Note:  Violations of the code of conduct may result in, but are not limited to: Warning, Suspension,
            and Expulsion


  1. Negative behavior from anyone will not be tolerated at games or practices toward referees, coaches, parents, players or fans – everyone is expected to treat all with respect regardless of race, sex, creed or ability. You will be asked to leave if this becomes a problem.

  2. Please refrain from using profanity, drugs, tobacco or alcohol at Cardington Soccer Events –Home & Away which includes games & practices.

  3. No Poor Sportsmanship or Disrespect by players to players or players to coaches etc.
    What is disrespectful behavior? Behavior that is rude, unpleasant, inappropriate, and unprofessional. Behavior that causes hurt feelings and distresses, disturbs, and/or offends others. Uncivil Behavior: Rude, impolite, discourteous behavior that displays a lack of regard for others. Examples: talking negatively to teammates and coaches, throwing things because a play didn’t go the way we expected it too.  If you don’t have anything nice to say keep it to yourself.


    1. First Offense-benched and parent notified (practice or game)

    2. Second Offense-Told to leave location and parent notified (practice or game) 

    3. Third Offense-suspended for a week and parent notified (practice or game)

  4. Practices will be fun and challenging for all players. Coaches will lead by example in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship like conduct to all players. Encouraging players to do their best, helping them when they struggle.

  5. Coaches: will review and practice the basic first aid principles needed to treat injuries of players.

  6.       Players: will notify coach if unable to attend a practice or game.   I will do my best to listen to the coach. 
          I will encourage my parents to be involved with my team in some capacity because it is important to me.
          I will do my very best in school.  I will remember that participating in sports is an opportunity to learn and
          have fun. 












Player Signature                                                                                          Coaches Signatures





Date: ____________________________