Bulletin Board
Subscribe to our NewsletterCode of Conduct for Players, Parents and Coaches
Please check out the Softball Ontario links for
Code of Conduct and Top 10 Misunderstood Rules
to get the season off to a good start!
Please submit your Score and Score Page
Email your stats to:
This year we would like to keep more statistics per player and team.
Please snap a photo of your score page and email that together with the above information.
Both the winning coach and the losing coach should submit a photo of their score page with legible player names
and proper/consistent scoring notes: please refer to coaches material if you are unsure of scoring notations.
The more complete the score page, the better your players and teams'' stats will be.
We are preparing for the start of the season and we have several missing uniforms. We purchased new uniforms last year and the replacement cost is high. We want anyone who has a uniform to email our Equipment Director Kirk Brown (equipment@nbmgsa.ca) and make arrangements for return as soon as possible.
If we do not receive the uniforms you will be charged to replace it. Please help out and return any uniforms you may have from last year. Thank you!
Attention Coaches - Batting Cage Usage
There are changes to the batting cage usage moving forward. Below is a summary
1. Only coaches can access and use the batting cages. The batting cages are for team training purposes and not for individual player
2. The coach is assumed to be capable of safely operating and handling the equipment in the batting cages. Executive members are available to provide training on the use of the cages if needed.
3. The batting cages will be open by the executive during the divisional practices.
4. Players must be supervised at all times when using the cage.
5. Coaches are responsible to return equipment in the condition it was received and maintain the cleanliness of the batting cage area.
6. Coaches are responsible to report any damages or safety issues to the person in charge of the batting cages.
7. For use outside of divisional practices, a coach may book the batting cage by e-mailing the batting cage contact and confirming their reservation by receiving a reply or referring to the batting cage schedule in this website. Coaches must RESERVE batting cages by e-mail: battingcage@nbmgsa.ca Field closure by the city due to rain includes closure of the batting cages.
8. The key to the batting cage will be picked up by the coach who has booked the cage. The pick-up location will be provided at the time of the booking. The keys must be dropped off following the batting cage session without delay at the predetermined location. Failure to return the key may result in the loss of batting cage privileges.
Click here for the agreement if you choose to book the batting cage outside of the divisional practice times. The batting cage should
not be used for mites and mini-mites.
Please let us know if you have any questions.