TCYBA League Rules



League Organization

 Purpose of TCYBA:
TCYBA was established for the sole purpose of providing an opportunity for the boys and girls of Caddo Mills, Community, Greenville, Royse City, Farmersville, Quinlan and Commerce to participate in a developmental basketball program and compete in competitive game play.


 Players must live in or attend ISD of the city they play for to include: Caddo Mills ISD, Community ISD, Greenville ISD, Royse City ISD, Farmersville ISD, Quinlan ISD, and Commerce ISD. Any player outside the physical eligibility boundaries must; submit a written request to the TCYBA board requesting eligibility to participate. This request should contain players name, age, grade, current residence, ISD attending and a brief explanation of why they wish to play for a participating member of the TCYBA league. Each request will be handled on a case-by-case basis and will be approved or denied by majority vote. TCYBA reserves the right to deny eligibility of any player for any reason. If at any time during the season a player is found to be ineligible for any reason, they will no longer be able to participate in games for the remainder of the season.  

 Coaches (head and assistant) must complete and pass a background check each year prior to being approved for the position


 Participation ObjectiveThat all boys and girls, regardless of size or athletic ability, will have the opportunity to play on a team and compete in the game of basketball. It is expected that each head coach will set as one of his or her primary objectives the full participation and development of all boys and girls on each team.

Educational Objective:  T
hat all boys and girls will have the opportunity to learn and develop in the fundamentals of basketball. That all boys and girls will have the opportunity to learn how to cooperate and work together as a team, working toward a common goal and good sportsmanship.

Enjoyment Objective:
  That all boys and girls will gain an appreciation for, and enjoy the game of basketball. That all boys and girls will be able to experience the satisfaction of participating in a balanced program of effort and enjoyment.


Responsibilities of Coaches:  Coaches shall strive to teach the participants the fundamentals of the game, teach good sportsmanship and will set examples that the players will benefit from as they grow into adulthood.

Responsibilities of Players:  
Players will make every effort to attend all scheduled practices and games. Players will give their best effort to the game of basketball and to respect the authority of coaches and officials as well as cooperate with their fellow players and opponents.

Responsibilities of Parents:  
Parents are to encourage their child through positive reinforcement, praise, and encouragement to put forth their best attitude and effort during the basketball season. Parents are to ensure that their child is punctual to practices and games and are strongly encouraged to support the volunteer coach in any way possible.

Equipment and Uniforms


1. The facility will furnish the official game ball. Each facility must have one game ball of each size as back up.

2. Grades K-2 will use a designated small intermediate ball. (27.5 circumference ball)

3. Grades 3-6 will use a designated intermediate ball. (28.5 circumference ball)

4. Grade 6 BOYS only will use a designated official ball. (29.5 circumference ball)

1. Team uniforms must meet the standard uniform requirements determined by the board.  Team uniforms must all be the same for each town.  Shirts must be reversible with numbers on both front and back. Uniforms must be legal basketball numbers – ie no number larger than 5 for either digit.

2. Each player must wear court shoes during games and practices and be checked by coaching staffs to be free of debris before entering onto the court surfaces.

3. No jewelry shall be worn during practices or games. This includes earrings, watches, ID bracelets or necklaces, hats, metal or hard plastic hair clips, etc. The only exceptions to this will be for medical reasons or medical identification. The coach should notify officials before the start of each game played.

 League Schedule

Regular Season Schedule:

1. Regular season games shall be played in accordance with the schedule approved and published by the TCYBA Board.

2. Every effort should be made to ensure that an adequate number of games are played in the regular season to be a worthwhile experience.

Post-Season Tournament Play:
1. At the conclusion of the season, a tournament may be played.

2. In cases where a tie occurs within the league standings, head-to-head wins/losses will determine the appropriate tournament pairings. If tie cannot be broken from head-to-head then points allowed will be the second step of determination; lastly a coin toss will settle the issue.

3. All teams in each division will play post season tournament.

Playing Rules and Regulations

Official Rules:

1. Texas High School Interscholastic League Rules are the official playing rules and regulations, with exceptions as presented each year by the Board.

Playing Time:
1. It is strongly encouraged to allow for the equitable distribution of playing time to all players as much as possible.

2. Players will only be permitted to play on one team per season.

Length of Games/Miscellaneous:

1. Every effort must be made for games to start and end on time.

2. A three-minute pre-game warm-up period must be observed unless waived by both coaches.

3. A three-minute half-time break must be observed unless waived by both coaches.

4. A team must have at least four players to start a game. If a team doesn’t have enough players to start the game at the scheduled start time, the clock operator will start the clock counting down the 1
st quarter. If at any time while the clock is counting down the first quarter the team has enough to play they will begin play and play the remaining time left on the clock for the first quarter.  If at the end of the 1st quarter there still aren’t enough players to start the game it will be recorded as a forfeit with the winning team getting a recorded score of 10 and the forfeiting team 0.

5. The three point shot will be in effect in any facility that has a permanent three-point line on the court.

6. All rules are subject to change during the course of the season, if approved by the Board. Notification to the coaches will be made as timely as possible.

7. Officials’ decisions are final. There are no Protested games.

8. There will be NO cell phones allowed at score table.


Conduct detrimental to the league will not be tolerated!

 In the event of a player, coach or spectator ejection the following options may be rendered by TCYBA Board:


Coach/Player Ejection:

1st Offense: One-week minimal suspension, with possibility of more. This will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

2nd Offense: Coach/Player will be removed from the team for the remainder of the season. Additional discipline may apply.


Fan/Spectator Ejection:

A Technical Foul will be applied to Coach and a one-week suspension will apply to the fan. Note: If a spectator is ejected from a game the standard consequence will be at least, but not limited to, a one-week suspension.  Multiple infractions will result in suspension for the remainder of the season.


TCYBA reserves the right to render any of the following additional options to the mandatory discipline. These will be determined by the board on a case-by-case basis:

                A. No Action
                B. Verbal Warning
                C. Probation of a Coach or Player or Fan
                D. Suspension of Coach or Player or Fan-length to be determined by TCYBA
                E. Dismissal of Coach or Player
                F. Elimination from Post-Season Play


If there is any physical altercation by any participant (coach/player/fan) this person will be immediately banned from all TCYBA events for the remainder of the season.

Coaches Responsibilities:

1. Coaches will be expected to show leadership and act as a role model for the team.  Coaches will be held responsible and accountable for the team’s practice, games, and the conduct of all players, their parents and guests connected with his or her team.

2. Ensure team roster is in the official scorebook in advance of game time. Coaches will present the official scoring table with a lineup of their team to include: each player’s number and last name. Failure to do so may lead to loss of a timeout during the game.

3. Technical fouls: Standard rules will apply; two technical fouls assessed on the coach will result in ejection from the game. As stated in rule 1, above, the coach is responsible for all aspects of the team and associated fans; therefore any technical foul committed by this group will be counted against the coach.  (If an associated fan must be removed/ejected from a game, this will constitute as a technical foul.)

4. The coach may stand and instruct players during a game. All instruction must be communicated in a constructive manner. However, at no time during a game should a coach or bench member leave the bench area. Bench area being defined as the length of the bench to the scorer’s table. All coaches must remain in bench area. Only 1 head coach and 1 assistant coach allowed on the bench. One coach will be allowed to stand the other must sit. This will be enforced upon the discretion of a board member or the referee.

Facility Code of Conduct:

1. Code of Conduct rules apply to all participants, coaches, parents, and visitors, etc.

2. The team coach has total responsibility for their players, assistant coaches, and fans while in the gymnasiums and facilities.

3. The entrances, exits, restrooms and dressing areas vary at each school. Coaches are to instruct their players as to the off-limit areas.

4. All coaches must realize very seriously that their players, adult parents, and fans are visitors at these facilities and everyone should act responsibly and accordingly.

5. Absolutely no one, players or coaches, will be allowed to participate on the playing surface without proper basketball footwear. NO EXCEPTIONS. No street shoes, boots, heels, or cleated shoes are allowed.

6. The gym space is reserved exclusively for those teams assigned to the specific gym at that time. Players not participating in a practice or game are to be instructed to sit in an out-of-the-way area. They are not to be running around, dribbling, or shooting at any unused baskets. The majority of chaos and problems that occur are caused by players who are not practicing or playing at the specified team time.

7. No foods, drinks, smoking, or any other form of tobacco products will be allowed anywhere within the school buildings. Teams will be allowed water breaks at halftime.

8. The gym area must be checked by each coach after a completed practice or game to ensure that everything is in order and in the same condition as when they arrived.

9. ANY conduct that violates decency, morality, or the misuse of the facilities will not be tolerated

General Playing Rules Exceptions:

1. Any player can play up in an age group.

2. A player may only play on one team per season.

3. No player can play down an age group, unless there is a handicap exception made by the Tri County board. The board can make an exception if it creates an improved playing situation that benefit's the league.

4. Team Formation Rules: All newly formed teams must be drafted. Teams may remain together from year to year provided the head coach, assistant coach, or parent of the existing team continues to coach. If a coach no longer wishes to coach, players go back into the team selection. At the beginning of each season a player has the right to stay on a team. Any player that doesn’t want to return to the team they played on the year before will be placed in the player pool for selection. If a team needs more players the coach will select from the pool of new players or players that have been put back in the team selection.

5. Divisions will be divided by grade and gender. (e.g. K-girls, K-boys etc.)

K-1st Playing Rule Exceptions 

1. Games will consist of one referee.

2. Grades K-1 will use a designated small intermediate ball.
(27.5 circumference ball)

3. Games will consist of four 8-minute quarters, with a 3-minute halftime.

4. Attachable Goals will be at 8 feet high for K-1st grade.

5. Grades K-1st will shoot free throws from the second hash mark from the free throw line.

6. The clock is a running clock, except the last 3 minutes of the 4th quarter, and then it will become a regular clock stopping on each whistle (e.g. violations, turnovers, timeouts, fouls, etc.).

7. Exceptions:

·         The clock will be stopped for charged time outs and official time outs (e.g. for injuries).

·         The clock continue to be a running clock (not stopping) if one team has a lead of 20 or more points.

8. Each team is allowed 3 timeouts per half. (30-seconds long).

9. Teams may play any form of defense. In grades K-1st actively double-teaming will not be allowed outside of the three-point arc. The act of double-teaming will result in the ball being given back to the offense. Double-teaming is to be called at the discretion of the officials, so as not to allow or gain an advantage. The defense cannot pick up an offensive player in the backcourt; the defense must remain inside the 3-point arc until the offense brings the ball across the center court line. The defense is only required to retreat inside the 3-point arc on a made basket or dead ball, if the offense is in transition they may be picked up once they cross the center court line. The ball must be in control of the offensive player in the backcourt before the defense is required to retreat.

10. There is a 5-second lane violation in effect at the referee’s discretion, so as to not allow or gain an advantage.

11. Teams will shoot 2 free throws after the 10th team foul.

12. The Mercy Rule will be in effect once a team has a 20-point lead. While the leading team is up by 20 or more points, the clock will be a running clock, even in the last 3 minutes of 4th quarter. The leading coach may only use ONE substitution only timeout (this will be to sub players in only, not a coaching or instructional timeout) during the mercy rule.

13. In the event of a tie there will be one 2-minute overtime. Each team will have 1 timeout per overtime played. If the game is tied at the end of overtime, the 5 players on the court from each team at the end of overtime will shoot free throws on a rotating basis until all have shot once. Made free throws count as 1 point; If the score is still tied after all 10 players on the court have shot free throws, we will then shoot free throws again with the same 10 players on the court in a sudden death fashion. The first unanswered point will determine the winning team.

2nd Grade Playing Rule Exceptions

1. Games will consist of one referee.

2. Grade 2 will use a designated small intermediate ball. (27.5 circumference ball)

3. Games will consist of four 8-minute quarters, with a 3-minute halftime.

4. Attachable Goals will be at 9 feet high.

5. Grade 2nd will shoot free throws from the first hash mark from the free throw line.

6. The clock is a running clock except the last 3 minutes of the 4
th quarter, and then it will become a regular clock stopping on each whistle (e.g. violations, turnovers, timeouts, fouls, etc.)

7. Exceptions:

·         The clock will be stopped for charged time outs and official time outs (e.g. for injuries).

·         The clock continue to be a running clock (not stopping) if one team has a lead of 20 or more points.

8. Each team is allowed 3 timeouts per half. (30-seconds long).
9. Teams may play any form of defense. In 2
nd Grade actively double-teaming will not be allowed outside of the three-point arc. The act of double-teaming will result in the ball being given back to the offense. Double-teaming is to be called at the discretion of the officials, so as not to allow or gain an advantage. The defense cannot pick up an offensive player in the backcourt; the defense must remain inside the 3 point arc until the offense brings the ball across the center court line. The defense is only required to retreat inside the 3-point arc on a made basket or dead ball, if the offense is in transition they may be picked up once they cross the center court line. The ball must be in control of the offensive player in the backcourt before the defense is required to retreat.  

10. There is a 5-second lane violation in effect at the referee’s discretion, so as to not allow or gain an advantage.

11. Teams will shoot 2 free throws after the 10th team foul.

 12. The Mercy Rule will be in effect once a team has a 20-point lead. While the leading team is up by 20 or more points, the clock will be a running clock, even in the last 3 minutes of 4th quarter. The leading coach may only use ONE substitution only timeout (this will be to sub players in only, not a coaching or instructional timeout) during the mercy rule.  

13. In the event of a tie there will be one 2-minute overtime. Each team will have 1 timeout per overtime played. If the game is tied at the end of overtime, the 5 players on the court from each team at the end of overtime will shoot free throws on a rotating basis until all have shot once. Made free throws count as 1 point; If the score is still tied after all 10 players on the court have shot free throws, we will then shoot free throws again with the same 10 players on the court in a sudden death fashion. The first unanswered point will determine the winning team.

3rd Grade Playing Rule Exceptions

1. Games will consist of two referees.

2. Grade 3 will use a designated intermediate ball. (28.5 circumference ball).

3. Games will consist of four 8-minute quarters, with a 3-minute halftime.

4. Attachable Goals will be at 9 feet high.

5. Grade 3rd will shoot free throws from the free throw line.

6. The clock is a running clock except in the last 3 minutes of the 4
th quarter, and then it will become a regular clock stopping on each whistle (e.g. violations, turnovers, timeouts, fouls, etc.)

7. Exceptions:

·         The clock will be stopped for charged time outs and official time outs (e.g. for injuries).

·         The clock continue to be a running clock (not stopping) if one team has a lead of 20 or more points.

8. Each team is allowed 3 timeouts per half. (30-seconds long).

9. Teams may play any form of defense. In 3rd grade actively double-teaming will not be allowed outside of the three-point arc. The act of double-teaming will result in the ball being given back to the offense. Double-teaming is to be called at the discretion of the officials, so as not to allow or gain an advantage. The defense cannot pick up an offensive player in the backcourt; an offensive player can be picked once they cross the center court line. The ball must be in control of the offensive player in the backcourt before the defense is required to retreat.


10. There is a 5-second lane violation in effect at the referee’s discretion, so as to not allow or gain an advantage.


11. Teams will shoot 2 free throws after the 10th team foul.


12. The Mercy Rule will be in effect once a team has a 20-point lead. While the leading team is up by 20 or more points, the clock will be a running clock, even in the last 3 minutes of 4th quarter. The leading coach may only use ONE substitution only timeout (this will be to sub players in only, not a coaching or instructional timeout) during the mercy rule.


13. In the event of a tie there will be one 2-minute overtime. Each team will have 1 timeout per overtime played. If the game is tied at the end of overtime, the 5 players on the court from each team at the end of overtime will shoot free throws on a rotating basis until all have shot once. Made free throws count as 1 point; If the score is still tied after all 10 players on the court have shot free throws, we will then shoot free throws again with the same 10 players on the court in a sudden death fashion. The first unanswered point will determine the winning team.

 4th Grade Playing Rule Exceptions
1. Games will consist of two referees.

2. Grade 4 will use a designated intermediate ball. (28.5 circumference ball).

3. Games will consist of four 8-minute quarters, with a 3-minute halftime.

4. Goals will be at 10 feet high.

5. In 4th grade the free throw line will be moved to the 1
st hash mark. 

6. The clock is a running clock except the last 3 minutes of the 4
th quarter, and then it will become a regular clock stopping on each whistle (e.g. violations, turnovers, timeouts, fouls, etc.)

7. Exceptions:

·         The clock will be stopped for charged time outs and official time outs (e.g. for injuries).

·         The clock continue to be a running clock (not stopping) if one team has a lead of 20 or more points.

8. Each team is allowed 3 timeouts per half. (30-seconds long).

9. In the 4
th grade, teams may only full-court press once the 4th quarter begins, at which time active double-teaming will be allowed. Teams may play any form of defense. Prior to the 4th quarter of the game, actively double-teaming will not be allowed outside of the three-point arc. The act of double-teaming will result in the ball being given back to the offense. Double-teaming is to be called at the discretion of the officials, so as not to allow or gain an advantage. The defense cannot pick up an offensive player in the backcourt; an offensive player can be picked up once they cross the center court line. The ball must be in control of the offensive player in the backcourt before the defense is required to retreat.

10. The 3-second lane violation will be strictly enforced.

11. Teams will shoot 2 free throws after the 10th team foul.


12. The Mercy Rule will be in effect once a team has a 20-point lead. While the leading team is up by 20 or more points they are not allowed to full court press, they must drop back to half court and the clock will be a running clock, even in the last 3 minutes of 4th quarter. The leading coach may only use ONE substitution only timeout (this will be to sub players in only, not a coaching or instructional timeout) during the mercy rule.


13. In the event of a tie there will be one 2-minute overtime. Each team will have 1 timeout per overtime played. If the game is tied at the end of overtime, another 2-minute overtime round will be played. If the score is tied at the end of the second overtime play, there will be a third round of play in sudden death fashion. The first team to score will be determined the winner.


5th Grade Playing Rule Exceptions

1. Games will consist of two referees.

2. Grade 5 will use a designated intermediate ball (28.5 circumference ball).

3. Games will consist of four 8-minute quarters, with a 3-minute halftime.

4. Goals will be at 10 feet high.


5. Free throws will be shot from the free throw line.

6. The clock is a running clock except the last 3 minutes of the 4
th quarter, and then it will become a regular clock stopping on each whistle (e.g. violations, turnovers, timeouts, fouls, etc.)

7. Exceptions:

·         The clock will be stopped for charged time outs and official time outs (e.g. for injuries).

·         The clock continues to be a running clock (not stopping) if one team has a lead of 20 or more points.

8. Each team is allowed 3 timeouts per half. (30-seconds long).

9. In 5th grade, teams may only full-court press during the second half of the game (starting at the beginning of the 3rd quarter), at which time active double-teaming will be allowed. Teams may play any form of defense. During the first half of the game, actively double-teaming will not be allowed outside of the three-point arc. The act of double-teaming will result in the ball being given back to the offense. Double-teaming is to be called at the discretion of the officials, so as not to allow or gain an advantage. The defense cannot pick up an offensive player in the backcourt; an offensive player can be picked up once they cross the center court line. The ball must be in control of the offensive player in the backcourt before the defense is required to retreat.

10. The 3-second lane violation will be strictly enforced.

11. Teams will shoot 2 free throws after the 10th team foul.

12. The Mercy Rule will be in effect once a team has a 20-point lead. While the leading team is up by 20 or more points they are not allowed to full court press, they must drop back to half court and the clock will be a running clock, even in the last 3 minutes of 4th quarter. The leading coach may only use ONE substitution only timeout (this will be to sub players in only, not a coaching or instructional timeout) during the mercy rule.


13. In the event of a tie there will be one 2-minute overtime. Each team will have 1 timeout per overtime played. If the game is tied at the end of overtime, another 2-minute overtime round will be played. If the score is tied at the end of the second overtime play, there will be a third round of play in sudden death fashion. The first team to score will be determined the winner.


6th Grade Playing Rule Exceptions 

1. Games will consist of two referees.

2. Grade 6 GIRLS will use a designated intermediate ball (28.5 circumference ball). Grade 6 BOYS will use a designated official ball (29.5 circumference ball).

3. Games will consist of four 8-minute quarters, with a 3-minute halftime.

4. Goals will be at 10 feet high.


5. Free throws will be shot from the free throw line.


6. The clock is a running clock except the last 3 minutes of the 4th quarter, and then it will become a regular clock stopping on each whistle (e.g. violations, turnovers, timeouts, fouls, etc.)

7. Exceptions:

  • The clock will be stopped for charged time outs and official time outs (e.g. for injuries).  
  • The clock continue to be a running clock (not stopping) if one team has a lead of 20 or more points.

8. Each team is allowed 3 timeouts per half. (30-seconds long).


9. Grade 6 may press at any time during the game.

10. The 3-second lane violation will be strictly enforced.

11. Teams will shoot 2 free throws after the 10th team foul.


12. The Mercy Rule will be in effect once a team has a 20-point lead. While the leading team is up by 20 or more points they are not allowed to full court press, they must drop back to half court and the clock will be a running clock, even in the last 3 minutes of 4th quarter. The leading coach may only use ONE substitution only timeout (this will be to sub players in only, not a coaching or instructional timeout) during the mercy rule.


13. In the event of a tie there will be one 2-minute overtime. Each team will have 1 timeout per overtime played. If the game is tied at the end of overtime, another 2-minute overtime round will be played. If the score is tied at the end of the second overtime play, there will be a third round of play in sudden death fashion. The first team to score will be determined the winner.


Mission Statement



Purpose of TCYBA:

TCYBA was established for the sole purpose of providing an opportunity for the boys and girls of Caddo Mills ISD, Community ISD, Royse City ISD, Quinlan ISD, Farmersville ISD, and Commerce ISD to participate in a developmental basketball program and compete in competitive game play.


Admission Price

Regular Season

K-6th grade $1.00

7th grade to Adults $4.00


K-Adults $4.00


ALL $5.00