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2016 Registration forms are now available for download.
Click on FORMS to the left of this page.
2016 Registration fees:
$200.00 Per child
$350.00 Maximum per family
Refer a friend to Triton Pop Warner and get $25 off your registration fee.
After July 1st there will be a $25 late fee for sign ups.
IMPORTANT - All Football players and Cheerleaders must submit full payment and required paperwork
before they will be allowed to practice with their team.
Paperwork that is required for each child is as follows:
Official Birth Certiticate (Raised Seal)
End of Year Report Card
Participant Contract/Parental Consent Form
Player Medical History Form (Must Be Pop Warner Form)
Sport Parent Code Of Conduct
Football Contract / Cheering Contract
Uniform Agreement Form
Photo Release Form
If you wish to mail your paperwork and payment, please send to the address below:
Triton Pop Warner
P.O. Box 767
Byfield, MA 01922
Attn: Registration