Yonkers Girls Federation Rules

February 28, 2019 – 07:00 PM

Pitching Rules

Distance to Home Plate

Seniors & Juniors  43ft

Debs: 35 ft. for windmill motion & 11year old pitchers who use modify delivery. 40ft. for 12 year old who use modify delivery.

Gidgets: 35ft. for any pitcher who uses windmill motionHit  & any 12 year old using modify motion, 33ft. for 9-year old using modify motion


Any illegal pitch will be called on delivery by umpire

Hit batters will take the base with the exception of a ball bouncing first that will be considered a ball in the count.

Seniors and Juniors pitchers who hit 3 batters in a game must be removed,

Debs and Gidgets pitchers who hit 5 batters in a gam innings  must be removed

Any pitcher removed due to hitting the limit of batters per game can not return to the mound

Seniors & Juniors may pitch the entire game, can be removed and return to the mound at any time

Debs & Gidgets may pitch 4 innings only- if they pitch 4inngs once removed they can not return

Intentional  walks - notify umpire no pitches thrown

Seniors, Juniors & Debs are 7 innings and 2 hour time limit

Gidgets 6 innings and 2 hours time limit


Book Rules except the following


5 runs per inning except the last, unlimited

pitcher 2 innings max. pitch

stealing of bases except home. runner on 3rd must be batted in by hit , walk , hit by pitch, never on an overthrow when stealing home

time is 2 hrs. or darkness during the week and no inning may start after 1 hr 45 minutes. If its 1 hr 40 minutes start the next inning

Upper Minors Rules New Rochelle

April 8, 2017 – 11:00 AM



Game Time is 5:30pm START

Teams allowed 10 players on field with 4 outfielders no 5th infielder.

5 run rule per inning until 6th inning when you must record 3 outs

When you remove pitcher from the mound he cannot re-enter

A catcher who plays 4 innings behind the plate can not pitch

No Leading

No tagging up from 3rd base

No bunting

Stealing is a allowed

A batter hit by then  pitch takes the base

Pitch Count Rules

7-8  50 pitches max.

9-10 75 pitches max

11-12 85 pitches max

Game last for 6 innings or 2 hours max, with no inng starting after 1 hr and 45 minutes




No Contact Rule- No More Must Slide Rule

February 17, 2014

AS of Jan. 1st  2014 The following is in Effect.



There is no more must slide rule. A runner must do one of the following






They cannot have contact with the fielder.



If a throw is up the line and draws the fielder into the base and the players run into each other  no call will be made as long as the runner does not lower his or her shoulder.

April 17, 2016 – 05:00 AM


No soft toss in Harrison

Roster Batting, If you borrow a player that player must bat at the end of the lineup.

No player can sit 2 consecutive innings.

One umpire per game to be paid by the league to District 21 Umpire Association-No Cash to the umpire

No Inning can start after 2 hours game should be 2hrs and 15mins. Approved by Rafael Rivera.

If harrison High School teams are using the field we must wait until they are done.

Games at Harrison High School coaches must fill in mound and home plate area if Babe Ruth gets a Locker Key.

No Gum and Seeds are allowed at West Harrison Fields ( Silver Lakes )

Teams and Coaches must clean up dugouts after the games and prior to you leaving for home.

Coaches to contact opposing coach by Wednesday to confirm games time, this will avoid any confusion.

All Harrison coaches must have a background check form on file with league to be allowed to coach, no form no coach will be allowed in the dugout or by the dugout. You will have to be in the stands.

All coaches MUST be Babe Ruth Certified.

All rosters to be uploaded onto Babe Ruth website under your charter.

All coaches must have background check forms and certification forms prior to game day.

Each team to provide at least 2 game balls.

Games are 7 innings

10 run mercy rule after 5 innings, each team must bat equal amount unless the home team is already up by 10 or more runs entering the 5th or 6th innings.

Runner for the catcher with 2 outs ( Speed Up Rule ) runner must be the last batted out.

Players must play in appropriate age division, younger players can play up, older players can not play down.

Player eligibility is based on your charter area, no one outside the charter area can play.

Player(s) who leave early or get injured and can not continue are skipped in line up with no penalty.

Injured players can not return to the game once removed.

Ejected players are an out in the lineup.

Players arriving after the games start are added to the bottom of the line up. If a player arrives after the 5th inning such player should not play.

Each player in line must play 3 innings in the field.

Safety at all cost, this is recreational games, we are here not to win at any and all cost.

Pitching rules are located at http://m.mlbcom/pitchsmart/pitching-guidlines.

Pitchers can pitch 3 innings a day

Players can not pitch & catch on the same day

Intentional walks must have 4 or more pitches thrown to complete this play.

Bat Rules are located at http://wwwbaberuthleague.org/batrules.aspx.

Home team is responsible for preparing the field and suppling he umpire(s) and the visiting with respect to cancellations or changes to the schedule. Failure to do so will go down as a loss and responsibility for umpire fees for both teams. Visiting team must provide at least 24 hours notification of canceling. Failure will result in paying the umpire fee for both teams.














Pelham Girls Softball Majors Division

April 16, 2016 – 12:00 PM



1-Games consist of 6 innings, 1hr 45 min no inning can start on weekend, play till dark weekdays.

2-10 players on the field, 4 must start on outfield grass and can not be behind a base. Can start with 7 players.

3-Substitutions may occur at anytime.

4- a 5 run rule per inning except 6th which is unlimited.

5- 60 foot bases

6-Must use a SBC-12 softball or equivalent.

7-Every player must bat in the order ( Roster Batting ). If a player leaves or is injured skip that player with no out. The only time an out is recorded is for being tossed by the umpire. A late arriving player is placed at the end of the batting order.

8-Infield fly is enforced.

9-No contact rule will be enforced.

10-No head first slides towards a base, can dive back to base of which you start.

11-Leading and stealing on the release of the ball from the pitcher, runner leaving early is called out, 3 steals max per inning.

12-No stealing of home allowed.

13-No stealing once the ball returns to the mound

14-Rubber is 36ft from Home Plate.

15-Pitcher can Pitch 3 innings max. Six per week, Playoff 6 per week as per coaches decision.

16- 3 walks per inning next batter must hit.

17-9 walks in 3 innings pitcher must be removed.

18-Pitcher hits 3 batters in an inning must be replaced.

19-Pitcher must start with toe on the rubber, as per A.S.A. rules

20-Bunting is allowed, no slash butting is allowed.

21-Batters must wear helmet with face mask and chin strap

22-No on deck batter allowed unless in a cage


WBA Softball

May 4, 2014
  • Roster size - unlimited
  • Unlimited defensive substitution
  • Lineups: Teams can play with 8 minimum
  • Teams may roster bat
  • Time limit: No inning may start after 1 hour and 45 minutes. Please finish the full inning if home team is losing
  • MERCY rule: Game is considered over when one team is ahead by at least 10 runs after losing team bats at least four times. If this is done in the top of an inning the home team must have a chance to bat in the bottom half
  • No pitching restrictions, we trust you will take care of your players
  • 10u maximum 5 runs per inning until 6th inning
  • 12u and up no maximum runs per ining
  • Tagging up from all bases
  • Umpire fees $30 each team each game 10 u $30 each team for 12u and 14u
  • One game ball per team


You may steal/lead after ball passes the batter

No advancing on catchers overthrow on steals

No stealing home

No slash bunting

You may bunt

6 inning games or until time limit

Infield fly rule in effect


12u, 14u

You may steal/lead after ball is released from pitchers hand

Stealing home - YES

You may bunt

You may advance on dropped third strike by rule

7 inning games or until time limit

Infield fly rule in effect



Westchester Catholic Grade School JV Baseball

May 4, 2014

ELIGIBILITY: The eligibility rules, as recommended by the Board of Governors and voted by the League Coaches in majority are the player:

  1. Must attend 4th, 5th or 6th grade in the school that the player is representing.
  2. Must be a registered parishioner and attend CCD at the school that the player is representing in the above-mentioned grades

NUMBER OF GAMES:  Min. 10 games in the regular season, depending on the number of teams in the league.

PLAYOFFS: All teams make playoffs

PITCHING: 4 Innings maximum per pitcher, per game 6 innings per week max.. One pitch constitutes an inning. Any pitcher who pitches 2 innings or less 1 days rest 3 innings or more 3 days rest suggested . Pitcher is to be removed if he hits 2 batters in an inning or 3 within his appearance. All types of pitches, i.e. change-ups, curve balls, are permitted. Pitchers must pitch from the pitching rubber, or an automatic ball is called. If the pitcher is off the pitching rubber, the ball is alive.

INTENTIONAL WALKS: The pitcher must throw 4 pitches for an intentional pass. The Hitter has the option to swing at the pitched ball in this situation. The ball is in play.

CONFERENCES: Pitchers must be removed from the game upon the second visit to the field. A conference is any visit to the field by a coach to address a pitcher or player on defense.

BATTING: The extra hitter is the 10th batter anywhere in the batting order. Coaches may substitute for an injured player. A batter is out after the third strike, base runner's may advance after the ball crosses home plate. Roster batting is a coaches decision.

BASE RUNNING: If a play is to be made on any base runner other than a runner from home to first, the base runner shall be required to avoid contact with the fielders. The first violation of this rule shall result in a warning and the player is called out. The second violation of this rule shall result in the runner being called out and ejected from the game. A fielder shall not fake a play on a runner for the purpose of provoking the runner to slide. All base runing decisions are at the desecration of the umpire.

STEALING: Stealing is allowed when the ball crosses home plate. If a ball is deemed "out of play / under the backstop", all base runners are allowed to advance one base from the original base. Leading is not allowed by a base runner. No stealing off a walk.

SCORING: Each team is allowed to bat once through the batting order if 3 outs are not achieved. This is waived in the last inning and extra innings.   NOTE: This rule is waived in the playoffs.


OFFICIAL GAME: Games are sheduled for 6 innings. 3 1/2 innings will constitute a legal game (4 innings if the home team is losing).

RAINOUTS: If game is deemed an official game, the game is over. If the game is not deemed an official game, the entire game will be replayed. If the game is in progress past the 4th inning, and the inning is not completed, score reverts back to the last official inning. Darknesss will be controlled by the umpire, official game ruls apply. All Rainouts will be played within 2 weeks of the previous scheduled game.

BATS: For safety reason, no batter will be permitted to use a bat in excess of Little League regulations. Approved Little League bats only, no exceptions. A bat related protest must be at the time of the at bat. The umpires are asked to both check & discuss the bat rule prior to the game during the home plate huddle with the coaches.

PLAYING TIME: There is a 1 hour 45 minute time limit on all games.

TROPHIES: Championship trophy & individuals (15) trophies for both the 1st and 2nd place teams.

SUBSTITUAITON: A starter can re-enter but must go back to his original spot in the lie up. In extra inning games, Sub's can re-enter the game in the extra innings.




2014 Cortlandt Softball Little League Rules & Regulations

May 4, 2014

1) Any rules not appearing here shall refer to the 2014 Little League softball official regulations and playing rules



-The Umpire shall be the final arbiter of all questions regarding playing rules

-There are no protests allowed

-Both teams shall keep score and confirm after each inning

-The throwing of bats, batting helmets or any other equipment will not be tolerated and shall be the cause of ejection. If a player is ejected from a game, the penalty is missing the remainder of the game they are thrown out in and the next game (no exceptions)



-For Saturday games; no new inning shall start after a 1hour 45 minute limit when there is a game following the current game being played

-For weekday games; the umpire shall use his discretion as to when conditions (sunlight) become a safety hazard for the players

-The commissioners shall inform the managers as early as possible in the day when needing to cancel a game. Jack Servdio, as the umpire coordinator must also be notified as soon as possible so he can notify the umpire of the cancellation


4)Majors and A's

-The score and pitchers name(s) and innings pitched will be confirmed by each coach after every game

-An e-mail will be sent by the winning coach to the commissioners informing them of the score and the various pitchers names and innings piched (Major's and A's only) to the commissioners as follows:


-Juniors - Don Hopper: dahb6@aol.com

-Majors - Frank Aversa: franka2@optonline.net

-A's - Brian Bingay: mcguyver007@optonline.net

-B's - Stacey Retallick: stacey3b22@msn.com



-Free Seubstituaiton allowed

-A pitcher may be allowed to re-enter a game


Majors Division

-10 Fielders allowed. If palying with 10, the fourth outfield must be in outfield grass (4 across)

-Players must play in the field for at least 2 innings (6 outs)

-Please try to move players around so they each get to play various positions (as long as they can defend themselves)


A's Division

-10 Fielders allowed. If playing with 10, the fourth outfielder must be in outfield grass (4 across)

-Players must play in the field for at least 3 innings (no player should sit for more than one consecutive inning)

-Please try to move players around so they each get to play various positions (as long as the can defend themselves)


B's Division

-11 Fielders allowed. A player over second base will be allowed with 4 outfielders, who must play on the grass

-Players will play in the field at the coaches discression. Don't sit any player for one consecutive inning.

-Please try to move players around so they each get to play various positions (as long as they can defend themselves)



Majors Division

-Windmill pitching allowed

-Delivery of a single pitch constitutes having pitched in an inning

-A maximum of 9 innings per calendar week (Sunday - Saturday) (reset for playoffs)

-Both feet must be on the ground within or partially within the length of the pitcher's plate

-Shall take a position with her pivot foot in contact with the pitcher's plate prior to delivering pitch at start of delivery

-A pitcher removed in an inning may go back in to pitch the next inning


A's Division

-Windmill pitching allowed

-Machine pitch first 4 innings, girls pitch innings 5-X (Pitching machine will be set on 3,3,3 as explained at equipment pick-up)

-At midseason (starting Saturday, May 10th) we will institute a 3 inning machine (first three), three inning player pitch rule

-Delivery of a single pitch constitutes having pitched in an inning

-A maximum of 6 innings per calendar week (Sunday - Saturday) (reset for playoffs)

-Both feet must be on the ground within or partially within the length of the pitcher's plate

-Shall take a position with her pivot foot in contact with the pitcher's plate prior to delivering pitch at start of delivery

-A pitcher can not walk in a batter. If a pitcher pitches four balls to a batter with the bases loaded, a coach (offensive team) will finish pitching to the batter. A 0-0 count will be instituted

-When using the pitching machine balls and strikes will be called


B's Division

-Coach pitch. We will talk about moving to maching pitch as soon as the coaches think the palyers are ready to handle it.



-All btters and runners must wear helmets at all times. Helmets with cages will be provided by the league but the cages are optional if players have their own helmets



-Roster batting will be in effect

-Bunting will be allowed

-No slash bunting allowed (faking a bunt, then pulling the bat back and swinging)

-Infield Fly rule will be in effect



-Roster batting will be in effect

-Bunting will be allowed only off live pitching

-Infield Fly rule will be in effect

-6 runs max per inning except the last inning. Please note that during the course of the sixth run being scored the completion of the entire play shall stand. For example; a team has scored five runs. Two outs, bases loaded. The next batter hits a home run. All 9 runs count for the inning



-Roster batting will be in effect

-Try to have a player put ball in play (within reason)

-Bunting will not be allowed

-A two base max for each batter and runner

-A teams turn at bat will end after all players have batted in an inning or three outs have been made

-Score will be kept

-No records will be kept. Flip of coin for semi-final playoff seedings




-Runner must keep contact with base until ball has been batted or reaches batter

-When the pitcher has control of the ball within the eight (8) foot pitchers circle, the umpire shall call time out

-Runners shall be awarded the base they were running to if at the time of possession by a player in the 8 foot circle, they are more than half way to that base. Otherwise, they shall be returned to the preceding base

-Players are not required to slide, but are highly encourage to do so. However, at no point may contact be made with a fielder trying to make a play on the runner. If the runner makes contact with the fielder, the runner shall be called out.


A's Division

-Runner must keep contact with base until ball has been batted or reaches batter

-When the pitcher has control of the ball within the eight (8) foot pitchers circle, the umpire shall call time out

-Runners shall be awarded the base they were running to if at the time of possession by a player in the 8 foot circle, they are more than half way to that base. Otherwise, they shall be returned to the preeding base

-Player are not required to slide, but are highly encouraded to do so. However, at no pint may contact be made with a fielder trying to make a play on the runner. If the runner makes contact with the fielder, the runner shall be called out

-When a play is being made on a runner at first base, the runner must use the outside bag and be taught to run through the base. To avoid injury, at no time shall a runner make a turn and head for second when a play is being made on her at first. If a runner does so, she shall be called out.


B's Division

-Runner must keep contact with base until ball has been batter or reaches the batter

-When a play is being made on a runner at first base, the runner must use the outside bag and be taught to run through the base. To avoid injury, at no time shall a runner make a turn and head for second when a play is being made on her at first. If a runner does so, she shall be called out.




-A 12" ball will be used


A's and B's

-A 11" ball will be used



Majors, A's and B's

-The bat shall be no more than 33 inches in length and 2 and 1/4 inches in diameter



Majors, A's and B's

-The catcher must wear a helmet, chest protector and shin guards at all times

-We will not implement the dropped third stike rule



-We will not implement the dropped third strike rule




-Unlimited steals

-A runner may steal when the pitch crosses the plate

-There shall be no advance on an overthrow (example: the catcher can throw to second or third with no threat of the runner advancing an additional base. This will enable the catcher's to practice throwing to different bases.)

-There shall be no stealing of home


A's and B's

-No stealing allowed


13)10 Run rule


-Will be in effect. Losing team must bat 4 times

-If the visiting team produces the ten run differential in the top of the inning the home team shall bat in the bottom of the inning


14)15 Run rule


-Will be in effect. Losing team must bat 4 times

-If the visiting team produces the fifteen run differential in the top of the inning the home team shall bat in the bottom of the inning



-No fifteen run rule


15)Pitching mound


-40 feet


A's and B;s

-35 feet


16)Pitching circle

-Shall be an 8 foot circle radius measured from the middle of the pitching mound



If for some reason all games are not played, the tie breaker shall be head to head. If two teams are still tied, winning percentage will be used to determine playoff seedings and standings.













Colts Youth Club Major League Baseball Rules & Policies

May 4, 2014

MISSION STATEMENT:  The Colts Youth Club will provide a recreational baseball program for the youth of our community. Through teaching, coaching, positive encouragement, and hands-on participation, we will help each child to compete and instill the values of teamwork and sportsmanship. Our emphasis is on children having fun while learning how to compete fairly, win with grace and lose with dignity.


  1. Zero Tolerance Policy for inappropriate behavior by any player, coach or spectator.
  2. Each team will field 9 players, including 3 outfielders. A minimum of 7 players is required to play. A team with less than 7 players at game time (plus 10 minute grace period) will forfeit the game.
  3. Each player must play a minimum of 2 innings in the field.
  4. All players will be included in the batting line-up regardless if they are in the field.
  5. Games shall be 6 innings or 2 1/4 hours. No new inning shall begin beyond the 2 hour mark. Game will be "official" at the completion of 4 innings.
  6. Home Team sists on first base side, Away Team on Third base side.
  7. Home Team sets up the field (bases, bats in on-deck cage, catcher's gear etc). Away Team stows gear afterward.
  8. With the exception of Pitcher, any player can be removed and reinserted at any position at any time.
  9. Umpire has final say in regards to play in event of bad weather or darkness.
  10. Each team provides ONE game ball. If more than 2 are needed, Home team shall provide.
  11. Each team shall keep a book. Home Team's book will be the official record and Umpire has final say in disputes.
  12. Teams must adhere to posted batting order.


  1. All players must wear their complete uniforms to each game. Caps on straight with bill facing forward, shirts tucked in, and baseball pants. In colder weather, sweatshirts/hoodies maybe worn underneath jersey.
  2. No metal cleats. Only rubber/plastic cleats or sneakers permitted.
  3. Protective cups must be worn.
  4. Each defensive player shall wear a glove.
  5. Batting gloves, sunglasses, eye-black, heart guards, and any "extra" equipment or gear is used solely at players/parents discretion and risk.
  6. Players may use personal gear (helmet/bat), but does so at own risk and Club is not responsible for loss, damage or use of equipment by others.


  1. Starting Pitchers may pitch up to 75 pitches per start once a week. Coaches are provided pitch "clickers" and are honor bound to observe this rule.
  2. Relief pitchers may be used at will with no limits within reason. Coaches need to protect young arms.
  3. Once a pitcher is removed, he many not pitch again in that game. He can, however, play other positions.
  4. No balks.
  5. Two hit batters in same inning or 3 in the game will result in mandatory removal of pitcher for that game.
  6. Strongly suggested that pitchers wear heart guards.


  1. Batters must wear helmets.
  2. All players aged 13 must use wooden bat.
  3. No practice swings anywhere except in on-deck cage or batter's box.
  4. Next batter must be in on-deck cage and ready-to-go to keep pace of play.
  5. Batters must remain alert and make every attempt to get out of way of errant pitches.
  6. No arguing with umpires.
  7. Every player bats.
  8. Inning is over when three outs are recorded. No maximum number of runs.
  9. Batting out of order will result in an out.
  10. Throwing a bat will result in a warning the first time and will be an out subsequent times.


  1. Tagging up is permitted: one base only.
  2. No leads, but stealing is permitted...at runner's risk...and only when pitched ball reaches home plate.
  3. One base is allowed on an over throw: at runner's risk.
  4. No head first sliding or deliberate contact with fielder covering a base. This applies especially to catchers at home plate. Players must slide or avoid any contact with catcher.
  5. Fielders have "right of way" to field the ball. Runners may not interfere, block, obstruck or prevent a fielder from getting to a batted or thrown ball.
  6. A catcher on base with two outs may leave the bases to dress for next inning. Batter who made previous out will pinch run.


  1. Play is dead when "Time Out" is called by any player with possession of ball in the infield. Umpire must also acknowledge the "time out".
  2. Regarding overhanging tree in left field: If a ball hits or goes into the tree at a point determined by the umpire to be in fair territory, ball is dead and is a ground rule double.
  3. Any ball that ricochets or bounces under or behind the center field fence is dead and a ground rule double. Any ball hit OVER the fence on fly is a Home Run.


  1. Only two players at any given time shall have possession of a bat: the batter and the on-deck batter. Period.
  2. No player shall leave the bench during play (except for injury). No visit to parents, no water fountain, ice cream truck, etc.
  3. All players shall remain in bench area only...not at gate openings or along outfield lines etc.
  4. Only standard Little League bats are allowed. For Majors that means no bats (metal or wood) longer than 32 inches or wider that 2 1/4 inches.
  5. It is suggested each player bring water or other suitable "sports" dring (no soda or "energy" drinks, please.)






YBNR Senior Girls Division Softball Rules

May 5, 2014


YBNR Senior Girls Division Softball Rules


Spring 2014


1. PITCHERS: The players will do all of the pitching. Windmill pitching is allowed but not mandatory. A girl may pitch a maximum of three innings in a game (one pitch counts as one inning). Innings pitched do not have to be consecutive. In the event of extra innings due to a tie, any girl may pitch regardless of how many innings she has pitched before. Pitching distance is 40 ft.  Seven warmups at the start of the game and 3 for every inning after that.


2. BUNTING is allowed. A bunted foul on the third strike is an out. At the umpire’s discretion, an attempted bunt that is not pulled back may be considered a swing.


3. LENGTH OF GAME: Six innings. For weeknight games, if there is enough light, play until one team wins. For weekend games, no inning may start with less than 15 minutes remaining until the next game. An inning started more than 20 minutes before the next game may be completed. Otherwise, at the end of 2 hours, the score reverts to last completed inning. If a game is called due to darkness/rain etc. and the 2 hour limit has not yet been reached, the game shall be regulation after 3 1⁄2 innings if the home team is winning; 4 innings otherwise. Umpires, not coaches, must make all decisions about daylight, time, weather, etc.


4. LEADING: Leading is allowed at the release of the pitch. Runner is called out if she leaves the base too early. When ball is returned to the pitcher, a leading runner must return to base or attempt to take the next base -she cannot “dance” between bases.


5. OVERTHROWS: In the event of an overthrow to 1st or 3rd base, where the ball goes into dead ball territory (not the same as foul territory –umpire will determine), the runner may advance one base. Advancement is automatic. On an overthrow into foul territory, the runner may advance at her own risk, one base maximum; advancement is not automatic. An overthrow into fair territory remains a fair ball with as many bases as the runner can get, always at her own risk.


6. BATTING ORDER: All players in attendance will be placed in the batting order, a practice known as “roster batting”. (Note:  Ursuline will bat a roster of 12 even if more than 12 players are in attendance.) It is the defensive team’s responsibility to notice if the offensive team is batting out of order. The defensive coach must bring it to the umpire’s attention before the first pitch to the next batter; after that, it is too late. If the wrong batter is still at the plate, the correct batter goes to bat with the existing count –no one is out. If the wrong batter already got a hit or walk, the batter who was supposed to be up is called out, any advances made by the incorrect batter or base runners are reversed, and the next correct batter in the order is up.


7. FIELD POSITIONS: Ten players will play the field, with four outfielders. A team may start with as few as seven players. Players may play no more than four innings in the infield (unless of course there are too few players)


8. END OF PLAY: Play stops when the pitcher has control of the ball and is standing in the pitcher’s circle. Runners who are between bases must immediately commit to go back or take the next base. If the pitcher attempts to make a play after having the ball in the pitcher’s circle, the ball is considered live and play continues.


9. TAGGING UP is permitted. The infield fly rule applies: with a force play at 3rd and less than 2 outs, a batter who hits a catchable fly ball to the infield is automatically out. Runners may advance at their own risk, same as on any other fly ball.


10. STEALING: Unlimited steals in an inning, but no stealing home. One base per pitch. The runner cannot advance on an overthrow. If the runner erroneously advances, she is in jeopardy of being put out. If she makes it to the base, the umpire will call time out and send the runner back. No stealing 1st base on a dropped 3rd strike. Runner advancement is considered a steal regardless of whether there was a wild pitch, passed ball, or errant return of a ball from catcher to pitcher after a pitch.


11. PICKOFFS: Pickoff attempts gone awry are not steals, and runners may advance –including from 3rd to home -when a pickoff is attempted. The runner must tag the base before advancing –otherwise it IS a steal, subject to the prohibition on stealing home. One base is allowed on an overthrown pickoff attempt. Advancement on an overthrow is not automatic and the runner may be tagged out.


12. HIT BY A PITCH: A batter advances to first base if she is hit by a pitch. The umpire at his discretion may choose not to award first base to a batter who makes no effort to avoid getting hit. We do not require the removal of a pitcher for hitting batters.  Exception: if the batter swings at the pitch and the ball hits her, the call is a strike.


13. CATCHER: If due to a shortage of players an adult serves as catcher, he/she may not make any plays. If there are at least 8 players, a team must field a catcher. Any kid warming up a pitcher must wear a mask. To keep the game moving, have the catcher put on equipment while her team is at bat. The catcher should keep shin guards on if she is on deck with 2 outs; she can take them off faster than she can put them on.


14. UNIFORMS: The league will provide uniforms. All players MUST wear shirts and visors. Baseball pants must be worn except when weather becomes very hot. Shorts are then permitted.


*Batting Helmets* must have face-masks and meet NOCSAE Softball Standard


15. ROTATIONS: Every player will sit out 1 inning before a player sits out for 2 innings. Players are allowed a maximum of 4 innings in the infield. Catcher is considered an infield position.


16. RUNS: A maximum of five runs can be scored in one half inning. During the 6th inning (or the designated last inning of a shortened game) no limit applies. Unlimited runs may be scored in extra innings.


17. STARTING: If both teams have the minimum number of players at the scheduled starting time, the game shall start without further practice. Visitors take infield/outfield practice 15 minutes prior to game time. Ten minutes before the game the umpire will review ground rules. Five minutes before game time the home team will take infield/outfileld and then stay on the field for start of the game.


18. FORFEITS: If there are fewer than seven (7) players 10 minutes after the scheduled start of a game, a


forfeit shall be declared by the umpire. The 10 minute rule will be STRICTLY enforced. After a forfeit is declared, both teams may choose to play anyway, but the score will not count and the forfeit will stand no matter what the result of that game. A team must maintain the minimum number of players (7) throughout the entire game.


19. ARGUING: NO arguing with the umpire’s calls under any circumstances. If there is a question of rule interpretation, the coaches may have a discussion of the rules, not judgment, with the umpire. No person other than the coaches, players and umpires are allowed on the field. Coaches on the base path may not yell or signal out or safe, and will be benched by the umpire for doing so.


20. UMPIRES: If an umpire does not appear for a game, the game shall be played and shall be umpired by parents or other responsible visitors, divided in a way to be agreed upon by the coaches.


21. SLIDING: Sliding is encouraged. Runners MUST avoid interfering with a base player making a play. Any contact that occurs because a runner did not slide will result in the runner being called out. This is a matter of safety. No head first slides are allowed.


22.  RUN RULE:  If one team has a lead of 10 runs or more at the end of a full inning, or 1⁄2 inning if the home team leads, and the game is a regulation game, the game is over and the score is final at that point. However, in the interest of encouraging improved softball skills and as time allows play should continue for practice.


23. COURTESY RUNNERS: If the catcher is on base with 2 outs, the player who made the last out may run for the catcher. Likewise in the event of an injury to a runner.


22. SCORES: The WINNING TEAM’S COACH is responsible for reporting the scores to the commissioner of the division, or as instructed by the commissioner.




PELHAM - Major League Rules

May 9, 2014






Pelham Little League rules will consist of the 2014 official rules and regulations of Little League Baseball.  The following are amendments to those rules.  PLL may also amend rules at it’s discretion, at any time during the season.  Any complaints will be directed to the league commissioner.  Umpire judgment calls may not be challenged.  Formal protests must be field, in writing, with the league commissioner within 24 hours of game completion.  The protest will be reviewed by the rules committee and a decision will be rendered before the teams next scheduled game.  All decisions are final.  PLL exception rules:


1.      Every player must be in the batting order – roster batting.  If a player leaves during any inning of the game, his/her batting spot is replaced with next player in the lineup.  An out is not recorded because that player has left.  If a player arrives after a game has started, they are placed in the next spot – at the end – of the batting order.


2.      Every player must have at least 3 innings of defensive play in the field.


3.      3 outfielders – all must be on the outfield grass.


4.      A game may be played with 8 players.  If a team only has 7, it may “borrow” an 8th player from another team in that league.  The league commissioner may disapprove a team’s selection of a borrowed player.  Please use discretion, borrow a player of similar ability to the one that is missing. *see below for further clarification of this rule.


5.      Players MUST be moved around to different positions.  We are trying to get each player 2 innings of infield play per game.  If the commissioner has doubts about whether or not this is being done b every team, very specific and stringent minimum play requirements will be mandated.


6.      Use as many pitchers as possible – it pays off at playoff time – you might find some pleasant surprises.


7.      There is a limit of 6 runs per inning (except 6th inning, which is unlimited). *see below for further clarification of this rule.


8.      Pitching limitations are a) Pitchers are limited to 65 pitches per game (finish a batter if it comes up in the middle of an at bat) b) 3 innings pitched (or less) needs 1 day of rest before pitching again – 1 pitch constitutes an inning. c) More than 3 innings pitched needs 3 days of rest before pitching again. d) Max of 6 innings can be pitched in a week (Sun – Sat).


9.      Unlimited stealing of 2nd, 3rd and Home (within limits of #7 above) in an inning.


10.  WOOD BATS ONLY.  League commissioner may prohibit the use of certain bats.







8th player rule:


When a team has 7 players, it may borrow 1 (ONE) player from another team in that league to make an 8 player batting/fielding order.  Borrowed player must be from the other teams in that league, not the opposing team in that game.  Borrowed player should be of similar ability to the missing players – please make your best effort on this.  The 8th player bats 8th & plays either right or left field only for the entire game and may not pitch.  You may not borrow 2 players, as described above, to get 9 in the batting order and field.  If a team can only get 7 players, it is a forfeit.  Once the forfeit has occurred, you may use the field time you have for a practice or exhibition game.


9th player rule:


Once a team has 9 players to start a game, that team may borrow a player (“the 9th player”) from the opposing team in that game to play the field only (defense).  The 9th player should be the “last out” in the opposing team’s order.  In the first inning, it is the last better in the opposing team’s order.  The 9th player should not be the opposing team’s pitcher or catcher – defer to the player who made the prior out.  The 9the player must play right or left field but will not bat for the team he is “loaned” to.  Once requested, the opposing team must comply and provide the 8th fielder to the “short” team.






Weeknights or impending darkness (final game of the day):


Umpire’s decision shall rule.  No NEW inning should start if an Umpire feels a FULL FINAL INNING (top & bottom) cannot be completed due to darkness.  If a game is stopped before the FINAL INNING is completed, the score at the end of the PRIOR full inning shall be the final score.  Safety is first priority.


Saturdays – except last game of the day:


At game start, both teams should establish the game start time.  No NEW inning may start 1 hour and 45 minutes from game start.  Once started, the full final inning should be completed.


The 6 run max rule is waived for the 6th inning of games.  It may be waived earlier in a game if both coaches and the umpire agree that they are starting a FINAL inning for that game.







Please confirm and agree upon the score at the beginning of every inning with the umpire and the opposing coach.


PELHAM - Minor League Rules

May 9, 2014






Boys Minor League Rules


Pelham Little League rules will consist of the 2014 official rules and regulations of Little League Baseball.  The following are amendments to those rules. PLL may also amend rules at it’s discretion, at any time during the season.  Any complaints will be directed to the league commissioner.  Umpire judgment calls may not be challenged.  Formal protests must be filed, in writing, with the league commissioner within 24 hours of game completion.  The protest will be reviewed by the rules committee and a decision will be rendered before the teams next scheduled game.   All decisions are final.  PLL exception rules:


1.      Every player must be in the batting order – roster batting.  If a player leaves during any inning of the game, his/her batting spot is replaced with the next player in the lineup.  An out is not recorded because that player has left.  If a player arrives after a game as started, they are placed in the next spot – at the end – of the batting order.


2.      Every player must have at least 3 innings of defensive play in the field.


3.      4 outfielders – all must be on the outfield grass.


4.      A game may be played with 8 players.  If a team only has 7, it may “borrow” an 8th player from another team in that league.  The league commissioner may disapprove a team’s selection of a borrowed player.  Please use discretion, borrow a player of similar ability to one that is missing. *see below for further clarification of this rule.


5.      Players MUST be moved around to different positions.  We are trying to get each player 2 innings of infield play per game.  If the commissioner has doubts about whether or not this is being done by every team, very specific and stringent minimum play requirements will be mandated.


6.      Use as many pitchers as possible – it pays off at playoff time – you might find some pleasant surprises.


7.      There is a limit of 6 runs per (except 6th inning, which is unlimited).  *see below for further clarification of this rule.


8.      Pitching limitations are a) Pitchers are limited to 60 pitches per game (finish a batter if it comes up in the middle of an at bat).  b) 3 innings pitched (or less) needs 1 day of rest before pitching again – 1 pitch constitutes an inning.  c) More than 3 innings pitched needs 3 days of rest before pitching again.  d) Max of 6 innings can be pitched in a week (Sun – Sat).


9.      Unlimited stealing of 2nd and 3rd in an inning.  No stealing home.  On a overthrow on a steal at 2nd or 3rd base, the runner may not advance beyond the base they are stealing.  This will encourage catchers to throw on steals.  Players may only advance more than one base on a batted ball.




11.  WOOD BATS ONLY.  League commissioner may prohibit the use of certain bats.




8th player rule:


When a team has 7 player, it may borrow 1 (ONE) player from another team in that league to make an 8 player batting/fielding order.  Borrowed player must be from the other teams in that league, not the opposing team in that game.   Borrowed player should be of similar ability to the missing players – please make your best effort on this.  The 8th player bats 8th & plays either right or left field only for the entire game and may not pitch.  You many not borrow 2 players, as described above, to get 9 in the batting order and field.


9th player rule:


Once a team has 8 players to start a game, that team may borrow a player (“the 9th player”) from the opposing team in that game to play the field only (defense).  The 9th player should be the “last out” in the opposing team’s order.  In the first inning, it is the last batter in the opposing team’s order.  The 9th player should not be the opposing team’s pitcher or catcher – defer to the player who made the prior out.  The 9th player must play right or left field but will not bat for the team he is “loaned” to.  Once requested, the opposing team must comply and provide the 9th fielder to the “short” team.






Weeknights or Impending darkness (final game of the day):


Umpire’s decision shall rule.  No NEW inning should start if an Umpire feels a FULL FINAL INNING (top & bottom) cannot be completed due to darkness.  If a game is stopped before the FINAL INNING is completed, the score at the end of the PRIOR full inning shall be the final score.  Safety is first priority.




Saturdays – except last game of the day:


At game start, both teams should establish the game start time.  No NEW inning may start after 1 hour and 45 minutes from game start.  Once started, the full final inning should be completed.


The 6 run max rule is waived for the 6th inning of games.  It may be waived earlier in a game if both coaches and the umpire agree that they are starting a FINAL inning for that game.




Please confirm and agree upon the score at the beginning of every inning with the umpire and the opposing coach.


Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Girls Softball


Softball Size will be Clincher SB12.  Each team must bring a ball to every game.

Stealing once per inning - never home plate. If the ball is not put in play, base runners must return to their base before the next pitch is thrown or they will be called out by the empire.  One base per batter, never home.  No leading til ball crosses home plate.

Pitcher may take one step forward, leaving rear foot near the rubber.  The distance from the rubber to home plate is 40'.  NLY arch pitching will be allowed.  Exception: Windmill pitching will be allowed when both teams agree prior to the start of the game.

Pitcher may be removed from pitching, play another position and be reinstated as pitcher in the same game. If the pitcher is removed from the game, she cannot be reinstated in the game as a pitcher.

A girl taken out of the game, if put back in the game, must return to her original batting position.

10-run mercy rule will apply after 5 innings are played.  Six innings per game.

In-field fly rule is in effect.

You must have at least 8 players to start an official game.  Forfeit time is 20 minutes.

Each team will bate 11 batters/max per inning up to 11.

Throwing bat - 1 warning per team. NO BUNTING

Approved uniform will consist of colored tee shirt, baseball cap, pants or shorts, sneakers or rubber cleats.

Batting helmets are mandatory.  If a player coaches a base, she must wear a helmet.

A runner cannot be forced to slide.  No contact rule - no headfirst out if deliberate contact.

Before the game begins a courtesy pinch runner must be declared.  There may be only one pinch runner used per game.

Speed up Rule:  If the catches is on base with two outs, the batter who made the last out will substitute for the catcher.

10 or less, 1 out for that team.


The Boys & Girls Culb of Wood-Lean 2015 Rules - Boys Minors

BASES: 60 Feet


6 Innings per game

10 Players on the field (6 infield - 4 outfield) all players must field and bat.  No player should sit more than 2 innings.

No leading.

No tagging up.

Infield fly rule in effect.

No third strike drop rule.

No bunting. As long as batter swings to the best of his ability, ball in play.

No intentional walks.

No Balks.

Pinch Runner (last batter out) for catcher on base with 2 outs.

STEALING - Only one base per steal attempt.  No stealing home at any time.  There is no advancing on overthrows from steal attempts or pickoff attempts. To help clarify if there is a runner on third at the start of a play, he can only score from a ball put in play or being forced in by a walk or hit by pitch.


Inning is over when team scores 5 runs or makes 3 outs, whichever comes first. 

No limit on runs scored in the last inning.

Game is complete after 5 innings if leading by 7 runs, or 4-1/2 innings if Home Team is up by 15 runs.

Weekday games starting at 6:00 - Prior to May 17th - No inning may start after 7:45.  May 17th through end of season no inning may start after 8:00 p.m.

Weekend Games - No inning may start 2 hours after game start time.  2 hour time limit if game scheduled after. 

If it gets too dark and you can't finish the full inning, score goes back to the end of the last full inning.

Umpire at sole discretion may extend game.

No automatic outs at any time for player leaving game early regardless of reason.

Helmets must be worn at all times when on base.

Umpire Discretion:

Batter must attempt to move out of the way of a pitched ball before being awarded first base otherwise it will be considered a ball.

Player must slide with a close play at home plate or be called out.


Throwing bats will be an automatic out after 2 warnings from the umpire.

If batter steps out of the batters box it will be called a strike, unless the ball is about to hit the batter.


Pitchers are limited to three (3) innings per game.

All batters should be encouraged to swing at all times.  If the pitcher is not making quality pitches, the coach should use his discretion and consider removing the pitcher.

Once a pitcher is removed from that position, he may not return to pitch.

2-visits to the mound in one inning, pitcher MUST be removed from the game (Unless Injury).

If pitcher hits more than 2 batters in one inning, pitcher MUST be removed from the game.

Remember the goal of this division is to teach the kids the right fundamentals of playing baseball and getting them ready for the majors.  Never argue a call in front of the children.  Be concerned about teaching more than winning especially during the regular season.









District 21 Boys rules A.K.A. Yonkers Federation

February 17, 2017 – 11:30 AM


 50/70 rules

1- No contact Rule in Effect

2- Teams Must have 8 Players to Start


3-There is a 10 minute grace period if a team doesn't have enough players if 8 players game must start

5-Roster batting so if a team has 10 players the line is 1-10 and if the other team has 12 that team will bat 1-12. Any team with 13 or more may sub players 13, 14 and so on. Sub players must get 1 at bat and 3 consecutive outs in the field. Failure will result in a 7-0 forfeit.  Any player who arrives after 1st inning is completed is not required to play, coaches decision.

6- Any player who throws the bat is OUT- No warning is required. Any ball put in play will be called dead and all runners return to the previous spot on the bases.

7-Speed up rule for the catcher. 2 outs and the catcher is on base he is replaced with the last out and comes in to get dressed.

8- Catcher Must Wear a Protective Cup -NO EXCEPTIONS

9- No Head first slides allowed

10- 10run rule in effect after 4 innings Each team must bat the same amount of times. IF home team is up by 10 runs in bottom of 4th game is over.

11- Any pitcher who is warming up with a catcher, the catcher must have a mask on

12- A pitcher will get 7 pitches to start the game and 3 warm up pitches for every inning they start after the 1st inning. A relief pitcher will get 7 also

13- NO DROPPED 3rd Strikes are in play.

14- Wood bats are allowed.  Any bat that has a little league approved stamp may be used. No 2" 3/4 inch bats are allowed

15- Pitchers may pitch a max of 75 pitches per game. That is the only restriction Managers are responsible for the safety of a pitchers arm

MINORS 9-10 DIVISION    - SAME AS ABOVE EXCEPT                              

A- 4 OUTFIELDERS ALLOWED                         

B- 6 RUN RULE PER INNING                           


D-STEALING 1 BASE PER BATTER                    

E- CAN NOT STEAL HOME                               



H- NO DOUBLE BARREL BATS ALLOWED                                 



1-20. NO DAYS REST                                     

21-40. 1 DAYS REST                                     

41-60. 2 DAYS REST                                      

61-75. 3 DAYS REST