1. No metal cleats.

2. The games are not to exceed 7 innings, unless the score is tied, both captains agree to extend the game and there is time left before the next game is set to begin or before the lights go off. If the home team cannot complete its last at-bat, then the score at the end of the last complete inning will be the final score.

3. The first six innings of a game carry a 5 run maximum, but the 7th is unlimited. The hitter who bats in the 5th run of an inning, or the winning run of the last inning, must touch first base before returning to his dugout. Should he fail to do so, he may be declared out by the umpire, which will cancel one or more runs, such as the case may be.

4. All players must notify their captain by Wednesday if they are unable to attend the next game

5. All players must be at the park 10 minutes before game time.

6. All teams will have 13 players.

7. A team must field minimum of 6 players for a game to be official. (Less than 6 players team loses by default)Team may borrow up to 2 players from opposing teams (not playing) for a total of 8 players. In this situation, the opposing team must supply a catcher to the team that is short while it is on the field. This player is expected to perform as if he were a member of that team. The umpire may ask that a catcher be replaced if he feels that this is not the case. 

8. Teams can field up to 11 players, 5 of which must be outfielders. Outfielders must stay on the grass until the ball is hit.

9. The captains, with the president, will attempt to keep the teams as balanced as possible, and can make changes as they see fit.

10. No player will be allowed to play under the influence of alcohol or drugs. No drinking allowed by players during a game.

11. There will be no base stealing, bunting or leading off bases. A runner must wait for the ball to be hit before he leaves his base, or he is automatically out.

12. All players must play at the designated time according to the schedule. Any player showing after his team has begun batting must be inserted at the bottom of the line-up. No player will be allowed to join the game after the first 3 complete innings.

13. Catchers and umpires must wear a mask. Other equipment is left to their discretion.

14. The captains are responsible for getting the equipment to the park on time. They are also required to complete their line-ups as quickly as possible before game time.

15. The President will attempt  to reschedule rain outs with City as per park availability.

16. The President will settle all rulings out of the ordinary, with the assistance of the captains.

17. Only league players are allowed on the field and in the dugout between 18:30 and 23:00. No children are allowed on the playing surface or in the dugout at any time.

18. The umpire’s decision is FINAL. Appeals are not permitted.

19. All players must wear the full uniform. However, on cold nights, players may wear long sleeve shirts, sweaters, jackets, etc.

20. Any player missing 3 weeks in a row without notifying his captain may be removed from his team, without refund.

21. Only players who are fully paid prior to game 1 are allowed to play. 

22. Pincourt,Ile Perrot,Vaudreuil and West Island residents must be given priority to fill player vacancies.

23. The force at home rule is in effect. No sliding at home is allowed. A slide results in an automatic OUT.


24. All pitching must have an arc.

25. All new players must pay $20.00 more their first year, to help defray the costs of their uniform, in addition to their annual fee. The uniform remains the property of the league, and must be returned when the player quits.

26. The on-deck batter must stay out of the way of the umpire once the ball is in play. Should he block the umpire’s view, for whatever reason, the umpire may call an automatic out on the runner involved in the play that he could not see clearly.

27. No cells phones on the field or in the dugouts

28. According to municipal & provincial laws, No smoking or drinking on park premises.The umpire has the authority to throw a player out of the game if he chooses to do so.

29. If, in the umpire’s judgment, a player throws his bat in anger or frustration, he will be thrown out of the game. At that time, if his team no longer fields the minimum of 8 players, the game will be declared a forfeit, regardless of how many innings have been played. If the player has damaged the bat in the process, he will not be allowed to play until he has replaced the damaged bat with one of equal value.

30. Disrespect of any player or players by another cannot be tolerated. If the umpire judges that a player has “crossed the line” with his comments, gestures or actions towards another player, he may, at his complete discretion, throw the offender out of the game. Among others (but not limited to), comments referring to one’s race, nationality, religion or color are grounds for automatic expulsion. At that time, if his team no longer fields the minimum of 8 players, the game will be declared a forfeit, regardless of how many innings have been played.

If the offending behavior occurs once a game is over, the umpire and or President has the right to suspend a player for the next game.

The president and the captains will review all expulsions in the week that follows, to determine if any further action is required, which could range from suspension to expulsion from the league.

31. Refund policy:

1) Withdrawal of the player prior to May 1 - 100 % refund
2) Withdrawal between May 1 and before the 1st week's game - 85% refund
3) Withdrawal between the 1st week's game and 3rd week's game - 70% refund
4) No refund after 3 games

If a player is expelled from the league as a result of the application of rules 29 or 30, no refund will be made regardless of the date.

32. Players are expected to show up to as many of their games as possible. Therefore, any player     

      missing more than four of his team’s played games may be replaced the following year, at the   

      request of his captain. The president must approve this request. Rainouts do not count 

      as played games.


33. Players cannot bring their own bats, players must use bats provided by the league.