Bulletin Board
Subscribe to our Newsletter2018 Softball League GAMEPLAY Rules
1. Visiting team batting practice – 5:25 -5:40 pm
2. Home team batting practice -5:40 pm -5:55 pm
3. Home team is the last team listed on the schedule.
4. BOTH teams are responsible for the field before the game, NOT THE UMPIRE.
5. Game time is 6:00 pm. Game time is firm UNLESS in the event of a double header both teams agree to start earlier IF and ONLY IF all teams agree and both teams are comfortable with the line-up present.
6. Home team is responsible for supplying a game ball and visiting team provides a backup ball for each game. Backup ball is to be in good condition.
7. If a team has only eight players at the field by 6:15 pm and there is someone who is not on the team’s roster and is willing to play, the manager of the other team has the option of letting that person play so that there will not be forfeit. However, if that team should win it will count and the team allowing that person to play will not have any complaints or grounds for a forfeit. A team may add one player to make nine, but not two to make ten. Any team unable to field nine men by 6:15 pm will forfeit the game. In the event of a double header and the first game is forfeited, game time for the 2nd matchup is 6:45 with a grace period until 7:00.
8. Extra Hitter – Ten men constitute a team. Each team has the option of using an 11 man batting order at the beginning of each game; only 10 players may take the field. Once the game has started the 11th man batting order must be followed for the entire game. If for some reason a team cannot continue to use the extra hitter, that team will receive an out each time the batter should come to bat. Designated Hitter- A designated hitter can bat for any player that is in the line up. If a team decides to use the designated hitter then they cannot use the extra hitter. A designated hitter can enter the game to play defense however, the other player is then removed from the game and cannot re-enter.
9. A team MUST start a game with at least 9 players. A 10th player may be added to the BOTTOM of the lineup upon arrival at ANY POINT IN TIME during gameplay. However, an 11th may only be added to the lineup prior to the 2nd cycle through the batting order.
10. Any player listed on the official lineup not able to fulfill his turn at bat will be counted as an out each time his batting position is supposed to hit, if you expect someone to show up and you list him on the official lineup and he DOES NOT show up, this rule will apply.
11. A pitched ball MUST be thrown with an arc that reaches at least SIX FEET from the ground, not from the pitcher’s hand. The umpires will be instructed that the pitch will be illegal if he does not at least have to raise his eyes upward to see the ball. The umpire will call balls pitched without this arc illegal as it is on the way to the batter. All balls called illegal pitches are be viewed as ‘No Pitch’ for the first illegal pitch of the game. Any subsequent illegal pitch will be awarded to the batter as a ball. In the incident of a “pump fake/fake attempt” to pitch the ball, the pitcher must reset himself and give the batter a chance to reset as well. Failure to do so may result in the umpire calling the pitch a ball.
12. No bunting or stealing. Runner must remain on base until the ball is hit.
13. No metal spikes or metal screw in spikes. Shoes should be shown to the umpire during the first at-bat of the game if metal cleats are shown the player will not be allowed to participate in the game until the shoes are changed.
14. All managers and one alternate are part of the league’s counsel. All protests are to be brought in front of the league’s executive counsel, which is composed of the league president, league vice-president, league treasurer, and league secretary. If a consensus vote cannot be made among the league officers it will be brought back to the counsel to be voted on. All protest are to be written on the reverse side of the score sheet before play resumes. The team manager or designee must report the protest to the league president within 36 hours. A $20.00 non-refundable fee must be given to the umpire at the time of protest. Judgment calls are not subject to protest.
16. Any part of home plate (including the black border) will be called a strike as well as the mat behind the plate, if the pitch lands on those areas. The space between the mat and the actual plate will be up to the umpire’s disgression to determine whether the ball is a strike.
17. Any fair batted ball that GOES OUT OF PLAY, touched or untouched will be an AUTOMATIC DOUBLE however, at Bunker Hill if the ball is hit into the bushes we will go on a “get what you can” basis.
18. BASE RUNNERS MUST EITHER SLIDE OR GIVE THEMSELVES UP IF THEY ARE ABOUT TO BE FORCED OR TUG. Going into a base deliberately standing up to block a throw or trying to knock down a player, the runner will be called out AND be thrown out of the game. Sliding into a base and waving their arms in an attempt to hit the ball or distract the fielder will also be a violation of the rule. This rule is up to the discretion of the umpire. The umpire may also call an out if he feels another out could have been made at another base and the player interfered by not giving himself up at the base where the out was being made.
19. Any fielder faking a tag to make a runner slide will be warned the first time it happens after a warning is given ANY player on the same team that fakes a tag will be thrown out of the game. Unless a fielder has the ball and is about to make a tag or force a runner out, he must allow the runner to tag the base and make the turn to the next base. If the fielder does not allow the runner to do this and runner runs into the fielder, the will be awarded the next base.
20. Each team roster will consist of a 20 man maximum FINAL roster, which is due prior to your teams first game!!!
21. All players must be male in order to play. If the player is under the age of 19, they must submit a league provided waiver signed by a parent/guardian in order to participate.
22. Re-entry rule – starters and substitutes will be allowed to re-enter a game after he has been substituted for. They must re-enter in the same position in the batting order where they were when they left the game. Both players may not be in the game at the same time.
23. Overthrow rule – a batter/runner will be awarded 2 bases for any overthrow from the POINT OF RELEASE of the ball by the fielder. The bases will be awarded from the last base at which the lead runner was safe. Encase of a tag-up situation, the base re-established is counted as the first awarded base and the next possible base to establish is the 2nd
24. . In order for a player to be eligible for both regular season playoff and post-season tournaments, a player must have received at least 13 game credits. Unless this is a flex player then they need to complete half of the games they were eligible for. If a game is forfeited, the forfeiting team will NOT receive game credit for ANY player on the roster. The team receiving the forfeit will be granted game credit for their ENTIRE roster. In the event a game is forfeited where teams arrive to the field, the forfeiting team will get game credit for all present players and NOBODY ELSE and the team receiving the forfeit wins will get game credit for their ENTIRE ROSTER.
25. Catch and Carry – if a ball is caught in play (to be in play the fielder must have both feet in play when making the catch) and carried out of play, all runners advance one base.
26. Home plate must be touched by a runner for a run to be scored, once a runner is in the area of the bench he can no longer come back and touch the plate. If a player misses home plate or touches the mat instead and leaves the area of play that player will be an automatic out upon appeal. If both captains agree prior to game start runners do not have to run out home runs hit over the fence.
27. A batter will only be out if his foot is touching home plate or the mat when the bat makes contact with the ball, or stepping in front of the plate up to 3 feet (36”) will be an out. (Any part of your foot touching the line when contact is being made is also an out)
28. UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT The umpire’s have the authority to enforce all league rules and eject anyone from the game for improper conduct which will include: repeated arguments over calls, foul language, physical abuse of the umpire or other players, or any action that can jeopardize the safety of the participants or the recreational aspect of the game. On the first offense the player will be ejected from the game, the playing field and the spectator section of the playing field. The respective team will forfeit the game If the ejected player does not leave these areas. On the second offense the player will receive the same penalty except that it remains in effect for the remainder of the season and their status will be reviewed for the following seasons. If an ejected player interferes with an umpire during batting practice or on the umpire’s way to his vehicle will automatically be suspended for one game. In the event a player is ejected from a game, he must sit the remainder of that game PLUS HIS NEXT TWO PLAYABLE GAMES AND MUST PAY A $25 FINE!
29. Designated hitter – will be allowed to bat for one defensive player during the game as long as the team is not using the extra hitter (EH). IF the team chooses to use the EH they cannot have a DH listed in the lineup, if the team chooses to use a DH, they cannot have an EH listed in the lineup. The DH will be allowed to bat and enter the game to play defense. If a bench player enters the game to play defense in the batting position that is currently being occupied by the DH, that player will continue to DH. Another player may enter the game as the DH at any time during the game for the player that was listed as DH. The DH may re-enter if substituted for as the DH or play defense at which time the DH position is not longer in play. Anyone who enters this spot in the batter order may use the re-entry rule one time. If the DH position remains the sub can re-enter as the DH.
30. Tie-breaker for positioning is as follows:
a. Head-to-Head Matchups
b. Inner-Division Record (If league contains multiple divisions)
c. Cross-Division Record
d. If tie at this point, a one-game playoff will occur
31. There will be a 15-run rule in effect during the regular season after the 4th inning. If at any time after the fourth inning the home teach accrues 15 runs the game is over. If it is the visiting team the home team will be given their at bat to lower the runs below 15, if not, the game will be over. There will also be a 10 run rule after 5 innings which follow the same suit.
32. All used league equipment must be ASA certified to 2015 standards. If a player uses a banned piece of equipment. That player is automatically out despite the result of the hit and the players on base are returned to the bases that previously held. If that bat is used during the game by any player again the player using the bat will be ejected from the game and will be suspended for one game, the next scheduled game for that team.
33. The batter’s box is at the discretion of the umpires. However, there will be a line place 36 inches from the home plate. If a player strikes the ball while either standing on the line or crossing the line that batter will be automatically called out by the umpire. It is expected that the line be drawn by the umpire prior to that start of the game, and again after the fourth inning. This rule is put into effect to protect the pitchers of the league.
34. Although we are starting our games at 6:00, there may be times when the lights are needed. If agreed upon each team must pay $25 to have them turned on. The $50 amount may need to be a higher amount which will be determined by the East Penn Sporting Club once we actually turn them on.
35. The following is a list of banned players as voted on by Executive Counsel (these players are banned and will not be allowed to return to the league under any circumstance):
Chris Rausch
Robert “Pokey” Hoffman
41. In the event a player is ejected from a game he must pay a $25 fine by, and sit through his entire next two eligible GAMES TO PLAY. A forfeit is NOT a PLAYABLE game unless the teams arrive to the field. Then the $25 fine is assessed. He may NOT return to his team’s lineup until this is done so. If a 2nd offense occurs the same needs to be done again and this player is subject to disbandment from the league.
42. Beginning in 2017 the league will have a 3rd strike foul out rule. The batter is automatically out if they foul their third strike.
43. There is no height limit for caught foul balls. Any ball fouled that is caught will result in an out for the batting team.
Revision – F
Thursday March 20, 2018 – agreed upon by League Representatives present on March 20, 2018 at Lehighton Softball League meeting at the home of Vaughn Andrew. Finalized 3/22/2018
The organization will be known as the Lehighton Softball League (LSL).
The purpose of this organization shall be to promote and supervise competition among league members.
A. The organization shall consist of the following elected officers, who will also comprise the EXECUTIVE BOARD:
1. President 2. Vice President 3. Secretary 4. Treasurer
Officers will be under a 1-year term running from February’s 1st meeting to the following January’s 1st meeting.
B. Each team will also have the following:
1. A captain and co-captain (responsible for managing team during gameplay)
2. Two league representatives (expected to attend league meetings and relay information to their teams). If league representatives are unable to attend league meetings, teams are to designate a player to attend from their CURRENT roster. This person must be notified to one of the officers of the league prior to the meeting.
A. The CURRENT teams are considered charter members and will maintain exclusive voting rights regarding all future teams accepted into the league. Charter members in alphabetical order are:
1. Brew Crew 2. Hogriders 3. East Penn 4. PenCor 5. Son’s of Pitches 6. Zimmerman’s Dairy 7. Yesik Trucking/Orioles 8. Honeybadgers 9. dWk
B. Each team desiring membership, upon acceptance into the league, or returning from the previous season must submit a non-refundable fee prior to the upcoming season.
C. Members must participate in league functions as provided in the Bi-Laws. Failure to do so may result in possible revocation of membership.
D. Any new member desiring acceptance into the league will be voted on by the charter members and decided upon by simple majority vote.
E. New teams will be on a probation period of 90 days or 3 consecutive attended league meetings (whichever comes first). Teams may not vote under the probationary period unless decided upon by the league.
G. Team captains are responsible for actions of ALL players and co-captains of their teams.
H. Teams acting unruly may face a probation period per vote of charter members.
I. Complaints must be submitted to officers and will be investigated appropriately.
A. There will be at least 1 league meeting per month. There may or may not be meetings in the offseason month’s (Sept-Dec).
B. Two league officers must be present and half of the league’s charter members to hold a meeting.
C. Each team contains of 2 league representatives who are expected to attend. If unable to attend at least 1 designated member of the team expected to be in attendance. This member is to be reported to any of the league’s officers prior to the meeting. UMPIRES ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO REPRESENT TEAMS.
D. If a team has nobody present, they will be charged a $20 fine. If the team does not pay the fine by the next league meeting or next scheduled game (whichever comes first), they will be subject to forfeit upon review.
E. ONLY the LEAGUE REPRESENTATIVES, TEAM CAPTAINS, or designated representative may vote. In the vent of a tie-breaker, the League President will be the deciding factor.
F. Only league representatives, team captains, or designated representatives are permitted to speak at league meetings unless called upon.
G. Teams missing consecutive meetings may be dropped from the league per review of Executive Board.
H. League President is in charge of meetings at ALL times. If the president is absent, the vice president is then in charge.
The president may appoint the following committees throughout the year:
A. By-Law Committee – Discuss and/or make PROPOSED changes to the leagues Bi-Laws. Bi-law changes must be proposed and voted on at the next league meeting to pass.
B. Rules Committee – Discuss and/or make PROPOSED changes to the leagues playing rules. All changes to rules must be proposed and accepted upon via majority league vote to pass.
C. Fundraising Committee – Discuss ideas for the league to raise money to lower costs and better the league as a whole.
A. Each team roster will consist of up to 20 men. Teams unable to fulfill these requirements may be granted approval to participate upon league review. Rosters are to be submitted prior to the 1st week of the regular season, must be filled out entirely, to be accepted by the league and ARE FINAL!
B. Only males may participate. All participants under the age of 19 must submit a league provided waiver signed by either a parent or guardian to play.
C. Players banned from league: Chris Rausch, Robert Hoffman
A. League rules and regulations will be provided for the upcoming season and are expected to be followed in its entirety. All rule changes are to be proposed for approval at a league meeting. Once voted upon, they can no longer be voted upon until the conclusion of the post-season tournament UNLESS the EXECUTIVE BOARD deems it necessary.
B. Equipment
1. No metal spikes will be permitted on ALL fields. You will be asked to remove the moment they’re spotted.
2. Shaved/rolled bats are not allowed. If it’s proven that you are using a shaved/rolled bat, you will be removed from the league for the current season and will face review for reinstatement.
3. All used league equipment must be ASA certified to 2015 standards. If a player uses a banned piece of equipment that player is automatically out and runners return to previous bases. If that equipment is used during the game by any player again, the player using it will be ejected from the game and will be suspended for that team’s next PLAYED game.
4. The league will use ONLY the green TRUMP during gameplay.
C. Officials – The league shall assign 1 umpire to officiate regular season games and may assign up to 3 for post-season games.
D. Game time is 6:00 p.m. and is firm UNLESS in the event of a double header and BOTH teams agree to start earlier IF AND ONLY IF all teams agree and both teams are comfortable with their present line-ups. Visiting team (first team on schedule) has batting practice from 5:25-5:40 p.m., home team (the last team on the schedule) from 5:40- 5:55 p.m. Teams may only surpass their times if the opposing agrees.
E. In a doubleheader situation, both teams must pay for use of the lights prior to the first game. The cost is $25 per team and must be paid to the umpire prior to the first game. In the event the lights are not used, both teams will be reimbursed immediately following the 2nd game.
F. Both teams are responsible for field maintenance prior to the games, NOT THE UMPIRE. In the event weather deems the field unplayable (per captains agreement, then umpires if not agreed upon) teams will have 7 days to agree on a makeup date. If not the president shall assign the makeup to the designated Saturday makeup chart. Chart is as follows: Sat 8am- Monday games, 1030 Tuesday games, 1 Wednesday games, 330 Thursday games, and 6 Friday games. The makeup game should be played at the same field with the same umpire, unless agreed upon. During gameplay, postponement to a game is the umpire’s decision. If a game is called due to weather and 5 innings are not completed, the game must then be rescheduled with the same umpire and start from scratch.
G. If a team has only 8 players at the field by 6:15 pm, the team may add a non-roster player IF opposing team agrees per League Rules. If the opposing captain allows, the result of the game is FINAL and will count toward league standings.
H. Any team unable to field nine men by 6:15 p.m. will forfeit the game and will be charged a fine by the league of $25. The $25 fine is due either by the next league meeting or next scheduled game (whichever comes first). If unpaid, the team will be given a forfeit for every game scheduled and will automatically lose its voting rights.
I. Prior to game start, each team is to submit their starting lineups and reserves for the current game on the lineup card provided by the umpire.
All protests are to be brought in front of the Executive Board. If a consensus vote cannot be made among the officers, it will be brought to the league’s representatives to be voted on. All protests are to be written on the reverse side of the score card (umpires have) before play resumes. The team captain must report the protest to the league president within 36 hours. A $20 non-refundable fee must be given to the umpire at time of protest. Judgment calls are not subject to protest!
A. Teams with unpaid fines ineligible for regular season championship tournament/post-season play
B. Final Regular Season Standings determine seeding for post-season tournament
C. All teams qualify for post-season tournament
A. Tie-Breaker for regular season standings are head-to-head matchups, then inner-division records (if multiple divisions), then cross-division records. If teams remain tied at this point, there will be a one game playoff to determine the higher seed.
A. 1st offense results in removal from current game and suspension from next TWO playable games. A forfeit is NOT a playable game. Also they must pay a $25 fine.
B. 2nd offense results in removal from current game, suspension from next 2 playable games and review by Executive Board. Also, he must again pay a $25 fine. If protesting, must provide 2 witnesses.
A. All players present from each team will meet at conclusion of the game to shake hands and show sportsmanship. Refusal by a player will result in suspension of next game.
B. The League Officers will rule all uncovered rules/bi-laws.
If the league disbands/folds, all funds and property accumulated will be held for a period of 1 year. If the league is not reorganized following that period, everything will be split evenly amongst teams from the prior season.