Bulletin Board
Subscribe to our NewsletterFALL 2019 REGISTRATION IS OPEN!!
Sign up before August 6th to avoid a late fee.
We look forward to seeing everyone in September
Season starts the week of Labor Day- Oct 15th.
*Born To Play- 10 am on Saturdays
*T-ball- one practice night & 11 am on Saturdays
*Rookie Ball- one practice night @ 12:30 pm on Saturdays
Click on Divisions/Leagues for information about each of our T-Ball programs.
Please consider volunteering your time as a head coach, asst coach, or team administrator for your child's team. The Danbury Athletic Youth Organization (DAYO) is completely run by volunteers so we need help by parents to have a successful season. We are also seeking individuals to be division commissioners for each level of play.