"Mother Nature" and the "Baseball Gods" gave us a great day to play 3 All-Star games yesterday at Ducks Stadium as our seven divisions representing 150 players and 37 teams took the field. Scores of the games are never important as the players, coaches, managers, league officials and fans in attendace got an opportunity to see sons, brothers, nephews, grandsons, friends and neighbors play baseball in a beautiful stadium on Long Island.

Days like this just do not happen -- it takes a lot of hard, coordinated work over many weeks by many people including on the day itself. First, we would like to thank once again the Ducks Stadium staff for preparing and keeping the field in such great shape all day for our games. Thanks to the people who volunteered in the press box for 2 games during the day until our regular from the Ducks, Alex Garrett was able to do our last game. Second, I would like to thank two fo my Board members {Cary Cohn, Bruce Windisch} who assisted me in collecting the rosters over the past few weeks to ensure that All-Star managers could prepare lineups. Third, a great big thanks to all of the LISM Managers who volunteered to manage or coach, a great job in organizing the players on game day. Fourth, Rich Majka and League President Jimmy Rose who handled most of the cooking throughout the day. Fifth, Rich Majka's daughter who was at the front gate all day for admissions. Sixth, Cary Cohn who assisted me with sorting the All-Star shirts for the 6 teams. And last but not least, President Jimmy Rose, who picked up all the food, worked the concession stand, books the Stadium and allows me to coordinate the entire event.... and thank you to the umpires, some who did more than one game on a long afternoon.. 

As you can see, many people help with the day every year and if I missed any one, my apologies and thank you.

President Jimmy Rose and the Board of Dirctors hope everyone enjoyed the day as we believe the effort by all is well worth it!!!

Bob DePersio, Sr.

LISM Board Executive Director