?  But logo different than baseball USA .    rules only say manufacturer official. Is certified same as official.   Please help. Thanks


The rule can be found in the rule book:
Here it is:
1.10 (a) The Official Bat shall be round, made of one piece of hardwood or formed from a block of wood consisting of two or more pieces of wood bonded together with an adhesive in such a way that the grain direction of all pieces is essentially parallel to the length of the bat. Any such laminated bat shall contain only wood or adhesive, except for a clear finish. The bat shall not be more than 34 inches long, and not more than 21⁄4 inches in diameter at its largest part. The bat, in its entirety, shall not exceed 38 ounces in weight. The bat shall have a safety grip of cork, tape (not smooth plastic type), or composition material. The safety grip shall not be less than 10 inches long and shall not extend more than 15 inches from the small end of the bat. The bat shall be marked “OFFICIAL SOFTBALL” or “OFFICIAL FASTPITCH” by the manufacturer. The bat may also be made of metal and a metal bat may be angular. The bat shall have no exposed rivets, pins, rough or sharp edges, or any form of exterior fastener that would present a hazard. All exposed surfaces of the bat shall be smooth and free of burrs. A metal bat shall not have a wooden handle. It shall conform to all the above specifications, with the exception that it is metal instead of wood
Question 2
Is Slash bunt legal?
It is illegal in the 8U division and penalty is ejection from the game. it is legal in all other divisions, however we HIGHLY DISCOURAGE this practice as it is a safety related issue and can be considered in the umpires judgement as unsportsmanlike and may result in ejection.
Question 3:
What is the pitching limit for 10U and 12U teams?
Florida has a Rule in Effect starting in the 2024 Post Season . This MUST be followed in all leveles of tournament play within the State of Florida.
No pitcher in 10U/12U tournament play shall be allowed to pitch in more than (Six) 6 innings in any two (2) successive tournament games within the same tournament level. 
Note: Managers are responsible for tracking this and penalty is forfeit.
Question 4:
Where does the Babe Ruth Softball Patch go on the uniform:
a. Shoulder Emblem. All players participating on Babe Ruth Softball local league or tournament competition are required to wear the official Babe Ruth Softball emblem. Leagues have the option to purchase Alleson Athletic jerseys from the approved Alleson Athletic Dealers containing the Official Babe Ruth Softball emblem. The jerseys with the sublimated official shoulder emblems will satisfy the requirement from local league and tournament play. The emblem will be worn on either the left uniform sleeve or on the upper left chest of the jersey. The official shoulder is required to be permanently affixed for all World Series competition. Sublimation or silkscreening of the Official Emblems is not allowed, except for sublimated jersey described above.
b. Cap/Visor Emblem Option: Leagues have the option to purchase caps approved dealers of Pacific Headwear and/or Outdoor Cap or Replica Major/Minor caps license by Outdoor Cap containing the Official Babe Ruth Softball emblem. These caps from Pacific Headwear and Outdoor Cap with the Official Babe Ruth Softball emblem will satisfy the Official Shoulder emblem requirement for local league and tournament play not including the Babe Ruth League World Series
Question 5:
 .Just a request for a Rule (# 8 Dead Ball, 8U Softball) Clarification…..Will the ball be DEAD if the Pitchers helper receives the ball from a fielder or only be called  Dead if the lead runner is stopped by the defense.
8. Dead ball:
A. The ball will be declared dead when in the Umpire’s judgement the defensive team stops the lead runner or the lead runner abandons the effort to advance. Once play has been stopped, no other runners may advance beyond the last base tagged.
This means exactly what is says - it has no reference to where the ball is or who has the ball in relation to the runner. In many cases the lead runner will abandon her attempt to reach the next base on her own and the ball is in the possession of an outfielder. Key here is this is umpires judgement and can not be challenged.
Question 6:

Rule: Coaches wearing protection when warming up a pitcher. 
Question: Does the protection consist of facemask AND helmet, or just facemask? 



Adult Coaches can wear just a facemask, similar to what an umpire wears. Warming up a pitcher consists of standing, bending down or squatting.


Question 7:

I have a question about blocking a base. Twice this weekend we had a 3rd baseman completely blocking the base before she had the ball making it impossible for our girls to slide and touch the bag.


Under definition of terms:

Here is the rule: Please note Key Highlights in Yellow.

OBSTRUCTION is the act of a fielder who, while not in possession of the ball and not in the act of fielding the ball, impedes the progress of any runner. If a fielder is about to receive a thrown ball and if the ball is in flight directly toward and near
enough to the fielder so she must occupy her position to receive the ball she may be considered ‘’in the act of fielding a ball.” It is entirely up to the judgment of the umpire as to whether a fielder is in the act of fielding a ball. After a fielder has made an attempt to field a ball and missed, she can no longer be in the “act of fielding” the ball. For example: an infielder dives at a ground ball and the ball passes her and she continues to lie on the ground and delays the progress of the runner, she very likely has obstructed the runner
If the ball is in flight - player can block the base. Again Umpire judgement can not be questioned.
Question 8:
 Is there a “must-slide” rule at any base? Or in particular at home, for example on a passed ball?
Also, any prohibition on head first slides?
There is no "Must Slide" Rule in Babe Ruth and Head first slides are allowed. However, Contact must be avoided. If a player  in the opinion of the umpire or a tournament official maliciously contacts another player, they will be ejected for the entire tournament. No appeal will be allowed. In addition if a runner does not slide and in the umpire's judgement impeades a throw, they will be called out for interference.
Question 9.
May a rosin bag be used during tournament? Must it be left at the mound so the other team has access or should the pitcher take it back to the dugout with her?
Yes, she may use it, she should take it back. Here is the rule:
8.06 The pitcher shall not at any time during the game be allowed to use tape or other substances upon the ball, the pitching hand or fingers, nor shall any player apply a foreign substance to the ball. Under the supervision and control of the umpire, powdered resin may be used to dry the hand. The pitcher shall not wear any item on the pitching hand, wrist or arm, or thigh which may be distracting to the batter.
3.02 No player shall intentionally discolor or damage the ball by rubbing it with soil, rosin, paraffin, licorice, sand-paper, emery paper or other foreign substance. PENALTY: The umpire shall demand the ball and remove the offender from the game. In case the umpire cannot locate the offender, and if the pitcher delivers such discolored or damaged ball to the batter, the pitcher shall be removed from the game at once.
Question 10:
1. Can a benched player ( substitute) come in as a pinch hitter only? After that offense series is over, the pinch hitter goes back to the bench and the player they hit for can come back in to their original defensive position and original batting lineup?
Yes - See Rule 3.03  and 3.04 Here is the key Highlight: NOTE: Any of the nine starting players may withdraw and re-enter once provided such player occupies the same batting position whenever she is in the line-up. A substitute
who is withdrawn may not re-enter.
2. If a benched player ( substitute) come in to pinch run for a player that is not a pitcher or catcher, can they go in the game later as a defensive and offensive player?
No- If they are not a courtesy Runner (for pitcher or catcher of record) they are treated as a substitute See the rule cited above.
Question 11:
My Daughter played up in 8u this season - can she play in 6U if she is age elligible.
Answer: Florida has a rule which states - you play up in the regular season, you pplay up for All Stars, so this would not be allowed. It has been in effect for 3 years in Florida for 6U players playing up - But has been expanded this year to all other divisions.
Question 12:
is there any rule that prohibits me from moving a position player from the field (any position) to behind the umpire near the fence? 
Answer: Yes - All players MUST be stationed in Fair territory - and you can only play with the normal infield positions - you cant add outfielders in the infield...

Question 13:
Could a parent give pitching instructions to his or her daughter from the stands including what pitches he or she wants her to throw? To clarify the person is not a part of the staff, but a very involved parent with their daughters development.
Answer:This is not allowed in post season play. Pitcher must take the sign front the catcher
8.01 (a) Preliminary to pitching, the pitcher must take a position with shoulders in line with first and third base with the ball in either or both hands. Pitcher shall take signs from the catcher while standing on the pitcher’s plate.
PENALTY: After a warning by the umpire for not taking the sign, the pitcher, on the next offense, shall be removed from the mound as a pitcher for the remainder of the game.
In fact there is no coaching allowed from outside the dugout - Rostered Coaches only are allowed in the dugout due to all the background check laws in Florida. Coaching from outside the dugout could have you and the coach removed from the game.


Manager's Meeting will be Wednesday, June 26th at 6:00 PM in the Columbia County Fairgrounds - Banquet/Event Hall.  Head Coach from each MUST be in attendance (Missing this meeting will lead to not being allowed to coach your team's first game) and submit Team's Credential Book upon arrival. if oyu can not attend - you must get a waiver from your district commissioner.

Meeting Agenda

  • Welcome Message
  • Introduction of Tournament Officials
  • Overview of Park Rules
  • Overview of Communications during Tournament
  • UIC Rules Presentation 
  • Q & A Open Discussion

Here's the address: 438 FL-247, Lake City, FL 32055


We will be using a text messaging service to alert you to weather conditions and changes in scheduling.  The alerts will also direct you to check the Web site for the latest news. At least ONE member of the coaching staff MUST sign up for this in order to get scheduling updates. This is the only way you will receive updates on the tournament. The answer "I didnt know" is not acceptable. Please note there will be many of these texts going out - dont ignore them even thoughh some may not be specific to you.

There are times when weather forces the suspension of games when you must seek shelter, often to your cars.  Some of those times, you will be asked to not leave the park, just in case play can resume.  If you have signed up for TEXT AND EMAIL ALERTS, you will receive via text, the message to either return to your field or that you can leave the park.  However, in order for you to receive the TEXT ALERTS, you must sign up even if you have signed up in previous years!!!!  Please sign up under Parents/scorekeeper/other DO NOT SIGN UP under tournament officials - you will be deleted.

Click here to Signup for Alerts!