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Congratulations to all of the 2016 LYVFL Champions!
Lehighton: Flags
Pocono Mountain: 130lbs 'B'
Beca: Trifecta... 85lbs, 100lbs, 130lbs 'A'
All of the Champions were UNDEFEATED!
From LVFYL: Announcement to be distributed by League Reps and to be read prior to each game at each organization.
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to ______ and this game between ______vs ______. Your admitttance to this event entitles you to enjoy an exhibition of skills developed by our young athletes. Please give these athletes your positive encouragement and support. Booing, taunting, bullying or intimidating the officials or opponents is unfriendly and unacceptable. Anyone seen violating this policy will be removed from the playing site and your team maybe penalized! Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. In addition, I would like to ask for your cooperation by the following rules set forth by the administration: a. No smoking on the sidelines or the adjacent area (tell them where to go) b. No alcoholic beverages are permitted at any contest. c. Players, coaches, and fans are required to refrain from the use of foul and abusive language. We _____ and the LYFYL thank you for your cooperation in advance and enjoy today's game(s).