Teutopolis Community Park - Areas Closed Due to Renovations

The playground at the Teutopolis Community Park is closed until the new play equipment is installed and the safety fence is removed.

The north and south diamonds are closed until spring to allow the new infield material to settle and the new grass in the outfields to grow.

Please stay out of these areas.  Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated!

Lost and Found

The park district has collected several items that were left at the Community Park, Mini-Park, and Church Diamond.  If you have lost or found an item, please complete the online form.  The "Lost and Found" link can be found on this page under "Buildings and Grounds" or under the "Forms" menu (Online Registration --> Lost and Found).

Items not claimed will be donated to Catholic Charities.

Trunk or Treat 2024

The Teutopolis for Tomorrow Parks and Recreation Committee will be hosting its 3rd annual Trunk or Treat event at the Teutopolis Community Park on Trick or Treat night, Friday, October 25th from 6 p.m. (after the Halloween parade) to 8 p.m.!  The intention of this event is to provide the opportunity to participate in Trick or Treat night to businesses, organizations, groups, families that live in the country and/or families that live in town who would prefer an alternate solution for people coming to their homes.

Trunk or Treat is an excellent opportunity to promote your business, organization, or group!  Last year, around 500 children participated and committee members received a lot of positive feedback.  You do not need to decorate your vehicle, but, if you choose to do so, prizes will be awarded to the top 3 best decorated vehicles!  Your vehicle can simply be a company vehicle with your logo.

Please note:  The Teutopolis Community Park will be closed for this event, starting at 4 p.m. on Friday, October 25th.  Only those giving out treats will be allowed to park at the Teutopolis Community Park!

To participate in Trunk or Treat as a treat-giver, please register on the Teutopolis Park District's web site (www.teutopolisparkdistrict.com --> Forms --> Online Registration).  The sign-up deadline is October 23rd.  Participants will set up from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. that day.

To participate in Trunk or Treat as a treat-receiver, please park at Teutopolis Junior High School and proceed north to the bridge to the park.  Please enter this event at the bridge!  Do not park elsewhere and/or enter the park another way.  We are trying to keep traffic away from the park to keep the kids safe!  Please note - You do NOT have to register to participate as a treat-receiver!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kathy Hartke (bkhartke687@outlook.com).


Teutopolis for Tomorrow is a component fund of Southeastern Illinois Community Foundation and
does not have a separate corporate existence. Southeastern Illinois Community Foundation is a
501(c)(3) non profit organization managing permanent and non-permanent assets for the long-term
benefit of communities in southeastern Illinois. All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.  

Soccer - Notices and Reminders

The rosters and schedule for soccer have been posted on our web site.  The first games of the season will be held Tuesday, August 6th.

Each team will have a box/bag of shirts on the bench at their first game for the coach to distribute.  Each shirt will be labeled with the player's name.

Please see the "Soccer Information, Guidelines, and Field Map" document (Forms --> Download Forms) containing information about the playing fields and games, guidelines for coaches and parents, and a field map.

We encourage you to sign up for text messages for program (game) cancellations.  Instructions for doing so can be found on our web site.  Click the "Forms" menu option, the "Download Forms" dropdown option then, the "Frequently Asked Questions - General" link.  Follow the instructions in the "How do I receive Teutopolis Park District text messages?" section.

The Teutopolis Park District is pleased to announce that Shoe Shack Concessions will continue to provide concessions at the stand by the track.

For soccer games, be aware that there will be a lot of people and a lot of vehicles in the area of the park and the junior high school.  There could be a junior high school baseball and/or softball game scheduled for the same evening as soccer games.  Please exercise caution as a pedestrian or as a driver.  Also, please reduce the number of cars at soccer games by walking, riding bikes, and carpooling whenever possible. Be safe!

Stevens Industries has generously given permission to use its employee parking lot, using the Water Street (north) entrance. Please do not park on the grass!  Please use this parking lot instead of parking along Race Street. Parking along this very busy street creates a dangerous situation for pedestrians as well as drivers.

We want to remind everyone to practice good sportsmanship.  You are welcome to encourage your child and his/her team but, please do not discourage other players and coaches.  Please remember that our coaches are volunteers who generously give their time and talent.  Also, please respect our referees who are doing the best job they can.

Have a fun and safe season!  Thank you for your cooperation!

Soccer - Rosters and Schedule

The rosters and schedule for Soccer have been posted on our web site.  The first games of the season will be held Tuesday, August 6th.

Please note, the 2nd and 3rd Grade League has 9 teams and, rather than a night “off”, the odd team each week will have practice/scrimmage at Field 6 - West of Teutopolis HS/JH Track.

Summer Day Camp - Notices and Reminders

Summer Day Camp begins Wednesday, May 29th !!!  A few notices and reminders ...

Weekdays, May 29th through June 25th, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.

May 29th through June 11th (first two weeks) are at the Teutopolis Mini-Park
     Drop Off and Pick Up
          From Route 40, turn south on to Garrett Street (between the church and Habing's Furniture Store) then, turn into
          the north entrance for the Sister Ethelbert Center (just after the priests' garage).  Drive through the parking lot to 
          your child's group then, exit via the south entrance of the parking lot and proceed on to Mill Street (along the 
          railroad tracks).  Traffic will be one-way to prevent congestion.  Please do NOT go back north on to Garrett Street 
          after exiting the parking lot!

June 12th through June 25th (last two weeks) are at the Teutopolis Community Park
     Drop Off and Pick Up
          Enter the main entrance and follow the perimeter counter-clockwise (one-way traffic).

The people dropping off or picking up a participant should remain in their vehicle.  People trying to park in order to get out of their vehicle and, later, trying to get out of a parking spot cause traffic congestion.

Each group will have a designated area for drop off and pick up.  Signs will indicate the designated area for each group.

Groups are as follows (2023-2024 School Year):
          Group 1 - Kindergarten Girls
          Group 2 - Kindergarten Boys
          Group 3 - First Grade Girls
          Group 4 - First Grade Boys and Second Grade Boys
          Group 5 - Third Grade Boys and Fourth Grade Boys
          Group 6 - 
Second Grade Girls and Third Grade Girls
          Group 7 - Fourth Grade Girls and Fifth Grade Girls

Summer Tennis - Notices and Reminders

Summer Tennis begins TOMORROW, Wednesday, May 29th !!!  A few notices and reminders ...

Weekdays, May 29th through June 25th, at the Teutopolis Grade School tennis courts with the following schedule (2024-2025 School Year) ...

Grade 4:         08:00 to 08:45 a.m.
Grade 5:         09:00 to 09:45 a.m.
Grade 6:         10:00 to 10:45 a.m.
Grades 7-8:    11:00 to 11:45 a.m.
Grades 9-12:  12:00 to 12:45 p.m.

Participants should bring a racket and a bottle of water each day.  Parents are encouraged to download the Remind app and sign up for notices regarding Summer Tennis at https://www.remind.com/join/mniebrugg?utm_medium=android

Soccer Registration

Registration for Teutopolis Park District's Soccer program is now available online or the registration form can be downloaded and mailed in The program is for boys and girls, Kindergarten through Grade 6 (2024-2025 school year).  Please pay attention when selecting the grade for your child --> his/her grade this fall!

Team rosters and the game schedule will be posted as soon as possible.  Please consider volunteering to coach!!!  Games will begin August 1 and conclude mid-September.  To be notified when team rosters or the game schedule is posted, please sign up for emails or text messages from the park district.  Instructions for doing so can be found on the web site (Forms --> Download Forms --> Frequently Asked Questions - General).

If you a
re uncertain about which fee applies, please refer to the "Tiered Fee" document on the web site (Forms --> Download Forms --> Tiered Fee).

The sign-up deadline is June 1st. 
 A $25 late fee will apply to registrations submitted online or received after June 1st.  A late registration for a league will not be accepted if teams for that league have been set up and are full.  A late registration received after July 1st will not be accepted.

Tee Ball Diamonds

For those new to Tee Ball ... The Tee Ball diamonds are located at Teutopolis Junior High School - on the soccer practice field, south of the parking lot for the track and east of the 4-square volleyball court.  Field 1 will be on the west side of the soccer practice field and Field 2 will be on the east side.  Please park at Teutopolis Junior High School for games at these diamonds.  The concession stand and the bathrooms by the track will be available.  Please see the map for the Tee Ball diamonds (Forms --> Download Forms).

Thank You to Teutopolis State Bank !!! :)

The Teutopolis Park District would like to sincerely thank Teutopolis State Bank for their generous donation of the T-shirts for the 2024 park district programs!  Their continuing support through all the years is greatly appreciated!

Registrations - Please Pay Attention to the Grade Selected!

When registering your child for a Teutopolis Park District program, PLEASE pay attention to the grade you are selecting for your child!  The school year is on the online registration and on the registration form (e.g. "2023-2024 Grade", "2023-2024 School Year", etc.)!   Selecting the wrong grade can create a LOT of extra work for park district personnel.  
For example, a parent selects Grade 5 when registering his/her child online for the Baseball-Softball program.  The child is placed on a team in the Little League.  The rosters are published and the parent realizes that his/her child's classmates are on teams in the Khoury League.  The parent contacts the park district to move his/her child to the Khoury League.  This sounds simple but, it is definitely not.  The Program Director must find a place on a team in the correct league and, contact the new coach as well as the old coach.  He also must contact the Park Administrator who must update the rosters on the web site.  He also must contact the vendor to order a new shirt.  The situation can be further complicated if the parent is a coach or, now, the old team is short players or the new team is overcrowded.  Little things can make a big difference!

New Scoreboard at the Teutopolis Church Diamond

The Teutopolis Park District is pleased to announce that a new scoreboard has been installed at the Teutopolis Church Diamond!  The handheld, wireless controller will be kept in its case in the concession stand along with the instructions.  For Teutopolis Park District games, there will be a sign-out/sign-in sheet to be filled out by the person operating the controller.  That person must be at least 13 years old.


Summer Day Camp - Groups and Traffic

For Summer Day Camp, Groups 4 and 7 will be split into smaller, more manageable groups.

Groups are now as follows (2020-2021 School Year):
          Group 1 - Kindergarten
          Group 2 - First Grade Girls
          Group 3 - First Grade Boys and Second Grade Boys
          Group 4 - Third Grade Girls
          Group 5 - Third Grade Boys
          Group 6 - Fourth Grade Boys
          Group 7 - Fifth Grade Boys and Girls
          Group 8 - Fourth Grade Girls
          Group 9 - Second Grade Girls

Reminder - The people dropping off or picking up a participant should remain in their vehicle! People trying to park in order to get out of their vehicle and, later, trying to get out of a parking spot are causing traffic congestion.

Thank you for your cooperation, patience and understanding,

Teutopolis Park District

Tiered Fee

The Teutopolis Park District uses a tiered fee for most of its programs.  A guideline has been posted to the web site for determining the tier (and, therefore, the fee) that a registrant is eligible for.  Click on "Forms" then "Download Forms" in the dropdown menu.  Click the "Tiered Fee" link to view the document.

Changes to Online Payments

The software company that provides the web site for the Teutopolis Park District has been acquired by another software company.  As a result, online payments will now be made via Stack Pay, a product of the parent company, instead of PayPal.  When making an online payment, you will no longer be transferred to the PayPal web site.  Online payments will be made directly from the Teutopolis Park District's web site.

This new process automatically adds a $1 "Online Processing Fee" for each online payment.  The park district absorbs this fee instead of passing it along to our customers.  In order to do so, the park district is adding a -$1 "Reverse Online Processing Fee" for each online payment.

Please contact the park district (tpd@teutopolisparkdistrict.com) if you have any questions, concerns, or problems.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Girls Prep League - July 5, 2018 Venue Change

All Girls Prep League games scheduled for Thursday, July 5 have been moved from Hendelmeyer Park to Evergreen Hollow Park's southeast diamond.

Summer Day Camp - Wednesday, June 20th

Summer Day Camp for Wednesday, June 20th will be held at the Teutopolis Community Park.  The Teutopolis Fire Department is coming to visit!  When the Fire Department shows the campers how high the water can go, they might get a little wet so, it will be a water day as well.   :)

New Program - Fitness FUN and Function

The Teutopolis Park District is introducing a new program "Fitness FUN and Function". This program is designed to get you moving with fun and low impact level aerobics. The time will fly by with your friends while your steps are getting in. All equipment for balance, stretching and muscle conditioning is provided. This is designed to accommodate the beginner level of fitness, no matter the age.

The program will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from June 5 through July 26, 7:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., in the Teutopolis Grade School gym.  The instructor will be Jen Thoele.  Registration is available online or the registration form can be downloaded. The sign up deadline is May 25, 2018.

Summer Evening Kickboxing

The Teutopolis Park District is introducing "Summer Evening Kickboxing".  This program is similar to "Cardio Kickboxing", offered as part of the quarterly fitness programs.  The program will be held on Thursdays from June 7 through July 26 (8 classes), 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., in the Teutopolis Grade School gym.  The instructor will be Jen Thoele.  Registration is available online or the registration form can be downloaded. The sign up deadline is May 25, 2018.

Sesquicentennial Building For Sale

The Teutopolis Park District is placing the sesquicentennial building up for sale.  The building is located on the west side of the Teutopolis Mini-Park.  Its dimensions are approximately 18' x 24'.  Interested parties (serious inquiries only) may contact the park district's groundskeeper, Aaron Wellbaum (217-821-3703), to make an appointment to view the inside of the building.  Sealed bids must be mailed to Teutopolis Park District, P.O. Box 336, Teutopolis, IL 62467 and postmarked on or before April 30, 2018.  The highest bidder will be the new owner of the building.  The new owner will be responsible for moving the building and for any damages that occur while moving it.  Removal from the Mini-Park must be coordinated with St. Francis of Assisi church.

New Scoreboard on the North Diamond

The Teutopolis Park District would like to sincerely thank those who generously contributed their time, talent, and treasure toward the new scoreboard on the north diamond at the Teutopolis Community Park:

Pat Drees, Teutopolis Junior High School Principal,
The Teutopolis Junior High School Softball Team,
The Teutopolis Sportsbackers,
Ameren, Josh Althoff, Mitch Althoff, Bierman Welding, Chad Britton, Burford Electric, Dale's Diesel Service, Dexter Hille, Kevin Koester, Al Konkel, Kent Niebrugge, Dale Pruemer Concrete, Thoele Plumbing, ... and anyone else who helped with this project!   :)

Program Cancellations - January 7, 2018

The 5th and 6th Grade Basketball games scheduled for this evening, Sunday, January 7th, have been postponed to a later date due to the threat of inclement weather.  More information will be forthcoming.??

5th and 6th Grade Basketball - Friday, December 22nd (*** TOMORROW ***)

The 5th and 6th Grade Basketball games scheduled for tomorrow, Friday, December 22nd, have been postponed to a later date.  More information will be forthcoming.

Changes to the Fitness Programs for 2018

The Teutopolis Park District is pleased to announce exciting changes to its fitness programs for 2018!

Instead of signing up for a specific class, participants will register for the number of classes per week they want to work out then, attend the classes that interest them and accommodate their schedule.  Weekday class offerings are as follows:

Mondays:        Cardio Kickboxing
Tuesdays:       Prime2Power - Legs, Glutes, Cardio and Abs
Wednesdays:  Prime2Power - Shoulder, Chest, Cardio and Abs
Thursdays:      Prime2Power - All muscle groups
Fridays:           Prime2Power - Biceps, Triceps, Core, Cardio and Abs

For example, John registers for 2 classes per week.  Each week, he can participate in any 2 classes offered Monday through Friday.  The first week he chooses to participate in Cardio Kickboxing on Monday and Prime2Power on Thursday.  The next week he participates in Prime2Power on Thursday and Friday because of a business trip earlier that week.

"Shape Up Saturdays" will still be offered as a separate program.

The "Super Pass" will still be offered, discounting 5 Classes per Week and Shape Up Saturdays 20%!

The first 13-week session will be January 1 through March 31.  Weekday classes will be held from 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.  Shape Up Saturdays will be held from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m.  All programs will be held in the Teutopolis Grade School gym. 

Registration is available online or the registration form can be downloaded. The sign up deadline is December 20, 2017.

A description of the Teutopolis Park District's fitness classes can also be downloaded.

New Program - FIREuptheCORE

The Teutopolis Park District is introducing a new fitness program, "FIREuptheCORE".  Are you ready to fire up your core? This program is a fun packed 30 minutes designed to tone and strengthen your abdominal section. Various techniques and equipment are provided to target your core muscles. All levels are welcome.

The program will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from October 2 through December 27, 4:15 p.m. to 4:45 p.m., in the Teutopolis Grade School gym.  The instructor will be Jen Thoele.

Registration is only available online and is limited to 30 people. The sign up deadline is September 1st.

Kids Only Fitness Fun

The Teutopolis Park District is holding "Kids Only Fitness Fun". This class will encourage a fun and safe way for physical activity, including obstacle courses, relay races, climbing, kickboxing, water fun, walking, games, exercises, health awareness and kids choice recipes.  Kids Only Fitness Fun will focus on: balance, strength, agility, coordination, motor skill development, behavior, manners and nutrition.

The program is for boys and girls in grades 1-6 (2017-2018 school year).  It will be held on July 10, July 14, and Tuesdays and Thursdays from July 18 through August 3, 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. for Grades 1-3 and 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. for Grades 4-6.  The program will be held at the Teutopolis Community Park from July 10 through July 25 and at the Teutopolis Grade School gym from July 27 through August 3. The instructor will be Jen Thoele. Please wear tennis shoes and bring a drink, preferably water.

The class is limited to 20 kids for Grades 1-3 and 20 kids for Grades 4-6, first come, first serve.  Registration is only available online (see the "Online Registration" menu option).  The sign-up deadline is June 1st.

Boot Camp 2016, October 10 - December 2 (The last 8 weeks of the current 12-week session)

The Teutopolis Park District has received requests to register for the latter part of the current 12-week session of Boot Camp.  In response to those requests, the Teutopolis Park District has opened registration for the last 8 weeks, October 10th through December 2nd.  Boot Camp is held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 5:15 a.m. to 6:15 a.m., in the Teutopolis Grade School gym. The instructor is Ben Siemer.

Registration is available online (see the "Online Registration" menu option) and the paper registration form can be downloaded (see the "Download Forms" menu option). Please note that the registration form is separate. The sign up deadline is October 2nd.

The Wooden Shoe Walk - Update

Almost 2200 miles were reported by Wooden Shoe Walk participants through August.  Monthly prize winners for August were:

Wessel’s Grocery gift certificate – Amy Frey 
Kountry Kitchen gift certificate – Christy McMahon
Wooden Shoe Walk T-shirt – Jacob Pruemer

The grand prize winner of the pair of tickets to Holiday World and Splashin' Safari was Jeanie Deters.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who participated in this year's Wooden Shoe Walk!

Prime2Power 2016, August 16 - November 3

The Teutopolis Park District is holding another "Prime2Power" program.  New or returning to exercise?  Not sure where to begin?  Prime2Power will teach you the proper way to perform exercises without the pressure of a fast paced class. This class is aimed for men and women at all levels and ages.  You can keep it basic or crank it up a notch.  Modifications are instructed.  You will learn the basic exercise building blocks and progress to more difficult exercise techniques.  The focus of the class will be a total body workout, including cardio, arms, abs and legs.  No muscles will be left untouched.  This class will build your confidence, lose inches, build lean muscle and ignite your life!

The program will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from August 16 through November 3, 5:15 a.m. to 6:00 a.m., in the Teutopolis Grade School gym.  The instructor will be Jen Thoele.

Registration is available online (see the "Online Registration" menu option) or the paper registration form can be downloaded (see the "Download Forms" menu option). Please note that the registration form is separate. The sign up deadline is August 7th.

Excessive Heat Warning

The Teutopolis Park District is aware of the Excessive Heat Warning for the next few days.  The park district does NOT cancel games due to the heat; however, if a parent strongly feels that his/her child should not play, that parent should contact the coach at least 2 hours prior to the game to let the coach know that his/her child will not be playing.  If the coach determines that the team does not have enough players to play the game, that coach should contact Kent Niebrugge, the Program Director, to cancel the game.


If a child is going to play, parents should take the proper precautions.  Each player should have a water bottle to stay hydrated.  A towel in a small cooler of ice water to wipe their face and arms down to stay cool is also a good idea. If a player begins to not feel well, that player should notify his/her coach immediately. The park district wants to give the kids the opportunity to play but, also wants the kids to be safe.  


Canceling a game is never an easy decision.  People get upset when you cancel a game.  People get upset when you don’t.  In this situation, the park district is letting the parents decide what is appropriate for their child.

Boys Prep League - Game Time Change for July 19th

The Boys Prep League game, Dieterich vs. Warriors, scheduled for July 19th at Teutopolis Junior High School, has been moved from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Effingham Park District - Rescheduled Game

The Effingham Park District has rescheduled a Boys Prep League game that was previously canceled.  The Warriors will play Effingham Asphalt on June 30th at 8:00 p.m. at Evergreen Hollow Park.

Boot Camp 2016, July 11 - September 2

The Teutopolis Park District is holding another "Boot Camp" program. The program will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from July 11th through September 2nd, 5:15 a.m. to 6:15 a.m., in the Teutopolis Grade School gym. The instructor will be Ben Siemer.

Registration is available online (see the "Online Registration" menu option) or the paper registration form can be downloaded (see the "Download Forms" menu option). Please note that the registration form is separate. The sign up deadline is July 3rd.

Complaints Regarding Dogs

The Teutopolis Park District has been receiving complaints regarding dogs running loose and/or dog feces on the grounds.  There is a park rule stating that “Pets must be kept on a leash and cleaned up after.”  This is the law as well as a park rule ...

Village of Teutopolis, Ordinance 854 ( http://teutopolis.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Dog-Cat-Ordinance-No.-854.pdf )
Section 7 - Owner Responsibility
Item A - All dogs and cats shall be kept under proper restraint, whether on or outside the owner’s property.
Item C - The owner of every dog or cat shall be held responsible for promptly picking up any waste left by the owner’s animal on any property, public or private, outside the property of the owner.

Dogs are thought of as members of our families BUT, think about how you’d feel if you, someone you loved, or your own dog was attacked by another dog running loose or stepped in dog feces at one of the parks.  Please be considerate of others!

This applies to the Community Park, Mini-Park, and Church Diamond.  Rules have been established for the safety of and enjoyment of the parks by everyone.  Thank you for your cooperation!

Dieterich Park - Rescheduled Game

Dieterich Park has rescheduled a Boys Little League game that was previously canceled.  The Stallions will play the Dieterich Roadrunners on July 20th at 6:15 p.m. at the Dieterich Park baseball diamond.

Teutopolis Park District Donates Discs to Teutopolis Junior High School

The Teutopolis Park District has donated 50 discs to Teutopolis Junior High School for use in its Physical Education classes.  The 9-hole disc golf course at Teutopolis Community Park opened in the fall of 2014, made possible by the Bobby and Marie Brummer family.  Bobby designed the course and generously donated the funds for the concrete pads for teeing off.  Farmweld manufactured and donated the basket targets.  The course begins near the bridge between Teutopolis Community Park and Teutopolis Junior High School.  By donating the discs and incorporating disc golf into the Physical Education classes, the Teutopolis Park District and Teutopolis Junior High School hope to develop interest in disc golf and to encourage students to be active.

Pictured are (left to right):  Kathy Hartke - Teutopolis Park District Administrator, Karen Roley - Teutopolis Park District Board member, John Wessel - Teutopolis Park District Board member, Kent Niebrugge - Teutopolis Junior High School P.E. Teacher, Ashley Horn - Teutopolis Junior High School student, and Megan McMahon - Teutopolis Junior High School student

Boot Camp 2016, May 9 - July 1

The Teutopolis Park District is holding another "Boot Camp" program. The program will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from May 9th through July 1st, 5:15 a.m. to 6:15 a.m., in the Teutopolis Grade School gym. The instructor will be Ben Siemer.

Registration is available online (see the "Online Registration" menu option) or the paper registration form can be downloaded (see the "Download Forms" menu option). Please note that the registration form is separate. The sign up deadline is May 1st.

Prime2Power 2016, April 12 - May 19

The Teutopolis Park District is holding another "Prime2Power" program.  New or returning to exercise?  Not sure where to begin?  Prime2Power will teach you the proper way to perform exercises without the pressure of a fast paced class. This class is aimed for men and women at all levels and ages.  You can keep it basic or crank it up a notch.  Modifications are instructed.  You will learn the basic exercise building blocks and progress to more difficult exercise techniques.  The focus of the class will be a total body workout, including cardio, arms, abs and legs.  No muscles will be left untouched.  This class will build your confidence, lose inches, build lean muscle and ignite your life!

The program will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from April 12 through May 19, 5:15 a.m. to 6:00 a.m., in the Teutopolis Grade School gym.  The instructor will be Jen Thoele.

Registration is available online (see the "Online Registration" menu option) or the paper registration form can be downloaded (see the "Download Forms" menu option). Please note that the registration form is separate. The sign up deadline is April 5th.

Pavilion Reservation Requests

The Teutopolis Park District is now accepting requests for pavilion reservations online.  Pavilion availability also can be found online.  For details, please download "Pavilion Reservation Requests" (see the "Download Forms" menu option). 

Baseball and Softball - Rescheduling Games

Coaches and Parents of Baseball/Softball Players,


The Teutopolis Park District is aware that there have been numerous cancellations due to the weather and/or the condition of the fields. Some coaches and parents have asked if any of the games that have been canceled will be rescheduled. There are a couple of weeks left in our baseball/softball season and, believe it or not, there are only 5 weeks until school starts. Many families make plans around games, especially for the time frame between the end of our baseball/softball season and the beginning of school. If a game were to be rescheduled, it may be canceled because a team does not have enough players. Therefore, each team should evaluate the availability of its coaches and players and, as a team, decide if games should be made up.


If a team has had 3 or more games canceled and, the coaches and parents collaboratively would like to make up games that have been canceled, the head coach should contact Kent Niebrugge, the Baseball/Softball Program Director. The head coach should let Kent know how many games his/her team would like to make up and the team’s availability to do so. Please note that make up games may have to be held on Saturdays, depending on diamond availability.


Thank you for your cooperation!

Park Rules

Motorized vehicles, including golf carts, side-by-sides, and scooters, are NOT allowed on park grounds, except parking lots.

Pets must be kept on a leash and cleaned up after.


The Teutopolis Park District does not allow an individual or group to use its facilities for personal profit.  This includes, but is not limited to lessons, clinics, camps etc. held by an individual or group for a fee.

These rules apply to the Community Park, Mini-Park, and Church Diamond.  They have been established for the safety of and enjoyment of the parks by everyone.  Thank you for your cooperation!   :)

Summer Day Camp Pictures

Pictures of Summer Day Camp activities have been posted on our web site (click the "Photo Albums" menu option), including pictures of the special presentation given by ARCH Air Medical Service personnel.  There are also individual pictures of the kids who wanted to sit in the pilot's seat!  There are 3 albums.  One of Summer Day Camp activiites, another of the ARCH Air Medical Service helicopter, and another of each future helicopter pilot!   :)

Thank You!!!

  The Teutopolis Park District would like to thank the
  Teutopolis Terquasquicentennial (175th) committee for their
  generous donation of $60,000.  We would also like to
  thank the sponsors, community, and those who
  participated in the events who made it possible.  This gift
  will be passed on to our community, especially the
  children, in the form of new programs and enhancements
  to our facilities.  We are very grateful to be one of the
  beneficiaries of the funds that resulted from the hard work
  and effort put into the town's celebration of its

New Disc Golf Course at Teutopolis Community Park


The Teutopolis Park District is pleased and proud to announce the addition of a 9-hole disc golf course to the Teutopolis Community Park.  The disc golf course was made possible by the Bobby and Marie Brummer family.  Bobby designed the course and generously donated the funds for the concrete pads for teeing off.  Farmweld manufactured and donated the basket targets.

The course begins near the bridge between the Teutopolis Community Park and Teutopolis Junior High School.  Each hole is identified by the number on a post near the concrete pad for teeing off and by the number at the top of the basket target.  The official rules for disc golf can be found at www.pdga.com/rules/official-rules-disc-golf.

The Teutopolis Park District would like to thank Bobby, his wife Marie, and Farmweld for their wonderful contribution to the park!

Pictured by basket target #6 (left to right):  Mike Horn - Teutopolis Park District Board member, Kathy Hartke – Teutopolis Park District Administrator, Bobby Brummer, Santi Brummer, and Marie Brummer

Program Cancellations - May 30, 2014

Due to a conflict for the instructor, Boot Camp scheduled for Friday, May 30th has been cancelled.

TPD Properties Alcohol-Free and Smoke-Free

All Teutopolis Park District properties are alcohol-free and smoke-free environments. No alcoholic beverages shall be sold, brought within, given away, delivered or consumed on park property. Smoking of cigarettes, cigars, pipes or other tobacco is prohibited on park property.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

E-mail Address for Scheduling Diamonds

Please send all requests for diamond time to scheduling@teutopolisparkdistrict.com

This e-mail address can be found under the "Contact Information" menu option.


The Teutopolis Park District Board has received several requests to have someone operate the scoreboards. Hiring someone for each Khoury League, Little League, and Prep League game could possibly mean an increase in the fee for our baseball and softball programs.

Instead, the Teutopolis Park District Board would like the coaches for each game to ask for a volunteer, preferably a parent, to operate the scoreboard. Children 13 and under are strictly prohibited from operating the scoreboard. The umpires will be responsible for setting up the control box and putting it away.

If this does not work then, next season, the Teutopolis Park District will hire someone and possibly increase the fee. Your cooperation in our effort to keep costs (and fees) down will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Lightning Policy

At any time, should the umpire in charge of a baseball/softball game want to delay the game because of lightning, he or she will have authority to do so. The contest should not resume until the lightning has passed.

Also, should both coaches agree that there is too much lightning, the umpire should meet with both coaches and have the authority to cancel the game immediately.

Players, parents and others, while waiting for the delay, should wait in the safest area available at the park site. Automobile and indoor areas or protected covered areas should be the safest place to be during these conditions. At no time should players remain in the playing field. And at no time should parents or players be in the open areas or leaning against any fence or be in contact with any metal objects near the park site. Everyone should take all precautions to get to the safest areas as quickly as possible.

Motorized Vehicles

Motorized vehicles (cars, trucks, ATVs, golf carts, snowmobiles, etc.) are NOT allowed in the park except on the roadways! This includes the woods on the west side. Thank you for your cooperation.

New Policy

Effective January 1, 2010, the Teutopolis Park District will implement the following new policy:

Program registration cancellations:

a. Must be received in writing.

b. A $10 administrative fee will be charged.

c. The balance will be refunded if the program registration
cancellation is postmarked before the first day of the program.

d. No refunds after the first day of the program.

Wanted: Ideas for New Programs

The Teutopolis Park District Board would like to offer new programs, especially for preschoolers, teens, adults, and seniors. If you have an idea for a new program, please e-mail Kathy Hartke (bkhartke@mchsi.com). Your input would be greatly appreciated! :)

Board Meetings

All Teutopolis Park District board meetings are held on the first Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the Teutopolis Village Hall.

The public is welcome to attend. Anyone who wishes to address the board at a meeting should contact the President at least one week in advance.