January 20, 2021

The following are minimum guidelines to reduce COVID-19 transmission risks for players (team and league), and spectators. The use of the term “event” applies to all Main Line Synagogue Softball League (“MLSSL”) practices and games.

 COVID-19 Coordinator: Scott F. Waterman shall be the appointed COVID-19 coordinator to oversee all aspects of the COVID-19 risk management plan including customization, implementation, monitoring, updates/changes, communications, training, regulatory compliance, documentation, and answering player and spectator questions about COVID-19 concerns.

  • State And Local COVID-19 Guidelines: In addition to these minimum guidelines, the MLSSL will follow all state and local guidelines as regards COVID-19 including but not limited to start dates and limitations on crowd sizes.
  • Distribution: This document should be emailed to all players (if appropriate) prior to participation in the first event. In addition, this document should be posted on the MLSSL’s website.
  • Spread Out Scheduling Of Practice And Games: There should be enough time between practices and games to allow for proper sanitation of surfaces and other equipment.
  • Stay Home When Appropriate: Players and spectators should stay home when they are showing signs of COVID-19, have a temperature, or have had close contact with a person with COVID-19.
  • If COVID Symptoms Exhibited: If a player or spectator exhibits symptoms during an event, they should immediately be separated and sent home or to a health care facility depending on the severity of the symptoms. They should not be allowed to return to activity until they have met the CDC criteria for discontinuing home isolation.
  • Notification: Notify local health officials and family members immediately of any lab confirmed case of COVID-19 while complying with local and state privacy/ confidentiality laws as well as with HIPAA and the Americans With Disabilities Act.
  • Daily Screening: Conduct pre-event observation and/or questioning of all players  about the existence of any COVID-19 symptoms including cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, or known close contact with person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19.
  • Social Distancing: All players and spectators not of the same household should practice social distancing of 6 ft. whenever possible.
  • No Congregation: Team players and spectators should quickly exit after the event and go directly to their cars without congregating with other teams or spectators in common areas.
  • Pre-Game Warm Ups: During pre-game, players should maintain the 6 ft. distance if possible during warm ups and drills and should only have close contact during actual competition.
  • Player Face Coverings: Players are encouraged to wear face coverings in close contact areas and situations where applicable. Players should be allowed to wear face coverings in competition should they choose to do so and long as they don’t compromise their safety.
  • Spectator Face Coverings: Spectators are encouraged to wear face coverings whenever they are at the facility and within 6 ft. of a person not of the same household.
  • Personal Hygiene:  Players and spectators should practice proper hygiene, wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, use hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol), abstain from touching their face (mouth, nose or eyes), refrain from spitting, and cover their cough or sneeze with a tissue and throw tissue in the trash. In addition as a back up, players should carry their own hand sanitizer.
  • Player Equipment: Player provided equipment should be kept in a bag and should be spaced to encourage social distancing. Players should bring their own disinfectant wipes to wipe down their own equipment between use.
  • Shared Equipment: The use of team provided equipment should be limited to the greatest extent possible and should be disinfected between each use if possible. Balls should be disinfected whenever possible and an adequate supply should be kept on hand.
  • Water Bottles: No team or dugout coolers should be provided.
  • No Contact: No Handshake Policy: A strict no contact policy will be observed for customary game-related activities such as pre-game coaches’ handshakes, umpire-coach-player introductions, and post-game handshakes between members of opposing teams. Instead, officials, players, and coaches should use verbal queues such as saying “good game”, without shaking hands, high-fiving, or fist-bumping.
  • Hand Sanitizer Stations: Each team shall provide a hand sanitizer station near their bench or dugout.
  • Before The Game: Team managers should wipe down and sanitize all dugout/ benches  and other sideline seating areas including railings and equipment racks.
  • After The Game: After the completion of the game, the team should remove and dispose of all trash.