Bulletin Board
Subscribe to our NewsletterThe Ontario Cardinals would like to Congratulate the following players on their Signing and wish them all the best.
Tyler Etwaroo - Seton Hall University , NJ - NCAA Div 1
Kyle Espineli - Lakeland CC, Kirtland, OH - NJCAA
Kris Trunzer Niagara County CC. Sanborn, NY - NJCAA
5 Keys to Playing College Baseball
by Wayne Mazzoni, NCAA College Coach, Author & Speaker
1. Be skilled. As silly as it sounds, you need to be an elite athlete to play any level of college baseball, much less obtain a Division I scholarship. Infielders need quick movements, soft hands and strong arms. Outfielders need speed, strong arms, and either be base stealers or power hitters. Catchers need to receive properly, block like a wall, and throw well and accurately. Pitchers will throw strikes, have some movement, locate, have velocity and secondary pitches. Hitters use lower half well, drive the ball, be able to bunt, etc. Nothing can take the place of skill and having all of the items below without the skill, won't get you anywhere.
2. Be strong and in shape. Having all the skill in the world is great, but without the strength, speed, and explosion, you will have a hard time getting the attention of college coaches. You can have the best swing, pitching mechanics, etc., but if you don't have the body behind it, it just does not translate to the next level. You should be on a college level lifting program.
3. Academics. I am sure you have all heard enough that grades matter at the college level. Of course they do and college coaches care so that we can get you in to our schools. But more importantly you need to have the type of track record on the academic side so that we don't have to worry about you once you get to college. Freshman year can be tough. On your own, managing baseball, social life, and the classroom can be tough. So unless you have set up a good track record as a student, college can be tough.
4. Attitude. Simple. What is your work ethic? What are your habits? How do you handle adversity? Bottom line if you aren't where you need to be with your mental game, and your life, now is the time to make change.
5. Recruiting Knowledge. You need to understand what to do in the recruiting process. To boil down a very involved process it comes down to this:
1) Picking the right schools for you based on baseball, academics, and your personal likes and dislikes about colleges.
2) Finding the coaches at these schools to know who you are and evaluate you.
3) Of those that are interested, what will life really be like, and what will it cost, at these schools.