To offer an opportunity for baseball players fifty years and older to continue their playing careers in a fun, fair, competitive and safe environment. Vic Marotta-commissioner-M50BL


Welcome to the M50BL! We are glad you found us.  2024 is our 17th season.  We now have 41 teams-32 in 50s division and 9  in the 60s division.  If you want to join us, feel free to call up any manager and see if there is an opening for you.  There are always teams looking for players and you will be playing this year if you are ready.  You can also call the commissioner-Vic Marotta, 612-281-2941, and he will help you find a team.

On Sunday June 16th (Father's Day), 2024 we will have the "True Seniors 70+ Game".  It will be a "true" seniors game with all players being at least 70 years of age.  If you are new to the league and think old guys cannot play, come and watch this game!  This game is open to all current and past M50BL players who are interested. We also will play a second 70+ game after the last day of the season on September 29th.  League will supply two sets of team jerseys to be distributed the day of the game.  Players will wear their original team hats.  

We are always looking for more teams to join us. If you have a team, or the nucleus of a team, please contact the Commissioner and he will get you onto the schedule. If you are an individual and want to play or have questions, please email the commissioner and he will get right back to you.

There is a limit of 25 players on a team's roster. To be eligible to play in the season ending tnmt, new players must have played in at least five games during the regular season.   

In the M50BL, a player may play on only one team in the 50+ and one team in the 60+ division during the season.  The player may choose to join another team but must first contact his current manager and the commissioner.  The player cannot return to his original team during that season.  The only exception to the "play on only one team at a time rule" could occur if a manager has enough players to start a second team (or more), he may play on both teams. Teams will consist of mostly players fifty years of age or older.  Teams may have players 48 or 49 years of age on their roster (to continue bringing new people into the league), but no more than three underaged players may play in the same game. Pitchers must be 50 years of age and older to pitch in M50BL.  Same rules apply in the 60+ division.               Every player in our league must sign an injury waiver before playing in a league game.  The team manager is responsible for getting all waivers collected and delivered to the commissioner before any player plays in a league game.  A player only has to sign the waiver one time, at the beginning of his career with us, no matter how many different teams he plays on. 

Your M50BL birthday is January 1st of the season in which you plan to play-Happy belated Birthday!

Teams may schedule as many games as they want with any of the other teams. Any team may play any other team a maximum four times each-hopefully a home and away doubleheader.  This year we are going to have a "Top 8" division and then 6A, 5A, 4A, 3A, 2A and A divisions.  Since we have an unbalanced schedule-play anybody you want-we have a seeding process for 6A and below.
We do look at your record but more importantly: We look at who you played.  Was your record built on playing the weaker teams or the traditionally stronger teams.

We use wood bats only. The league will continue to play mostly six-inning doubleheaders on one weekend day each week with a possible seven inning single game during the week days. Teams must be in full uniform with hats, numbered jerseys and baseball pants. Helmets must be worn on the bases. No shorts or civilian clothing on the field. No smoking or alcohol in the dugout. Metal or rubber spikes.

2020: regular abbreviated COVID-19 season ends 9/27-no playoffs

2019 new rules: Six-inning games in tnmt doubleheader.  "Anderson rule" below, is now permanent in playoffs as well as in regular season. 

2018 new rule: A batter may not be thrown out at first base by any defensive player who starts the play with one or both feet in the outfield grass.  Outfielders may throw to any other base to record outs on force plays. Exception:  a batted ball touched by a defensive infielder (or through his legs) may be recovered by the same fielder in the grass and he may attempt a play at first base.  We will call this the Anderson rule. 

2017 rule changes: 

Teams now have the option to use the "shared lineup" system whereby two or more players occupy the same line in batting lineup.  Line shares may run for each other or hit or not hit for each other when their position in the batting order comes up.  Umpire and opposing manager must be alerted before the game begins that their team is using the line-share system.  Manager yells out "line-share" for each player the first time it is going to be used.  Our current system of using the "courtesy runner" is still in effect but you cannot use both systems in the same game.

2016 rule changes:

1. a pitcher who fakes a throw to third will be charged with a balk.

2. when a fielder catches the ball, touches the base causing a forced out and then drops it while transferring it to his throwing hand will be credeited with the putout at that base.  If any fielder catches a fly ball and then drops it while transferring ball to throwing hand. the batter is out.

2013 rule changes

1. courtesy runner for any player at any time. A player may courtesy run a total of only once per game. Courtesy runners may be any legal players who are present that day.  If you run out of courtesy runners, speak with the other manager and work it out.

2. a team may add a player to the end of the batting order at any time during the game.    

3. if M50BL shootout occurs, the batter comes to the plate with a 3-2 count.

4. if there is a pinch hitter, the player who was hit for is out of the offensive lineup.  There is no re-entry of a player into the offensive lineup but he may re-enter defensively.

5. ten-run rule will now be in effect after four innings in the six-inning doubleheaders and five innings in seven inning games.

6. Eight players or more constitutes a legal line-up. If only nine players are present, they must all be in the offensive lineup (unless injured).  If a team is playing with eight, the ninth slot is not an out.  Your lineup may include as many players as you have on the roster.

Any questions or comments, get in touch with the Commissioner at 612 281 2941 or email: vicmarotta@comcast.net.
See you on the field soon. Vic Marotta-Commissioner-M50BL